
A Good Day

I was in a very good mood the next day, Two Good things had happened.

One- My alarm clock was dead so I wasn’t woken up too early,
And Two- Isabelle

I was seated on my couch, with a drawing pad and lightly doodling. My phone vibrated next to me and I picked it up,

Message From Mikey-
Hey dude, I wnt b comin home 2nite, Im gonna stay at franks. Food in fridge, gud luck with isabelle. Xx

I couldn’t be bothered replying, I told myself I would later, but I did decide to txt isabelle.

Message To Izzy-
Hey sugar, wat u up to? Wanna come over? Xoxo g

I pressed send and put my phone back down, I was just about to start drawing again when it vibrated.

Message From Izzy-
Yup sure, lol ummm, where do u live? xx

Oh yeah, she didn’t know that…

Message to Izzy-
Oh yea, um 23 Hanson Way, Hurrrri I’m booored :)

It was actually quite cool, I lived on a Way … And my last name was way… My phone vibrated again,

Message From Izzy-
Yes, okay. Keep ur pants on! Btw, thats a figure of speech gee, don’t take it seriously

I chuckled, Wait! Was she suggesting something…

Message To Izzy-
I wont! See you soon *hug*

I put my phone down and got up, I was determined to make myself look half decent. I entered my bathroom and lined my eyes with black, I kind of styled my hair… There was really much to style though. The whole ‘just got out of bed’ look was working fine. I shoved on some very tight black jeans, making sure I could show off my manhood and a normal black t-shirt.

I had just sat myself back on the couch when a knock on the door sounded, I jumped up and raced to the door, slightly shaking as I pulled the handle.

There she was,

God she looked good… Her hair was still amazingly shiny and she wore a black pair of jeans and a red tank top, showing off her rack very nicely. Shit! I was staring, I shook my head and invited her in, feeling quote like I was in a dream.

“Wow ,you look purrdy” I told her, holding my arms out for a hug. She wrapped her arms around me graciously and kissed my cheek.

“Mmm, So do you!”

“Want something to eat?” I asked, grabbing her hand and leading her to the kitchen.

“Yeah, sure”

“What do you want?” I opened a random cupboard and looked inside, trying to find something she might like.

“Preferably food” She giggled, sitting down at the table.

“No shit Sherlock” I retorted as I lay some chips and coke out on the table and took a seat, she pulled a face at me and flicked my head from across the table.

“Ow! What was that for?” I yelped, touching my forehead.

“For that smart ass comment young man” She lent closer to me and gave me the evils.

“Well it hurt…. Ow…” I faked sniffled and hung my head low.

“Awww, I’m sorry. Want a hug?” She asked, getting up from her chair and walking around to where I was sitting.

“Yes pwease” I put on the best cute face I could muster and stared at her.

“Awwww, very cute. For that you can have a hug”
And she slowly put her arms around me, I dragged her onto my lap and grabbed old of her waist so she couldn’t move.

“Ahh! Let me go, you evil man! I shall get you for this!” She growled at me, before letting it go and leaning against me. “Fine, but you can only hold me here for awhile you know?”

“Eh, at least I get to hold you” Oh fuck! Did I just say that out loud?! Shit, Shit, Shit. She raised her eyebrows at me, but chose not to reply to the comment. I was relieved slightly.

After about 15 minutes of her sitting on my lap I finally let her go and we headed out to the mall. She was insistent on buying balloons for god knows why.
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