Sequel: Run the Show

Somebody Needs You

Chapter 10

“BP’s dropping!”

“Ultrasound’s here.”

“Katie? Katelyn? Can you hear me?”

A large number of doctors and nurses were moving around in the large trauma room, all with their own specific task as they tried to figure at what was wrong with the 23 year old woman in her 37th week of pregnancy currently lying on the stretcher in the middle of the room.

“Anyone got her medical records?”

“Healthy as can be, no problems with the pregnancy.”

“Any trauma?”

“Not that’s been recorded.”

“The guy that brought her in said they were just walking around when she said something hurt and then she started bleeding.”

“Get that ultrasound ready!”

Applying gel on her extended belly the doctor pressed the transducer against the area, moving it around slightly before pressing several different buttons on the machine.

“Baby’s heartbeat’s slowing down.”

“She’s dilated at 6cm.”

“I can’t see it but the umbilical cord could be trapped beneath or wrapped around the baby,” the doctor making the ultrasound said, frowning slightly as there was no immediate cause he could find for neither the pain nor the bleeding in the woman.

“We could try shifting the baby.”

One of the OB-nurses pressing slightly on her belly it immediately became apparent that it was a very bad idea.

As the baby shifted its position, the woman slipped into complete unconsciousness and stopped responding at all to their tries to talk to her. But what was worse was the amount of blood that literally gushed out over the gurney and the floor.

Something a lot more serious was wrong with to her…