
The Battle Against The Alarm Clock


“Fuck off you evil electronic version of Satan!” I yelled, smacking the little device on my bedside table onto the ground. I buried my head back into the pillow and sighed. This was a ungodly hour and I refused to even think.


Anger boiled inside me, I grumbled and rolled over pulling blankets over me and letting my black hair curtain my face. Forcing my eyes open I glanced at the alarm clock and saw it flash red numbers at me. How can it be still alive?! I threw it on the fucking ground!


“FINE!” I groaned, sliding myself up, so I was sitting straight. I surveyed my surroundings. My bedroom was actually the basement, which explained the concrete walls. That didn’t matter though, because I had plastered the walls with band posters. Shit was scattered everywhere, over all the furniture. Old meals on dirty plates balanced on the arm of a chair and clothes and underwear hiding in corners. I rose from my bed, only to topple back over again. I lay there for another 5 minutes before rolling off on to the floor.
I grabbed some tight black jeans and a Misfits top and headed towards the bathroom, climbing up the stairs and making sure my foot steps were loud enough to wake everybody up…

Once showered and dressed I ambled to the kitchen, the smell of coffee wafting through was enough to waken up my senses and I perked up a bit. I entered to find my little brother Mikey sitting on the table and sipping his coffee and reading some form of a celebrity garbage magazine. I cleared my throat, waiting for him to notice me.
“Oh, Hey Gee! Merry Christmas!”
HUH!? Oh Shit! It was Christmas TODAY?
Fuck. I only had a present for Mikey!
He must have noticed my shocked expression and quickly came to my rescue,
“Its okay, I knew you would forget so these are for the parentals”
He handed me two brightly wrapped parcels and I smiled brightly at him, giving him a big hug.
“Thanks mikes! You’re a life saver!”
I swear he is the only person in the world right now that is really important to me. I made myself a coffee and sat myself down. I took a long awaited sip and gulped down the loveliness.
“It sucks we have to go to Aunt Marie’s for Christmas” Stated Mikey, I glanced at him and nodded my head. We went there nearly every year, it’s a sort of Christmas lunch. Its forced upon us all.
“I know, oh well, I guess we can score some presents and then leave.” I answered.
“True, then we can go and get Frankie and see a movie?” Mikey asked, while putting his mug in the sink. We spent most days now either hanging out with our close friends or hanging out together playing video games. Unless I was having a bad day. If I was having I bad day, I would sit in my room and not come out. If it wasn’t for Mikey I would be having bad weeks.
“Yeah sure, hey… I’m gonna go do… Something” I said quite suspiciously as I slipped out of the room.
I needed to get revenge.

10 minutes later and I was in the garage with a hammer in my hand and my alarm positioned in front of me.
“No alarm will ever be Gerard Proof!” I yelled before slamming the hammer down hard on it and watching it explode into little bits.
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