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Because Of You

Chapter Fourteen - Isabella

“I’ll see you guys in two months.” Saying good-bye to everyone at the diner, I met Brandon outside. He probably knew something happened by the way he smiled and laughed as I skipped towards him.

“Hello Hello.” I sang bubbly with joy. Skidding to a stop making sure our bodies stood close enough for him to grin like he won the lottery.

“Hello to you too. Do I have permission to ask why you’re so happy?”

My smile grew wider as I kissed his cheek. “Me. No work. Two Months.”

Making an ‘oh’ gesture, he returned my kiss. Brandon couldn’t stop laughing as I swung our arms joyfully as we walked to the YMCA. “If this is how you are when you get a vacation, I’m not sure how you would react if I said Mom and I have been planning to go on a trip for two months.” Stopping dead in my tracks I faced Brandon looking at him trying to figure out if he was lying or not. “I know what you’re doing. I’m not lying.” He let go of my hand and ran to the YMCA.

“Brandon!! Come back here!” I followed behind him picking up my pace so I would be first at the YMCA. “Oh c’mon, you’re supposed to be faster than me.” I said sticking out my tongue.

“Hey Brandon, Isabella. I’ll go get Rachel.” Brandon knelled on the ground panting for air like a dog. Rachel came running over tackling him to the ground.

“Daddy!” Poor Brandon just laid there on the floor trying to catch his breath.

“Ra-Rachel!” he tried yelling in return.

Rachel giggled as she got up to hug my leg, “Hi Mommy.”

“Hey Babygirl. I think you killed Daddy.” Kneeling next to him I poked his body and he tried to suppress his laughter.

“Daddy! Come back! Don’t die I’m sorry!” she was about to start crying when Brandon pretended to come back to life. “Yay! Daddy is breathing Mommy.”

“Isabella. Can I speak to you for a moment?”

“Sure thing Tammy, what it is?” We left Brandon and Rachel to play around while Tammy lead me to a vacant office.

“Isabella, a lady and man wanted to see Rachel today. I told them they had no permission to and the lady threw a big dramatic fit about it. She was dressed up…. Sort of like a… hooker.” She whispered softly so no one else could hear.

“I understand. Thank you for not letting them see her. Can you make sure if they ever come back or if you ever hear from them again call Brandon or I or even my Mom immediately please.” She nodded and I hugged her. “Thank you so much. That lady wants Rachel back. But I know they won’t treat her right. She calls Rachel an ‘it’ and the man doesn’t do anything to control her.” She didn’t need more explanation than that. We exchanged more information about Lauren and Joe and we were done we acted like none of it happened. Tammy went back to play with the kids and I walked over to Brandon and Rachel.

“Hey Mommy guess---“

“Sh Rachel, we’ll tell her later. Mommy looks… tired.” Rachel nodded and walked out of the YMCA. “What’s wrong Sweetie?” he brushed some of my hair behind me ear and I just mumbled ‘later.’

Our walk home was unusual. I didn’t talk to anyone and looked at the ground the whole way home. Brandon knew something was wrong, but he didn’t bother to ask until we got home.
“Hey Rachel, why don’t you go watch some TV while Mommy and I talk.” She yelled for Spongebob and made herself comfortable in front of the TV. “Mom, something’s wrong with Isabella.” I took a seat at the table and waited for both of them before explaining.

“Lauren and Joe… They stopped by the YMCA demanding to see Rachel. Tammy didn’t let them and Lauren ended up throwing a tantrum before leaving.” Looking up at both of them I could tell they were ready to do something about those two. “I told Tammy if she ever heard about them again to call either one of us. Mom… Brandon… I’m scared…” Fresh tears began pouring down my cheek. “What if they try taking her away again… I can’t lose her. Or any of you.” I felt Mom and Brandon place their hands on mine, squeezing it trying to reassure me.

“We don’t want to lose her either. And we’ll try our best to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
“Exactly. We’re all in this together now Bella.” I nodded, thanking them for everything but not convinced. I knew something bad was going to happen.

“Hey.” Brandon lifted my chin so I would make eye contact with them both. “Don’t think about them. We’re going on a vacation remember.” My smile broke through as I remembered a two month get away. “Good girl. Now go get packed. Everyone get packed. We’re leaving as soon as possible.”

We packed as fast as we could and we all met back downstairs. Hands full of suitcases and bags all eager to get out of here. “Is everyone ready?” Mom asked joining us. Rachel jumped up and down clapping her hands while Brandon called a cab. I looked at Mom and noticed she didn’t have any bags.

“Mom you’re not coming?”

She looked at the ground and fiddled with her fingers.

“Yes you are Mom, I have four tickets.” Brandon said pulling out the tickets. “One for Rachel, One for Isabella, One for me, and One for our Almighty Queen.” She hugged Brandon and ran upstairs like a little kid, getting ready to leave.

Ten minutes passed by quickly and we locked up everything when the cab driver honked the car horn. “Coming!” we yelled putting our bags into the small trunk. Before I could even look down at our small island again and remember certain people, we were already in the plane, waiting to take off.

Good-bye Oahu.
Good-bye Lauren and Joe.
Hello Vacation.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ta-Da !! Vacation! :D
Thank you for all of you readers that have given me much support <3

-Now for all you readers our there that followed my 'Stay With Me' story, I am happy to say I have already written down three chapters and I'm just waiting for at least one more comment so I can finally post it up ;) Tell everyone else too :D

*Much love to you all <3