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Because Of You

Chapter Five - Brandon

A strong light finally woke me up. I looked out of my car window and I noticed that the sun’s ray woke me up. Sun? What the frack! What time is it?! I looked at my cell phone. 7:45. “Rachel!” I shouted as I got into the front seat and drove to the YMCA. I literally skipped steps trying to get into the YMCA as fast as I could. Tammy was working the front counter again. I swung open the door and ran to her.

“Where’s Rachel?” Worry in my voice.

“Hey Hey Hey. Calm down Brandon. She’s fine. She’s safe. Don’t worry. Breathe for a minute.” I listened to her and only up ‘til now I noticed that I huffing out breaths. Panic in my eyes. “There that’s better,” she said once I started to breath normally and calmed down a bit. “Where were you last night?”

“I got caught up in some things. Where’s Rachel?”

“I said not to worry. She’s fine. One of our volunteers offered to take care of her until you came to pick her up. Here’s her address and number. I think it’d be smart if you went to her address though. It’s pretty early in the morning to call, you might wake them both up.” With that said I said my, ‘Thank you,’ and rushed over to the address Tammy had given me.

I passed by the Diner that I was at yesterday, where I met Isabella. The address Tammy gave me wasn’t too far from the diner. My engine echoed throughout the silent neighborhood. I found the house I was looking for and pulled into the driveway. I sat there for awhile. Trying to calm myself down and look sophisticated. I stepped out of my car, silently closing the door before making my way to the door. I knocked a few times but no one answered. I rang the doorbell and from inside I heard the floor creaking. I rang again and I heard someone running down the stairs to open the door.

What the frack? Isabella answered the door. She was still groggy, as if she just woke up. She didn’t notice it was me until she rubbed her eyes a bit and let out a soft yawn. “Yes? How can I help---” She didn’t finish her sentence when her eyes met mines. “Brandon? What are you doing here?” I studied her. She was in a button up shirt and her underwear. Nothing else. I felt a weird feeling within me. Focus!! I yelled at myself, hiding my smile.

“Sorry for bothering you. I must’ve got the wrong address,” I mumbled looking down at the piece of paper Tammy gave me.

“Mmm.” She mumbled. She asked looking down at the paper. “Umm you don’t have the wrong address. What are you looking for?”

“Tammy said a volunteer was taking care of my daughter.” Her eyes widened and her mouth seemed to open a bit.

“Your daughter? Rachel?” She asked still a bit stunned. I nodded.

“Oh come in come in.” Her hand reached out for mine and she pulled me into the house. I don’t know why. But I hesitated when she did so.

“Umm Isabella? Why do you have my daughter?” I finally asked. She looked up at me and waved me over to follow her up the stairs explaining on our way.

“Well I needed something to do after work, so I decided to help out at the YMCA. When I went over Tammy asked me to try and calm down a little girl that was crying in a corner.” Rachel was crying? I bet it was all my fault… “I was able to calm her down and we waited for her dad, I mean you, to come pick her up. But when you didn’t show it was already late and she said she was hungry so I took her out to eat and brought her back here. Don’t worry, she showered and everything and she fell asleep with me.” She lightly opened a door with beads handing down from the frame and led me in. On her bed I saw Rachel, fast asleep. I stood in the doorway as Isabella walked over to her bed.

“Hey Babygirl.” She said tapping her shoulder. Rachel’s eyes fluttered open and when she saw Isabella she smiled and leaped into her arms. Isabella let out a smooth chuckle. “Good Morning Babygirl.” Rachel buried her head into Isabella’s neck. When she let go and backed away a bit, not letting go of Isabella she smiled and kissed Isabella on her cheek.

“Good Morning Mommy.” My heart began to race. Did Rachel just call Isabella Mommy? Isabella let out a giggle and lifted Rachel off of the bed. Spinning her around in a hug. Again, I didn’t know why, but watching them made me feel good. Like it was right.

“I have a surprise for you Babygirl.” I smiled from the doorway, just listening to them made it all seem right. Isabella spun Rachel around again before stopping so Rachel could see me.

“Daddy!” Rachel yelled smiling. Isabella quietly made her way over to me. “Daddy I missed you!”

“Hey Princess,” I said letting a few tears drop. I opened my arms out to her and she happily leaped right into them.

“Daddy why are you crying?” She murmured into my neck.

“Nothing Princess. I just missed you.”

“Well she missed you too, Brandon.” I looked up at Isabella. She leaned on the wall smiling, watching us both. “Yesterday, Rachel was crying because she said she missed her daddy.” I looked down at Rachel and she kissed my cheek.

“Thank you Isabella. Thank you so much.” Without me actually realizing what I did, Isabella was in my arms as well. All three of us hugging each other, laughing.

“Aww well isn’t that a beautiful sight?” I heard a voice from the hallway say.
♠ ♠ ♠
Reunited !

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Thank you for reading <3