Status: Can't update without comments

Because Of You

Chapter Eighteen - Brandon

My eyes shot upon and I quickly sat up unsuccessfully, rubbing the bump that was beginning to form on my head. The plane swerved from left to right. To my right I could hear a muffled giggle.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.” I whispered.

“Don’t worry about it. That little scene was enough payback.” Her hand found mines and she gave me a light squeeze. The plane made a sharp turn again and everyone in the plane seemed to be up. “What’s wrong with the plane?”

I shrugged and got out of the bed. “Stay here. I’ll go check with the pilots.” Isabella didn’t let go of my hand and pulled me back to her as the plane dipped low then back up several times. She climbed out of bed and walked past me to the pilot station as I followed. “I was going to do that you know.”

“I know. But I don’t really listen right?” She spun around and smiled sweetly.

I nodded and held her closely as the plane flew out of control. Quickly we barged into the room to find the three off them rushing around flipping switches and speaking into a talkie.

“What’s going on?” We asked.

“Sorry guys, weather got really bad in the past hours. Just sit tight and we’ll be landing in a few minutes. Tell everyone not to panic and to sit back in their seats.” I nodded and dragged Brandon out of the room to inform everyone.

We all gathered back at our seats, everyone looking a bit upset of being woken up. A swerve to the left got everyone’s attention and they all sat down and strapped it. Nina was trying to put Rachel in her seat but her hands fumbled and kept missing the clasp. Her hands shook uncontrollably and Isabella scooted pass to help them out. I watched as Isabella held Nina close, whispering words into her ear until her hands had stopped shaking. Nina nodded her head and Isabella pecked her forehead before directing her to sit down. Isabella quickly strapped in Rachel and did the same. She wiped away her tears that had escaped and sat next to her.

“Brandon, come here and sit down please. You’re going to get hurt.”

Smiling weakly I did as I was told and sat between Isabella and Rachel. The plane flew over bumps just as Jane informed us we’d be landing soon. Listening closely we all could see the distress in Nina’s breathing. We all reached out for her hand and held it tight.

“Everything’s going to be just fine Nina.” Without opening her eyes that were tightly shut she nodded rapidly.

“Am I missing something?” I asked puzzled.

“Would you like me to list them?” Isabella teased.

“Not nice,” I pouted. “Just the things that involve now please.”

“Okay. One, you’re seat belt isn’t even on.” She reached over to click it in and it eased up the mood as everyone smiled. “Two, Mom and Rachel are still a bit out of it because their tired. And three, Nina was in a plane crash a few years ago. This is her first time back on a plane. Her nerves are just getting to her…. That’s all for now.”

“Oh.” Was all I could say.

“Thank you for your encouraging words Brandon.” Nina’s whisper shaky.

I chuckled and squeezed her hand once more. “Everything will be just fine. Just look for yourself.”

Slowly, Nina opened her eyes until they were the size of a dish. Everyone faced the window.

“We’re sorry for that bumpy ride. But we’ve finally arrived in Pennsylvania.”

“Mommy! We’re in Pennyvania!” Rachel laughed jumping up and down in her seat. We all smiled as Rachel mispronounced Pennsylvania but went along with it.

“Yes sweetie, we’re in Pennyvania. The president is a Penny.”

“I like pennies!” Once Rachel was out of her seat she was running around the plane yelling about pennies.

“Here.” Nina pulled out a penny and placed it in her hand. “Just don’t eat Mr.Penny. You’ll hurt his feelings, ‘kay?” Rachel nodded enthusiastically and squealed skipping with Mr.Penny.

“You seem better.” I mused as we stepped out of the plane.

“Thanks to you all.” She smiled shyly hiding her embarrassment and rushed over to get inside the airport.

“Don’t take it personally. You’re just a really scary person.” Mom patted my shoulder before following Nina.

I turned to Isabella, jutting out my bottom lip and putting on my sad face. “Do you think I’m scary?”

“Mr. Penny thinks Daddy’s scary.” Rachel screamed from behind Isabella and sprinted until she disappeared behind the doors.

“Baby you’re not scary…” I smiled and kissed her cheek lightly. “Just freaky.” She quickly said before winking and running away from me.

“That’s not fair… I’m not freaky!” I yelled after her before slouching and slowly walking inside.

“I’m not freaky.” I repeated when I caught up with them.

Rachel, Isabella, and Nina starred at me and nodded. “Right, you’re not freaky or scary. You’re just weird.”

Clutching my hand I ‘sobbed’ quietly and sat alone. “There there weird guy. Cheer up, you’re in a new state with 3 girls… That love you.” I smirked and held my head high as we all walked through the airport to gather our things.

“Mama, that’s the weird man.” A little girl said to her mother.

“No, that’s the freaky man.” Her sister whispered loudly.

“Sorry girls, he’s the scary man.” Isabella retorted, ending with a wink to the mother so she understood. “Don’t trust strangers little girl. Always listen to your Mama because she doesn’t want scary mans taking you away from her. Okay?” The girls nodded quickly and held onto their mothers legs.

The mother mouthed a friendly ‘good job’ before leading them to get some food. Isabella avoided my ‘hurt’ expression and pressed on loading our bags into the car. Mom, Nina, and Rachel followed her without another word to me. All of them laughing as we began our drive to the hotel.
♠ ♠ ♠
*I forgot to post this chapter up before I took my leave on Mibba for awhile. So I believe there will be a change in my writing style now. But I'm back :)
I'm sorry for the really long delay. I'll try my best to make it up to everyone who's still supporting this story. Thank you very much

-Dana <3