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Because Of You

Chapter Six - Isabella

I wiggled out of Brandon’s grasp and walked up to my mom, giving her a hug. “Welcome Home Mom.”

“Thank you Bella. And who might these two be?” She asked, not angry, more like happy we had company.

“This is Brandon and his daughter Rachel.” I said introducing my mom to them. “Brandon, this is my mom, Jane.”

“Oh please, just call me Mom.” I smiled at all of them. She never lets anyone call her mom. Only to the people she really likes and thinks will be around for a long while.
Brandon’s voice interrupted my thoughts, “Well sorry for bothering you two, we’ll just be on our way home, I guess.”

“Oh there’s no need for that. Why don’t you two stay for breakfast?” We all went downstairs and sat at the table as mom prepared us a big stack of pancakes.

When we were all finished Rachel jumped off of her chair and walked over to me. I smiled as she climbed into my lap. Brandon and my mom looking a bit shocked.

“Well well. Brandon you have a beautiful girl.”

“Thank you Jan—Mom.” He said correcting himself.

“Bella? How do you know this little girl?”

“Her name is Rachel, and I met her yesterday at the YMCA. I went there after you left for work. I was taking care of her there.” I let Rachel out of my lap and led her to the couch so she could watch some tv. I returned to the table and finished explaining.

“I see.” Was all my mom said.

“I’m sorry for being such a bother. Yesterday I sort of lost track of time.” I could tell Brandon wasn’t telling the full truth.

“Brandon, why don’t you tell us what really happened. We won’t judge you. You can trust us.” They exchanged looks and he nodded. He looked at me and began explaining.

“Well you see, at the diner, when I told you I dropped off my daughter. I had dropped her off to the YMCA because I didn’t need her to see her mother and I fighting. After I left the diner I met Miranda at a restruant. We fought and I felt so tired and dozed off. When I woke up I realized what I had done and raced over to the YMCA trying to find Rachel. And yea….” He trailed off looking down at his lap.

“Don’t feel ashamed, young man. Things like that happen. But if you don’t mind me asking. What happened between you and Miranda?” Mom spoke with such calmness in her voice.

He hesitated at first but gave into himself and opened up to us.

“Miranda and I were dating when I was in high school. She was home schooled but I met her when she tagged along with my friend and I. One thing led to another and we ended up dating. It wasn’t up ‘till recently that I found out that Miranda was using me to get someone else jealous. But during the time we were dating, Miranda became pregnant with Rachel. After Rachel was born, Miranda stormed out telling me she didn’t want any of this. My parents told me about Hawaii and told me it could be a nice place for Rachel and I to start over. Miranda and I discussed some things yesterday and she left for good. Her exact words to me were." He stopped to think, probably trying to remember what Miranda had said to him. After he took a deep breath he continued, "Her exact words.... were,

‘Brandon, I'm only 22! We were in high school when I found out I had a thing living inside of me! Did you actually think I wanted to raise a family with you? When I found out I was pregnant with Rachel I didn’t want any of it! You were so happy though so I kept it inside of me and dealt with all the pain it gave me. So here you go, you have a daughter now. I’ll sign whatever papers there are saying I don’t want to be her mother and that you and I are nothing more but strangers that had a kid together. I don’t want any part in this. Rachel’s all yours! Now if you excuse me, I’m on my way to the airport with a boy I do love.’

I was really pissed off at her because she kept calling Rachel and ‘it’ and ‘thing’. That’s her own daughter too and she decides to wants out all of a sudden?!” Brandon began tearing up, it was obvious Miranda had really hurt him.

I got up from my seat and sat next to Brandon, grabbing hold of his hands, wiping away his tears. “I’m so sorry Brandon.”

I stood beside him, and like yesterday at the diner, I held him in a hug.

“How old are you Brandon?” Mom asked curiously.

“I’m 20. Rachel’s 4. I don’t regret having her at all. I just regret that her mother had to be someone like Miranda.”

“Well Brandon. You seem like a very nice boy. And I’m glad you haven’t given up on your daughter. So… Feel free to stay here.” I looked up at my mom and she nodded in approval. “There’s a guest room next to Bella’s room. Your daughter seems to really like my daughter, you guys are like family now.”

Brandon turned to face my mom, “Thank you so much but--”

“Young man, do you have anywhere else to go?” He shook his head. “Then please don’t argue. You two are family now.” Mom repeated, the last sentence filled with much love. “ And technically Miranda isn’t Rachel’s mom anymore. That doesn’t mean Rachel has to grow up without one though,” She added on with a wink.

I blushed and quickly changed the subject, “Let me help you get your guys stuff out of the car,” I said letting Brandon go. He got up and went to the car.

“Mom are you sure?” She studied me for awhile.

“I’m completely fine with it. I really am. And Bella. I can tell you both like each other.” She said winking at me before heading to her room.

“Thank you Mom.”

“Don’t worry about it so much. I’m going to bed now.” She shut her door and I heard the car door from outside shut.

“Need any help?” I asked smiling at the sight of him struggling. I grabbed a few bags from his arms and led him to the guest room. Once he was finished putting their clothes into the drawers we went downstairs again to find Rachel. He stopped half way on the stairs and grabbed my wrist again.

“Thank you for everything Isabella.” I smiled and went to meet him on the step he was on.

“Like my mom said, Don’t worry so much about it. You guys are family now.”

Neither of us said anything. I saw him close the little space between us and he leaned down to press his lips against mines. Smiling, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Mommy? Daddy?” We backed away from each other, only slightly, when we heard Rachel calling from the bottom of the stairs.

“Yes Babygirl?” I answered.

“Can we go to the park?” We both smiled and nodded. She turned to the door and got in the car.

“My turn.” I heard Brandon say.

“What are you talking about?” My hand still in his, still standing close to him.

“Oh Nevermind.” He murmured as we walked to the car and drove to the park. My mother’s words repeating in my head. You guys are family now. Family.
♠ ♠ ♠
Miranda's a bitch ! I told you guys Brandon would explain later on ;D

*This chapter is Specially Dedicated to DarkAngel666

:] Thank you everyone for reading <3

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