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Because Of You

Chapter Seventeen - Isabella

“Thanks Jane.”

“No problem Isabella. You should go back to your cabin; we still have 4 more hours until we land.”

I smiled at the pilots and walked out of the control room. First I passed Nina and Rachel’s bed. Rachel cuddled up close to Nina. I bent low to kiss both of their foreheads, satisfied when they both smiled, still sleeping. Before I left them I pulled the covers higher on them both then closed their curtain. Doing the same for Mom left where Brandon and I stayed.
I opened the curtain slowly to see Brandon sleeping as well. I smiled as I watched his chest pump up and down with each breath he exhaled. He didn’t move as I sat down on the bed besides him. I placed my hand on his chest where I could feel his beat.

“Come here.” I jumped a bit noticing I had woke him up.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” I mumbled before trying to remove my hand from his chest.

Brandon grabbed a hold of my hand and left it above his beat. His eyes shut closed and he smiled. I finally noticed what the girls had gone crazy about. Even through his white V-neck it wasn’t hard to miss his toned abdominal structure. His shirt didn’t cover up his arms either. How the heck did I run faster than him if he’s so in shape!? I smiled remembering that he was mine, not any of those other girls. If you ever looked at him you would think he was rocking his looks everywhere he went. But he wasn’t. Brandon has a daughter that he needs to take care of. But he loved her no matter what he had to go through.

“What are you thinking of?” he asked looking up at me.

I smiled, “You.”

“Why would you be thinking of me?” He opened his arms and I rested my head near his as I got under the covers with him.

“Because you’re amazing.”

“I beg to differ my dear.”

“How did you do it?”

Brandon’s hands rubbed my back while mines ran over his stomach. “Do what my dear?”

“Deal with everything. Rachel. Miranda. Lauren and Joe.”

My head rose along with his chest as he put into deep thought of the question I asked. The warmth of his body traveled from his to mines as he brought me closer to him. “I really don’t know. I can’t deny that Miranda and I had done something we shouldn’t have. But when I found out it was mine I couldn’t let her kill Rachel. I can’t deny that Rachel wasn’t planned but I still love her. That was my own child inside of Miranda. Since I had finished school already I had no intentions of telling her to get rid of Rachel. Lauren and Joe were barely around though. During the first few months they just thought Miranda was going through major mood swings and just getting a bit chubby. But she couldn’t hide it after that. She came to live with me. Even though my family didn’t like her we still took care of her. We all didn’t know what she was doing behind our backs.”

“What was she doing behind your backs?” I asked a bit curious about Rachel’s real Mom.

“Jewelry went missing in the house. She always came home late or didn’t come home at all. To tell you the truth, we were all just selfish. We didn’t really care about Miranda. After the first couple of days that she threw dramatic fits over nothing my family ignored her just waiting for the day the baby was born. So was I. I didn’t know Miranda was seeing different guys behind my back until after Rachel was born. It was the first day Miranda was released from the hospital. She was so relieved to be able to get out of there to spend time with ‘the one she loves.’ The whole time I thought she was talking about me and I was happy because I thought she had finally changed. But once she stepped out of the hospital she told me she wanted no part in Rachel’s life and got in the car with a car and drove out of both of our lives. My family helped me raise Rachel and we thought we were all going to be just fine. But a few weeks before I met you Miranda came back wanting Rachel. We knew it wouldn’t be good so Rachel and I moved away. I guess Miranda got her parents involved..”
I listened quietly to his story. Disgusted by the way Miranda was. She shouldn’t be allowed to have any more kids or even roam freely on the streets. She won’t ever get Rachel. If she ever did I don’t know if I would be able to control myself.

“It’s really weird though. Rachel didn’t look at all like Miranda. Do you know Miranda is actually blonde?” I looked up at him not really surprised. “I know, stupid question, but she is. Rachel doesn’t have her hair. Rachel has liquid honey eyes. Miranda has emerald eyes. When I look at Rachel I don’t even remember Miranda because there is no trace of her in Rachel. Rachel is kind and loving for a little girl. Miranda isn’t. If anything, Rachel looks a lot like you. Weird right?”

I looked deep into his melting brown eyes, understanding each sentence he said. It was as if all of this was supposed to happen. Brandon had solved his puzzle. He and Rachel found a place where they fit in perfectly, and it just so happened that Mom and I were the matching pieces. Throughout all the pain they had gone through, Brandon believes it all paid off because he has met us both.

I smiled and leaned up to meet his eyes. His hands slid under my shirt causing my beat to pick up. I leant down attaching my lips to his and as I did the same. In a moment that flew by quickly both of our shirts landed on the ground. I wanted him. But not like this. Not on a jet with my family a few doors next to us. It’s not easy fighting yourself over something you want so badly. So why fight?

He smiled teasing me as he bit my bottom lip, starring right at me with eyes filled with such lust. Grabbing both his arms quickly I pinned them both above his head returning his smile with my own sinister grin. Beneath me I felt his body shiver as I moved down from his mouth to his neck, leaving light kisses as I traveled to his chest; eagerly searching for more shivers. His body jerked upwards as his breathing quickened and I couldn’t take it anymore. My smiled widened as I let my teeth escape lightly grazing over a specific spot. Letting my lips brush against his bare skin I giggled looking towards his pleasured smile that he buried under the pillow nearby. Liking his reaction I straddled over to a position allowing me to move more. His body twitched a bit as I bent back down to suck on that spot that caused beautiful moans to escape from his perfect lips. I couldn’t help but kiss everywhere on his chest, making sure it could be easily covered by his shirt. We wouldn’t want Rachel finding out something naughty was happening, now would we? ;)

I slowly pulled the pillow away, revealing a smile on Brandon’s face and his eyes shut tight. “Aww what’s wrong Brandon?” I asked amused. Before he could answer I bit down on his skin gliding closer towards his torso.

His body arched upwards again as he gasped for air in the room that hadn’t been tainted by his lustful moans. Placing both of my hands on each side of his body I hovered over him and saw the shimmer of hope as he opened his eyes.

“Did I do something wrong?” My voice low and seductive as I pressed my body down on his, not breaking eye contact with him.

His eyes rolled back before his hand ran up my leg to my thigh to rest on my arse. Knowing where this was going I pushed our limit harder. I leaned on one side of my hand for support as the other sneaked its way to run up his leg to his thigh as well, slowly creeping closer. He managed to moan my name before reaching for the pillow once more. Not once has he tried to stop me. Brandon let out a frustrated groan as I glided past his area back to his stomach.

“Do you realize what you’re doing to me?” He asked through gasps of air. I nodded knowing he knew that we couldn’t go any further than a tease. “You’re no fair.”

“I don’t play fair.” I whispered into his ear leaning lower for my chest to press up against his.

One side of his lips rose as he smirked, “If you don’t. I won’t either.” With that his hand slid into my shorts.

“Oh God…” I whispered feeling like a teenager with raging hormones.

Our moment crashed and burned all too soon when her voice called out throughout the jet.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Her voice got louder and Brandon and I quickly resumed our positions of responsible parents.

“In here Babygirl.” I called out as she entered our cabin.

Rachel jumped on the bed a bit until she bounced into my lap. “Why is Daddy grumpy?” she asked tilting her head in wonder.

Brandon grumbled loudly and rested his chin on my shoulder burying his face into the crook of my neck. A slight blush stained my cheek as I felt his breath against my skin. I couldn’t do anything other than smile, “He’s just tired.”

“I’m not done with you, Mama.” He whispered seductively in my ear running his hand over my leg up to my stomach under the blanket.

“What are you guys talking about Mommy?”

“Nothing Babygirl. C’mon let’s get some sleep.” I pulled Rachel down onto the bed with me and she quickly fell back to sleep on my outstretched arm. Brandon scowled but laid back as well, resting his head on my chest.

My fingers danced through his hair and the scowled quickly replaced itself with his stunning smile. “I love you.”

His lips met mine, “I love you too and this little girl.” He squeezed her cheek before laying back down and drifting off to dream. I sighed, a bit disappointed but did the same. Beginning to dream with a smile on my face thanks to this little girl and this loving man.
♠ ♠ ♠
XD Who thought they were actually going to do something ??
Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. All depends on you guys.
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Much Love To Everyone Who Is Still With Me & Supporting <3