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Because Of You

Chapter Sixteen - Brandon

“Sweetie. Wake up.” I shook Isabella gently and she stirred a bit but snuggled deeper into my chest getting comfortable again. I laughed and kissed her forehead, whispering in her ear to get up or else the plane will leave without us. Understanding what I had said she jumped up and packed up.

“Thank you for flying with Hawaiian Airline. We hope you’ve enjoyed your trip and to see you all back next time,” the flight attendant smiled at us.

Isabella rolled her eyes when she noticed the flight attendant trying a bit too hard to get me to notice her. I smiled knowing she was getting a bit upset. Placing my hand on her hip and watching the shock on the flight attendants face was a good enough “Welcome to Texas” sight for us all. I walked over to the conveyer belt searching for our bags while the girls went to go use the restroom.

“Girls take forever in the bathroom.” I muttered to myself. From the distance I saw a bright blue Tinkerbell bag moving towards me followed by the rest of our luggage. Reaching out to retrieve out bags I felt uneasy. Noticing that I was being watched isn’t the best way to be welcomed here. Girls stopped and starred as I got all of our bags, gasping, giggling, and smiling like they won the lottery.

“Sorry we took awhile.” Isabella, Mom, and Rachel came walking towards me. “Seems like you were kept occupied.” Isabella scowled looking around.

“I don’t know what’s going on. I just went to grab our luggage. Promise.” I walked over to Isabella and placed my lips upon hers, receiving more gasps and people starring.

“I believe you.” She beamed wrapping her arm around my waist while mines rested on her shoulder, drawing her closer to me.

Mom laughed, trying to cover Rachel’s eyes.

“Mama! I want to see Mommy and Daddy kissing! Mama I can’t see!” she whined trying to move around Mom. “Mama! They’re done kissing!” She crossed her arms and walked to her Tinkerbell bag.

“Well you guys know how to put on a show.” A girl from behind us spoke smiling.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“At first when uhm…”

“Isabella.” I said. “And this is Mom and I’m Brandon.” We all smiled at her.

“Nice to meet you all. I’m Nina.” She curtsied gracefully then continued. “Anyways, when all of the girls saw you alone they thought they had a chance. It didn’t help when you went to get the luggage you know. They were all probably starring at those.” Nina walked up to me pointing to my arms. “Then when… Isabella came walking towards you, all of those girls got jealous. And to top off all of their jealousy, you guys put on a pretty interesting kiss for everyone to witness.”

I looked down at Isabella whose smile grew bigger after every word Nina would say, her cheeks stained with a slight blush. She leaned into my chest and looked up at me, glowing with confidence.

“You guys are so cute.” Nina whispered.

Leaning down to Isabella we returned to our little “show”, smiling as we heard the girls reactions.

“Okay okay you two. We don’t want to be on the Most Wanted list if we ever come back to Texas.” Nina and Mom giggled off to the side too engrossed in their conversation to notice all the attention we’ve attracted.

Isabella and I were shaken a bit as Rachel ran towards us yelling ‘Mommy! Daddy!’

“Hi there Babygirl.” Isabella bent low to pick up Rachel.

“That’s your child?” Nina asked a bit shocked.

Before Isabella could complicate it I nodded grinning. “Yes she is.”

We all walked quietly away from the luggage claim listening to all of the side comments.

“Why the heck is that ugly girl with that gorgeous guy!?” A blonde hissed.

“He’s sooo hot.”

“I think the girls pretty sexy.”

“Can you believe the way they look together!? They even have a kid! Baby! I want us to be like that.” A girl whined tugging on a guy’s arm that was standing next to her.

“You guys are such great role models.” Nina whispered proudly.

“Thanks. Hey Nina? Where are you off to?”

We all stopped walking and starred as Nina fiddled with her finger and looked at the ground. She was so proud of us only awhile ago, but that had all washed away now. Nina looked up at us and we all noticed she was on the verge of tears. Isabella walked up to her and gave her a long hug. Nina reluctantly wrapped her arms around Isabella and buried her tear stricken face into the crook of Isabella’s neck.

“It’s alright. What happened?” Isabella rubbed Nina’s back trying her best to make her stop tearing.

“I was supposed to be going to Pennsylvania with my boyfriend…. But he saw one of his exgirlfriends… And now there isn’t an ex on her, it’s on me.”

“He just left you!? For one of his ex girlfriends.”

“Current Girlfriend.” Nina corrected still holding onto Isabella.

“Well that just isn’t right. He left you alone at the airport with nowhere to go. He’s such a jerk. You’re better off without him Hunny.” Nina calmed down a bit when Isabella filled her head with the truth.

Dragging her upside down Tinker Bell bag, Rachel ran up to us. “Daddy? Why was Aunty Nina crying?”

“Did she just call me Aunty?” Nina asked in disbelief.

“She seems to like you.” Isabella smiled at her.

I stood there for awhile contemplating if it was a good idea or not. Starring at the clock that hovered over us, I finished deciding and called them. Everything was arranged when I walked back to the group.

“Who was that?”

“Hey Nina.” She looked up at me, it hurt to see her so heartbroken over a jerk like that. “We’re also going to Pennsylvania, why don’t you join us. I think Isabella and Mom would love for you to come along.” I looked at them and they all nodded in approval. “And Rachel seems to love you already.” I pointed out as Rachel sat on the ground hugging Isabella’s and Nina’s legs.

“That would be nice but I don’t want to interrupt on your family trip.”

“Nonsense! If Rachel approves of you, you’re basically family.” Mom slapped her back lightly laughing.

“Yea you should come. It’d be great.”

“…Okay. Thank you all for everything.” Nina began tearing again, but she smiled through her tears and we made our way to Isabella’s next surprise.

“Hey Brandon where are we going?”

I pointed to the lone jet on the runway.

“No way.” They stared dropping their bags.

“Surprise!” Mom and I yelled. “I talked to the pilot already and they’ve opened up a seat just for you Nina.” They didn’t hear me though; they both ran towards the jet squealing.

“Nice one.” Mom tapped my shoulder as the pilot grabbed our luggage.

Isabella and Nina were already on the jet inspecting everything; still smiling like there was no tomorrow. Rachel, Mom, and I settled in and the girls had to do so as well when the Pilot began talking.

“We’re ready to depart Texas. We should arrive in Pennsylvania in about 6 hours. I hope you all enjoy this ride. The crew and I would like to thank Brandon for setting this entire special occasoin up.” The intercom shut off and we began our 6 hour ride.

“Thank you so much Brandon.” Nina hugged me.

“Where would I be without you?” Isabella asked sitting on my lap.

“I don’t know. Hopefully not with some guy like Nina’s ex.” Wrapping my arms around her waist she wiggled around getting comfortable again.

“I would never…” she lifted my chin so I was starring right at her. “Because I have someone as great as you.” Her forehead met mines and she pulled me closer.

“I will try my best to make you happy. I would never want to hurt you.”

“I know.” I smiled as she kissed me and I laid her down without breaking the kiss.

What have I done to deserve this beautiful girl?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it was awhile !
I tried seeing how many supporters would encourage me to continue and I thank all of you that did so :D

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