Sequel: Run the Show

Somebody Needs You

Chapter 14

“We have to get them to the OR if we’re going to have any chance of saving them both.”

The woman’s condition had gone from bad to critical in the matter of seconds and with no full diagnosis they were going to have to work twice as hard to keep them both alive.

She was unresponsive and her blood pressure was unstable at best and her baby’s heart beat was continuing to slow down. At the moment, neither of them could were looking especially good…

The doors bursting open, Luke was on his feet before he could blink but as he was moving forwards he stopped in his tracks as the gurney where Katie was laying was rolled out.

She was so pale despite the tan she’d acquired during the summer and from what he could tell, she was unconscious.

But neither of those things was as heartbreaking as when he saw the bloodstained sheets covering her lower body. Literally not able to move he could just watch as they wheeled her away down a long hallway, medical terms being thrown between them.

Not able to say anything, he ran his fingers through his hair that was now standing in every direction and he waited for someone to come find him, to talk to him, to explain what was happening.

No one came.

Shifting his gaze slightly he could look straight into the trauma room he might not be a doctor but he wasn’t blind. There was no way he could miss the amount of blood on the floor and he immediately know that it came from her.

And it was a lot…

Catching his friend staring at the large pool of blood on the floor in the trauma room, Tyler grabbed his shoulder, literally pushing him back.

He didn’t need to see that.

Getting Luke back to the seat, he glanced around the area. No one was coming to talk to them, no one even bothered to tell them where they were moving her.

Brayden’s call and Luke’s whole appearance had told him it was bad, he just hadn’t realized just how bad. But the amount of blood and the stressed appearance of the doctors and nurses spoke volumes.

Things really weren’t good.

And the information they wasn't getting was almost clearer than anything they could have told them if they’d tried to talk to them.

Katie, and the baby, was much more worse off than either of them could have imagined…