
Gerard’s Museum of Old-And-Moldy-Bits-Of-Unfinishe

Back in the house I got myself comfy in a chair and leaned back. After awhile I got bored and started to pick at my black jeans, I’m so happy I wore tight jeans today. They show off my package rather nicely…
I hope I looked good, I know that I wasn’t a usual high school hunk. I wasn’t the captain of the football team and I didn’t have a popular sense of style. Mine was more black clothes, band t-shirts and eye liner. My black hair hung in my face and curtained my pale skin. I tried to work out, I didn’t really have muscles but I had worked hard enough to gain a flat stomach.

I really wanted a cold beer, so I left my chair for a minute to grab one from the kitchen which was very hard to find. I would be lucky if my chair was empty when I got back.
I entered the kitchen and sauntered over to the fridge, opening the door and staring my search for some beer. Once I found some I grabbed it and closed the door, turning quickly on the spot to head back to my chair.

Except all memory of what I was doing vanished and I lost my breath, because standing in front of me was Isabelle.
“Hi Gerard!” She chirped, I watched her eyes travel up and down my body and a sudden smirk appearing on her face. Shit, was she checking me out?
“Hey Isabelle, what are you doing here?” I mentally slapped my self.
Stupid Stupid Stupid. She was obviously here for the fucking party.
She giggled and looked me dead in the eye,
“I just saw you coming in here and followed you, because I wanted to see you. Ha, I did say I would see you later.. So here I am.”
A small smile crept across my face.
“Cool, do you want to go sit down somewhere? So where not standing in the middle of a kitchen, possibly stopping poor starving people from eating.” I asked
She laughed,
“Yeah sure babe, over there?” She pointed at a couch in the living room.
I cleared my throat and nodded my head, Oh My Fucking God. She just called me ‘Babe’!
She took my hand and lead me through the crowd, sparks traveling up my arm from her touch.

We sat down and I leaned back into the cool leather couch, the cold black leather calming me.
“So what kind of music do you like?” She asked, it wasn’t very hard to answer that question.
“I’m into Black Flag, Iron Maiden, The Smiths… You know, that shit.”
She nodded and shuffled a little closer to me,
“Wow, me too. I love that stuff, your pretty cool Gerard.”
My heart bounced around in my chest, I haven’t even said much to her and she already thinks I’m cool.
“Yeah you too Isabelle” I returned the gesture
“Call me Izzy, all my friends call me that.”
“So I’m your friend now aye?” I asked
“Yes you are, like it or not.”
My dream girl, Is talking to me… And I’m her friend. I might die.

After that we talked for ages more, we really got on well together. I eased up around her and felt a lot more comfortable. She flirted with me a lot, which I loved, and I was getting used to her calling me ‘babe’ and ‘baby’ pretty well.
Mikey came up to us after awhile, raising his eyebrows at me.
“Gee, who’s this?” He asked, Isabelle stuck out her hand.
“I’m Isabelle, Gerard’s Friend. Who are you?” Mikey shook her hand
“His brother Mikey”
“Oh cool, sit down dude, I wanna hear embarrassing stories about Gerard.” She joked.
Mikey looked around, it was only a two seater couch so there was no room for him to sit.
“Um… I can’t seem to locate anywhere to sit…” He said, waiting for one of us to move over or something.
Isabelle shrugged,
“Sit down where I am, ill just sit on Gerard’s lap. You don’t mind do you?” She turned to me, shuffling closer and leaning her head on my shoulder. Breathing on my neck. I concentrated very hard on not getting a boner.
“Not at all sugar” I replied. I loved how I could call her all these names, and she won’t get grossed out and bolt.
She climbed onto my lap, and draped her arms around her neck. I wrapped mine around her tiny waist and held her still. I had the perfect view down her top and I fucking loved what I saw.
Mikey sat himself down and we got stuck into a very intense debate over the importance of alarm clocks.

At nine, it was time to leave. I was sad I had to go and that she had to get off my lap but it wasn’t so bad considering I GOT HER NUMBER!!!
I made a mental note to go home, and perform a victory dance.
As we were all leaving and everyone was getting their coats she walked up to me and tapped my shoulder.
“Hey babe, call me right? I like talking to you, you’re the only guy around these parts that make any sense.” She winked at me and kissed my cheek. I felt my little friend slowly grow a bit hard. She turned me on so much.
“Ill be sure to sugar, Tata!” Just to touch her one last time I gave her a hug, gliding my hands just above her ass.

Mikey shot me looks all the way home in the car, and as soon as we got home he made me tell him everything that happened when he wasn’t looking.
“Gerard, She so obviously likes you!” He assured me.
We were sitting on my bed in our boxers discussing it.
“Really?” I asked, taking a bite out of my toast. I listened to the crunching noise It made when I chewed.
“Yah, DUH. Call her tomorrow, maybe you will get some action with her.” He snatched the toast from my hand and took a bite.
“Mikes, its not all about sex. I like her personality… But yeah… Isn’t she hot?”
“God yeah, I feel so proud of my big brother GeeGee, he finally has himself a honey.” Mikey mocked me, squeezing my cheeks like a old aunty does.
“Shuddup, Now go to bed. Mommy will tuck you in!” I teased back, he poked his tongue out and left the room. Leaving me to place the toast on my bedside table, another piece of work added to Gerard’s Museum of Old-And-Moldy-Bits-Of-Unfinished-Meals. I slipped into bed and drifted off in to a easy sleep. Something I hadn’t been able to do in a long time.
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