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Because Of You

Chapter Seven - Isabella

It’s been about a month or so since Brandon and Rachel moved in. Brandon ended up getting a job a few stores down from the Diner. Our time schedules were similar. We both woke up around 8 to get ready and go downstairs to eat breakfast. No matter how quiet we tried being Rachel always ended up jumping out of bed and running downstairs to say good morning to both of us. Rachel would join us for breakfast and we both helped her get dressed and ready to leave. By 8:30 we all said goodbye to mom and hand in hand walked with Rachel to the YMCA. With Brandon on the left, me on the right, and Rachel in the middle, we would always end up swinging her around. Brandon and I would say goodbye to her and she would always kiss us both on the cheek, saying, ‘Goodbye Daddy. Goodbye Mommy.’ I had gotten so used to her calling me ‘Mommy,’ that I didn’t even bother to argue with it anymore.

Once we left the YMCA, Brandon and I would walk to work together talking about our pasts or just the most random things ever. But every morning was filled with laughter, smiles, and love. Brandon saw it in my eyes. Just by the way I look at Rachel. He knew I cared for her as if she was my own flesh and blood. We would talk about it sometimes. Just like this morning. Brandon and I had just left the YMCA when he said shyly, “Isabella?”

I returned his smile, “Yes Brandon?”

“When did Rachel first start calling you Mommy?” I couldn’t hide the fact that my cheeks started heating up when he asked.

“Rachel never really said my name. She did once when I told her my name and she told me it was a pretty name. After that, I took her to get some food and she called me ‘Mommy’ in front of a crowd.” I looked up at the clouds, smiling as I remembered that day.

“What did the others say?” I didn’t need to look at his face to see that he got even more curious.

“Well the girl that was taking our orders babbled on and on about how cute she was.” I sighed slowing down my pace. “She said she looked like me,” I stopped dead in my tracks remembering that everyone there had agreed with her.

“Sh- she did?” he stammered.

I slowly tore away my gaze from the clouds to stare into Brandon’s loving brown eyes, “Yes.”
I looked at him, from head to toe. The way he can easily put on basic jeans and shirts that hugged his body, showing off that he had a very nicely toned body. The way the wind danced with his hair and he could just flick his head to the side and his hair would obey him. The way his smile made me smile. Everything about him was just so right.

His lips lifted up into a smile, “It’s true you know.”

Confused about what we were talking about again, “What?” I asked.

He chuckled, “You get lost so easily. But Rachel and you do look alike. Her hazel eyes shine just like yours. Her dark brown hair dances in the wind just like yours. When you both smile, anyone that has eyes would smile with you both. There’s no mystery why she calls you ‘Mommy’. She never called Miranda that.”

My I felt my eyes widen a bit and my mouth open, “She didn’t?” I whispered.

He walked towards me, grabbing my hand and pulling me along to work, “She never did. That’s why I asked when Rachel began calling you Mommy. She seems to really like you Isabella. That’s why I was wondering…” he trailed off as we walked into silence.

“You were wondering what?” I asked anxiously.

“Well Rachel calls you Mommy already. But by law, you aren’t her mother. I was wondering if you would like to become her mother by law.” Stunned I stopped walking again.


He gave me a shy smile, “Seriously.” I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, “Thank you.” I felt my body shake as he laughed. He gently pulled away too quickly. “Now go, I don’t want you to be late for work.”

Before I left I remembered the story I told Rachel the first night I met her. “Never thought that story would turn out being a true fairy tale.” I shook my head at Brandon, mouthing, ‘nevermind’ as I walked away, I couldn’t help from hiding the smile that had plastered itself onto my face. “See you after work Baby’Mama,” I heard Brandon call out before I stepped into the diner.

When my shift was over I made my way over to the music store where Brandon was working at. I walked in, saying hello to one of the workers, Brent.

“Brandon, you’re shifts over.” He yelled to the empty counter.

“Yes yes, I know.” He said appearing beside me.

“See you two tomorrow.” We smiled and walked out of the store.

We were running a bit late when we went to go pick up Rachel today. But it was worth it. “Hello Hello There,” Tammy said greeting us both with warm smiles. “Rachel, Mommy and Daddy are here.” She called out to the room behind the counter. We didn’t bother telling Rachel the difficult parts, she just needed to know that I was officially, by law, her Mom.
♠ ♠ ♠
By law by law by law :]

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-I'm sick right now, so i'm sorry if these chapters aren't my best ones ''/

Thank you for reading though <3 :]