
Balloon's and Photobooths... Lots of O's

“Wow, this place is big!” , she was looking around the mall. “
Where do we find balloons?” She turned to me, I took her hand and directed her to the party store.
We must have looked like any normal couple, except for the fact we weren’t a couple. I had hopes though, she led me on a lot.

Once we found the store, we entered and tried to find the decorations section. It was a awesome store, it had red and yellow pinstripe wallpaper and shelves and shelves of party things. Hats, banners, confetti. It was everywhere. I stopped admiring when I heard Izzy yell for me, “Gerard! I found them!”

I followed her voice to where she was and saw her standing in front of a large collection of balloons.

“Wow, what ones do you want?” This was gonna be hard to pick…

“Umm… I don’t know? Black ones? Red Ones?”
We stood there for a good 5 minutes before I relized something.

“Izzy, you are aware we are standing in here, trying to decide on what colour balloon to buy and for no particular reason”
I burst into laughter, It wasn’t even that funny… I held my sides and fell to the floor, rolling around.
“Gerard…. Gee…. Babe…. Stop laughing… Were gonna get kicked out…” Izzy leant down and touched my shoulder.
Before she burst into laughter as well, collapsing next to me and cracking up.

A man approached us and quietly ushered us out, rolling his yes on the way while we laughed.
Finally we had stopped laughing and we slid into a photobooth.

“Well now that episode is over, lets take pictures!” Isabelle giggled furiously and I snaked my arm around her pulling her up on my lap again.

“Your mine now! Mwahahaha!” I faked a evil laugh while she put coins into the slot.

“Pose bitch! Woo!”


This was the most fun I’ve had in ages, and everytime I touched Izzy I felt different… Something made me want to be near her, hear her sweet voice….

“Gerard! God you zone out a lot! Come on baby, let’s go get the pictures” She hopped off me and out of the booth dragging me along with her. We stood outside and waited for the photo’s to come out, once they did we halved them and put them in our pockets.
Those photo’s will always cheer me up.

We spent the rest of the day hanging around at the mall doing stupid stuff and talking. I found out a lot about her, her parents were divorced. She was moving schools soon, to my school! That would be great, She could hang around with us. Doubt she will want to though, with looks like hers she could easily fit into the popular group.

I drove her home and we said our goodbyes in the car,
“Byebye Gee, we should do this again. I had SO much fun!” I nodded in agreement and gave her a hug. I kissed her cheek and smiled at her.

“You know Izzy, I haven’t had that much fun in ages… Why don’t you come over tomorrow?

“Yeah sure!”

And with that, she got out of the car. I watched in awe as she walked up the path and into the house… I was intoxicated with her.
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