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Because Of You

Chapter Eleven - Isabella

Once Brandon got into the car we all looked at the beach once more before turning around and heading home. Our attention was directed towards Rachel when we heard her moving around in the back seat.

“Rachel? What are you doing?” Brandon asked, one hand on the wheel.

“It’s cold,” we heard her reply. I felt my seat fall back a bit as Rachel crawled into the front, settling in my lap.

I giggled when I noticed what she wanted. I clicked the seat belt button and clicked it back in once Rachel made herself comfortable. “Rachel? What are you doing, you aren’t supp---” I lightly touched Brandon’s free hand and shook my head. He let out a sigh and intertwined his fingers with mines. Rachel pulled the blanket up to the front and spread it over all three of us in the front. It wasn’t long before she fell asleep, snuggling closer to me.
“I love you Mommy. I love you Daddy.” We heard her mumble before being defeated by sleep.

“We love you too Rachel. And I love you Isabella.” He squeezed my hand for a moment and smiled.

“I love you too Brandon.” The ride home was quiet. But filled with the comfort of having each other together. I carried Rachel out of the car and she clung to my body as if I was going to drop her. Brandon brought everything in the house.

“How’d you like your surprise?” Mom asked, smiling when she saw Brandon and I enter the room hand in hand.

“Best surprise ever.” A goofy grin planted itself on his face as we walked upstairs.

Brandon set up Rachel’s bath as I got her things ready. “Bubbles!!” she grinned, jumping into the tub causing bubbles to float everywhere. I laughed walking into the bathroom standing besides where Brandon was kneeling. I crouched down beside him leaning on the bath tub side wiping off the bubble beard Rachel grew so quickly. I noticed Brandon scoop up a handful of bubbles and stared wide eyed at him as he rubbed it all over my face, making sure not to get them in my eyes or mouth. I grinned, doing the same to both of them. The three of us ended up growing bubble makeovers. Rachel surprisingly finished her bath and stepped out laughing as she got out.

“What’s so funny?” I asked getting off my knees. Brandon joined in laughing.

“Rachel go get changed up and I’ll show Isabella what we’re laughing at,” he said winking at Rachel as she ran to her room. Brandon slowly made his way over to me shooting me a sly smile. He reached up and wiped away the bubbles that I still had on my face. ‘Oh’ I muttered understanding now. I stepped backwards only to hit the wall. Brandon still crept closer putting his hands on both sides of my head looking right into my eyes. His deep brown eyes capturing me in a gaze I couldn’t escape. He leaned in close enough for me to feel his breath at the base of my throat. I got a tingly feeling in my stomach when he leaned forwards. Even closer, his forehead resting on mine. One of his hands slid down from the wall to rest lightly on my hip. His lips brushed against mine, obviously teasing me. My arms wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him closer. I felt his lips quirk up in a smile against mines.

“What about me?” I felt Rachel squeeze her way between Brandon and I looking up, pleading not to be forgotten. Brandon took a step backwards as I bent down so Rachel could attach herself onto my hip.

“What a beautiful family,” Mom said from the hallway smiling.

Blushing a little I stepped out letting Brandon wash up and took Rachel to Brandon’s room. I’ve never really been in this room. Brandon and Rachel moved in about 2 months ago, but I just noticed that I haven’t ever been in here. It was pretty neat for a guy’s room. No clothes on the ground, no rubbish thrown around. The bed was made and their clothes were tucked neatly in their drawers.

“Mommy.” I turned and walked towards the bed where Rachel was already laying down in, all tangled in the sheets. “I’m stuck.” She said flailing her arms and legs under the sheet as an attempt to try to get out. I smothered my laugh and helped her out.

“Stop laughing at me.” She pouted, her bottom lip jutting out and her eyes sad again. I jumped up, noticing I wasn’t the one laughing though. From behind I felt my back lean against Brandon’s chest and he apologized to Rachel. We both sat on the bed unraveling our little Rachel. She mumbled a ‘Thank you.’ Before wrapping her tiny arms around both Brandon and my waist, trying her best to hug us both. I leaped on the bed and pulled Rachel onto my chest.

“Mommy can you tell me that bedtime story again?” Rachel asked, hope in her voice.

I began to panic. I made up that story the first day I met both Brandon and Rachel and it was about us being a family. What would Brandon say if he heard that I wanted this all along. I would sound so desperate. I closed my eyes and felt the bed sink lower when Brandon added his weight to the bed.

“Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Rachel.” Brandon went on smiling as he laid next to me. Rachel sitting between us, begging him to continue. “Her King brought Rachel to a new place where they could live. They were happy together. Just them two. But secretly, both Rachel and Daddy became lonely. They needed a Mommy to complete their little family.” He smiled and directed the story to me. “One day King dropped Rachel off to a kingdom where she could play while the King continued his search for a Queen. The King was fortunate enough to bump into a beautiful lady that was very kind to him. They talked for awhile and he began to really like this lady.” Rachel finally laid down between us, waiting for what would happen next.

“The King was very sad when he had to say good-bye to the beautiful lady. He vowed to come back for her and make her his lovely queen one day.”

“Daddy more.” Rachel asked, tugging on his shirt.

“No no, not tonight. Let Mommy Isabella get washed up and you need to go to sleep.”

I heard her sigh as I walked out his room. While I was finished I stood there letting the heat from the water fog up all of the mirrors and glass. Leaning against, the wall thinking about Brandon’s story. I’m pretty sure it was about me and him. He wanted to be with me ever since we met. I thought to myself, stepping out and getting dressed before Rachel could pop in unexpectedly again. Brandon’s door was closed as I passed by and the lights were out. He falls asleep so quickly. I noted moving through the beads hanging from my door. There was a lump under my blankets and when I poked it, the magic lump giggled.

“OhMyGosh, I have a giggling pillow. That is soooo cool.” I scooped up my ‘magic giggling pillow’ and got under the sheets. “Rachel! How long have you been under there?” I asked, pretending to be surprised. She giggled and squirmed her way up to the pillow. I heard the ‘beep’ meaning she turned on the AC and suddenly the room when black.

“Good Night Mommy. Good Night Daddy.” Rachel gave out a little yawn.

“Daddy isn’t--”

“Good Night Rachel. Good Night Isabella.” I opened my eyes and noticed that Brandon was hovering over both of us, kissing Rachel on her forehead then me.

“Daddy come.” Rachel patted the empty spot next to her on the bed. I nodded and slipped in before the AC began blowing out cold air.

“Good Night Babygirl. Good Night Brandon.” I yawned. Turing towards Rachel, draping my arm over her stomach. Brandon’s hand found its way and locked out fingers together. The sound of Rachel’s breathing filled my room, followed my Brandon’s. Their breaths in sync with each other’s telling me they’ve drifted to sleep already. Before I did the same I whispered in the dark, “I love you Rachel. I love you Brandon.” I don’t know if I was imagining things or what, but I thought I heard Brandon mumble ‘I love you’ in return. But I was already gone before I could ask or wonder. The three of us, drifting off to sleep in one bed. Our only intentions, to make Rachel happy and to be happy ourselves.
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