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Because Of You

Chapter Two - Isabella

I counted the last few seconds of my shift and when the clock sang 3 o’clock I took off my apron, clocked out and got out of the diner as fast as I could. I didn’t live too far so I walked to work and back. The neighborhood was quiet today. That isn’t a good sign. I ended up running home making sure no one followed me.

“Mom I’m home!” I yelled at nothing in particular.

“Hi Honey. How was work today?” I didn’t tell her about Brandon, although he looked like he was the same age as me and has a daughter, she would approve. That’s just how she is. What the heck, I shouldn’t even be thinking about him! He probably has his eye out for a girl already.

“Well I’m heading out now, I’ll see you tomorrow Honey.”

I ran up to her and gave her a hug, “Okay, be careful Mom.” I watched as she twitched her hips to her car and drove off to the bar.

I’m usually alone since I work and when I do get home, mom has to start work. Last week I officially became an Alumni so I have nothing to do other than lay around the house.

After an hour of doing nothing but bore myself to death I decided to find something to occupy myself. I pulled out my cell and texted away.

Hey Sweetie. By any chance do you know a place that I could go to when I’m done with work. Like help out some kids or suu’in lyy’that? –Bella xoxo

It wasn’t long before my phone started vibrating, Lana replied.

Sup bebz’ um I no dere is a place where parents drop off dere kids at. I no dey need volunteers.—Lana

Mmm, helping out with kids shouldn’t be too bad. I actually really love kids. I hopped off of my happy lazy butt and went upstairs to my room to get changed. I pulled on a pair of my black skinnies and one of my favorite Tinkerbell shirts. I waited a few rings before Lana picked up.

“Mmkay, give me the deats. Sweetie.”

“Well it’s sorta like a afternoon daycare kind of thing. Parents drop off their kids so they can do what they need to and the volunteers just sorta watch and take care of the kids until their parents come back to pick them up. The volunteers are assigned a kid I think.”

“Where’s it at?”

“I think it’s just one block over from where you live at the YMCA.”

“Really? Thanks Sweetie, I’ll talk to you later.”

I heard her laugh from the other line, “No problem bebz.”

Once we hung up I slipped on my Vans and walked to the YMCA. There was a girl that looked only a few years older than me behind the counter. She smiled at me once I walked in, “Hi I’m Tammy, How can I help you?”

“Nice to meet you Tammy. My name is Isabella and I was wondering if I would be able to volunteer to help out the kids.”

“Oh that’s perfect. Come on right this way. I just need you to sign a few papers and you can get started right away. Sign here and here,” I signed on the lines. She led me into a room filled with kids running around.

“Hey Sidney, Jane, Travis. This is Isabella, she just started today.” We all introduced each other and Sidney showed me a little girl crying in a corner. Apparently she wouldn’t talk to anyone so I guess it was my turn to give it a shot.

The little girl was curled up in a corner hugging her knees weeping. I put a hand on her shoulder and she turned to look at me.

“Hey babygirl, what’s wrong?” Hey eyes reminded me of Brandon’s. So sad, so pleading. I sat down next to her and ran my finger through her hair. I pulled her close to my chest, just like I did with Brandon. “Shh babygirl don’t cry. You don’t need to cry.” I heard her weeping die down into little sniffling followed by her high pitched hiccups. “You feeling a little better now babygirl?” I felt her nod against my chest and I let her out of my hug.

She looked up at me and looked like she was going to cry again, “I’m sowwy Miss. I got your shirt all wet.” It was true, my shirt had wet spots all over Tinkerbell’s hair and dress.

I laughed a little, “No no, Babygirl it’s alright. Don’t cry anymore, okay?” She nodded and finally stopped tearing.

She noticed what shirt I was wearing and finally smiled, "I love Tinkerbell!."

I smiled and looked down at my shirt, "I do too."

I opened my arms towards her and she ran right into them, hugging me. Her hug reminded me of Brandon. How she held on tightly as if something horrible haunted her every action. “What’s your name Babygirl.”

She lifted up her little head from my grasp and shot me a little beautiful smile, “My name is Rachel.”

“Well hello there Rachel, my name is Isabella.”

She had trouble trying to pronounce my name at first but when my name finally rolled off her tongue it reminded me of the way Brandon had parted it. “ You have a pretty name.”

I wiped away the trail her tears had left, “Thank you Babygirl. So why were you crying?”

“I miss my Daddy.”

I wrapped her in a hug again, “Aww babygirl. You’re daddy will be back soon.”


“I Promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
You know who's daughter that is ? ;D

Thank you for reading.

Mmm maybe if i get more comments I'll update quicker. <3