
Kidnapping Mikey For Some Serious Information

I searched for my brother, constantly turning my head and hoping not to run into Isabelle again or it might result in me drooling in front of her. After wading through crowds of people holding cheap glasses of wine I found him hiding behind a door and most likely attempting to look like a stick insect. I grabbed his arm, led him out from behind the door and dragged him out the door, over the porch, across the yard and to the corner of the large property. It was like a tiny forest, trees crowded around us and I sat down on the dirt and leaned against a trunk.

“What the fuck?!” Mikey looked extremely confused, which made me amused.
“Oh, Mikey. Guess What?” I couldn’t be fucked explaining why I dragged him into the suburban wilderness.
“You finally have found traces of stubble on your face?”
“No dickbrain, better than that!” I ignored his comment about the facial hair and leaned forward a bit.
“Oh dammit, so we are still doomed to have faces smoother than a fucking babies bottom…” I also ignored that comment as well.
“Drop it about the facial hair Mikes, I just saw the most amazing girl to walk the earth”
He rolled his eyes, “Gerard, please don’t tell me this is gonna be another Christina Ricci moment. You always get so obsessed!”
“This is different!” I argued, “She actually knows me, I talked to her.”
Immediately he burst into laughter and rolled around on the ground, tears pouring out of his eyes and bits of dirt clinging to his jacket.
“Are you telling me you managed to actually SPEAK in front of this so called ‘amazing girl’? I whacked him over the head, even though what he was saying made sense, I freeze up a lot around girls. I’ve never been good at that sorta thing, chatting them up and shit. I have no self esteem and all, so I’m not very good at it.
“God Mikes, I’m being serious and Yes. I did talk to her, Mom introduced us and she was really nice. Except she walked off pretty quick, but she did tell me she would see me later. What does that mean? Was she just being nice? Or do you think she actually is planning on seeing me later?”
Mikey slumped down next to me and let out a long sigh, shaking off his laughter he finally spoke after about 5 minutes.
“Well you will probably find out, the party isn’t going to finish until about 9 at night and its only eleven. Its possible that if you go back to where you were before she might go back and then you will see her again.”
He had a point, I hope she does… She was so fucking hot.
“True, thanks dude. Lets go back now. We wouldn’t want anyone to start a search party for us” I joked, but they probably hadn’t even noticed we had gone.
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Yes so....