Sequel: True Affection.
Status: Completed.

Fuel to the Fire.

Sailors and Saints.

“So you guys aren’t dating?”
“Nope”, I said folding up the clothes; I hate people that just throw shit around.
“But you’re going to his little brother’s birthday party today.”
“Yeah, but so is his other friends.”
“But you’re going.”
“You guys have a weird relationship”, Luke said laughing and throwing a shirt in my face.
“Well he always tells me to be his girlfriend but I don’t want to.”
“Not the relationship type, especially when it comes to someone I actually like.”
“You’re a strange girl”, he said laughing.
My theories on relationships might be strange to people, but to me it’s the only rules I can live by. It doesn’t help that everyone tells me that John is known for being a player, and I’ve noticed it firsthand. I’m not going to just be one of those girls. John O’Callaghan is single handed the most confusing guy I have ever been with. One day he’s saying he’s not good enough for me and then the other he’s asking me to be his girlfriend. Never been so confused on reading someone in my whole life. After work I got home and hurried to get dressed. Buttoning up my shirt over my bikini. Once I was ready I walked outside and next door. I sat down next to Eric who was waiting on Theresa. We just sat there talking, mostly him talking up John and how much he liked me. Everything he said went straight through my ears. I knew John had feelings for me; I just don’t like the idea of a relationship right now. Once Theresa got there we all went over to John’s house. We pulled up to a nice house, his BMW parked outside. I walked behind them feeling awkward. Max joking around, tripping me as we walked through the backyard. A grip of little kids running around, a jumpers thrown in the corner and a bunch of adults walking around. I felt very weird. I looked around following them, gifts in hand. I’ve met John’s little brothers a couple of times when they came over to the house, but I have yet to meet his parents and I couldn’t ignore the butterflies in my stomach. I saw John standing there with some older people; he looked up noticing us there and smiled over at us waving us over. We walked over to where he was and he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Mom this is Dylan.”
“Hey Honey, you are beautiful. John keeps talking about you.”
“Oh man.”
Yeah that’s the only thing that came out of my mouth, and in response both of them laughed and she just called me adorable. She gave me another hug before walking off. I stood there feeling really shaky and nervous; John just put his arm around me with a laugh.
“Why are you so awkward?”
“My Mom was really awkward.”
“Well I happen to think your awkwardness is adorable.”
“Thanks”, I said blushing making him laugh and give me another kiss.
The awkwardness didn’t end there; John had to invite me to his whole family. The only time I felt comfortable was when we were in the pool with his little brother Shane and Ross and of course all their friends. I felt like I should cover my tattoos but John told me not to care, that his family were really chill. The day was spent running around and practically acting like kids. We were practically dragged out of the pool to go eat. We sat around talking, my awkwardness going away every hour.
“Thank you for coming”, John said as we sat down on the swing.
The backyard emptied out and his family inside the house, I’m pretty sure crashed out. I looked back and John and smiled and pumped myself up.
“I had a lot of fun.”
“Me too, my parents love the fuck out of you.”
“No they don’t.”
“Yes, now shut up”, he said stopping and looking over at me.
I just smiled and kept on swinging. He walked over to the front of me and caught me while I pumped up and grabbed me into a kiss. I just laughed into the kiss and pulled away. He held me in place and then gave me that look. That look when I knew I was fucked, where he was going to get gay on me and a little too serious for me.
“I think I’m a little bit in love with you.”
I just stared back at him, my heart jumping out of my chest and he just stared at me completely calm. I looked over to the back path, thinking of a fast getaway. He just laughed and looked back at me.
“Thinking of a way out?”
“Yeah, but your bikes in the way”, I said with a complete serious face pointing over at the bike blocking the path way.
“Next time I’ll remember to move it.”
“Thank you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Dylan, is a frustrating girl i know.

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Lack of Color.