Heaven Help You

She's Everything to Everyone

She sighed.

This wasn't a good day. Then again, few days were around Maynewarren. It was just a matter of fact in life. It was a mental institution. If life was pleasant than it wouldn't really be a mental institution. It would have been a boarding school or something. It wasn't though, and anyone who ended up as a patient there knew that or simply accepted it in the end. You had to accept it. If you didn't...well there were places worse than Maynewarren.

"Put that down Robbie," she ordered the thirteen year old gently. The boy looked away from the block in his hands and to her before simply dropping it and walking away. Robbie Hertz wasn't a bad kid. He was actually really sweet. Until you yelled at him. In that way, she tended to watch out for him more than she did any of the others. In part it was because Robbie couldn't look out for himself. He didn't have that kind of control.

One of the aides glared at her. Hector was a man that she had never really liked. He had been here a year less than she had. He seemed to hate it even more than she did. It made her wonder, if he hated this place so much...than why was he here? He could quit. He could leave. She and the other patients were stuck there. Even if they were ever given a clean bill of health, their families would probably never want them back. Once you went to Maynewarren. There was no going back.

She looked up at the clock. Two twenty-three in the afternoon. The day was half over.

The wing door opened admitting Charlie and Nurse Miles wheeling a bed with a prone form under a white sheet. She frowned. The doctor hadn't mentioned a new admittance. That bothered her. She was usually told everything that went on because she was the longest standing patient and the one who kept control. She made the staff's job easier. And yet they weren't telling her something. It didn't bode well.

She watched them as they took the new patient into the empty room at the other end of the wing and waited until Charlie came back out before approaching him. "Hey...whose the new guy? Transfer?"

Charlie shook his mop of dirty salty blonde hair. "Naw, thatun's new alright," Charlie said giving her a silly grin. "Fainted when Dr. Hoyer grabbed his fingers."

Her lips twisted into a frown. Dr. Hoyer was one of the better doctors knowledge wise, but he tended to be a bit rough on the patients. "Hoyer didn't hurt the kid did he?"

"Naw, naw," Charlie assured her. "Doc just don't like them fingers a-tappin'." Charlie reminded her. "Now, I'm off Miss Renee."

She nodded absently. Hoyer reminded her of the patients he cared for sometimes. She knew from experience that tapping and repetitive noises were a dangerous trigger for him. The boy probably hadn't really meant to set him off. She would have to get a hold of his file from Dr. Hirsch. She actually listened to her.