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Because Of You

Chapter Three - Brandon

Once I walked out of the diner I started thinking about Isabella and I hanging out. She seemed like a really nice girl. I wouldn’t mind getting to know her better. What am I thinking?! I have a daughter that I need to focus on!

I sat outside of a restaurant waiting for her to arrive. I heard a car make its way into the parking lot and I watched as she stepped out, looking nothing like a mother but a girl that worked at a strip club.

“Brandon,” she said acknowledging me.

“Miranda.” I spat.

“Oh be a man Brandon and get over it already.”

“How am I supposed to get over it?! I love having Rachel but sometimes I regret even getting with you! When you told me you were pregnant I was so happy to be given the chance to raise a family with you because I thought you actually did love me! I was wrong. I was blind! It was all a lie wasn’t it!?” My yelling echoed throughout the empty parking lot.

“You want the truth Brandon?” I nodded, I needed to hear this. I needed to know the truth no matter how much it might hurt.

We fought back and forth throwing words at each other for what seemed like a year. When she was finally done fighting with me. She quite our little war. We were never going to fight again. Never.

And just like that she went back to the car and threw Rachel’s stuff onto the ground and left. My little Rachel doesn’t have a mother….

I gathered all of Rachel’s bags and brought them into my car. I couldn’t let Rachel see me like this right now. I decided to drive around for awhile. I stopped at a park. Finally breaking down like a little kid in my back seat. I am still a kid! I don’t regret having Rachel at all. But what I do regret is having Rachel with that selfish bitch Miranda. I couldn’t hold myself up anymore. Sleep washed over me and I blacked out just like a dying light bulb.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know you all are probably going to be confused when you read this. But Brandon will clarify it all for you later on. I promise.

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