Heaven Help You


Renee looked out the window, her legs curled under her as she sat at the window. It was one of the few windows you could do this at, and it was one that was generally considered "Renee's window". Whenever the staff needed to find her, they looked here first. But when no one needed her, this was where she could find peace. And she needed peace. She was a patient too after all. Sure she helped the staff with the others, but she was there for a reason, and she hated when people forgot that fact.

Renee sighed and rested her forehead on her knee. She sometimes wondered if she should join a group therapy session as something other than a mentor. Whenever she went to one, she had to act as a mediator. Her own sessions were private as if the other patients understanding her would make things fall apart. She wondered sometimes why they kept things the way that they did. Some of the staff make perfect sense to her. She was actually good friends with several of them. But the others....

Renee shook her head.

It simply wasn't worth thinking about.

She heard footsteps coming up the stairwell and knew that they were for her. There wasn't anything else up this stairwell. Sure it could be used to go to and from places, but no one ever did. There were other places that could be used that were faster. Alright, they had installed elevators. That was the real reason no one used the stairs. No one but Renee and those looking for her.

"Sweetheart, it's Robbie," Darlene's voice drifted from the bottom of the stairs.

Her head shot towards the nurse, eyes wide. She threw herself out of the window and jumped down the stairs and past Darlene desperate to get back to the hall. The thought of something happening to Robbie again is horrifying. What if he gets hurt? Or worse yet, what if he hurt someone else? She knew him well enough to know that the little boy would never be able to forgive himself. He was too sweet.

"Charlie let him go!" Renee yelled running towards the three figures that were in the center of the ward. Charlie had his arms wrapped around the squirming, screaming thirteen year old boy, arms that instantly flew open at Renee's command. Charlie jumped back just as Robbie swung around, lashing out with something sharp and shiny. The third figure stood the side smirking, just watching and enjoying.

Renee would deal with her later.

She grabbed Robbie's shoulders only to be rewarded by a cut to her cheek. "Robbie, it's okay. We're not going to hurt you," she promised gently reaching up to rub his hair. "You're safe here Robbie. You're not going to get hurt anymore," Renee promised knowing that her promise was a terrible lie. But better to lie to the boy than to tell him the truth this time.

Eyes widened in innocent horror as he came back to himself and watched the blood rolling down a porcelain white cheek. "No, no, no," the boy groaned. "I'm sorry Renee...I hurt you. I didn't mean to but-"

"Hush Robbie," Renee commanded pulling him close to her. "It's alright. I'm fine. You didn't hurt me. I had that cut when I came in," she lied again. She had lied so much since she came to Maynewarren that it didn't even bother her to lie anymore. Especially not in a case like this where she needed to lie. "Now why don't you go with Charlie and let him get you some jello okay?" she said before sending a pleading look to Charlie.

They both knew what was more likely to happen after that.

"Yeah, c'mon pal," Charlie said forcing a cheerful smile. "I'll even find you some of that strawberry stuff you like," Charlie promised the boy who seemed to like the prospect of this idea. He even was able to follow Charlie out willingly, smiling somewhat as he left the ward.

Renee spun on the third member of the whole ensemble. "I swear to God BethAnne, what the fuck were you thinking!" Renee demanded furious.

BethAnne smirked. "Honestly Renee, you're so touchy. I didn't do anything to him that he didn't deserve," she said easily.

That was enough for Renee she reached out and slapped the younger girl who could only stare stunned. "If you ever pull something like that again, I swear that I will do everything in my power to make your life a living hell," Renee warned before turning her back and stalking away.

"Try it Renee! But it won't matter!" BethAnne called to her retreating back. "You've already lost this place. It's mine now."