Sequel: Run the Show

Somebody Needs You

Chapter 24

Restlessly twirling the ring between his fingers, Luke stopped and straightened up as the door was pulled open by a tall man wearing blue scrubs and a white lab coat.

His feelings were everywhere between happiness and dread, elation and horror.

Though if the man’s facial expression was anything to go by, he wasn't coming with bad news. But then again, he was really bad at reading people and their expressions. And some wasn't always…they didn’t always portray what they were truly feeling. And maybe he was just happy but for some reason had the unfortunate job of delivering bad news to people anyway…

“Mr Schenn? Family member of Katelyn Johnson?”

“Yeah, I'm her fiancé,” he nodded quickly, shifting slightly in the surprisingly comfortable chair as the man crossed the room and sat down in the chair next over from him. Don’t they usually do that when they bring bad news?

“I'm Dr Lewis, a neonatal specialist here at the hospital,” the doctor introduced himself.”And I think congratulations are in order,” he smiled widely. “You are the father of a perfect, healthy baby boy.”

“What?” Luke asked, not fully comprehending what the older man was telling him.

“Your baby, it’s a boy,” the doctor smiled widely. “Some weeks early, but healthy as can be, fully developed.”

“I'm a dad?” Luke asked under his breath.

It had never been so clear before. They were expecting a baby, but they were still just…them. And now he was a…father, a dad. He was someone’s daddy, and Katelyn was…

“What about…” he tried, barely above a whisper.

“..still in the NICU but we’re moving him in just a short while, I’ll send someone down so you can come up and see him.”

“What about…” Luke tried again, only to have to stop to wet his dry lips. “What about Katie? What about my fiancée? How is she doing?” he questioned, realizing the man before him was only talking about the baby. Not his fiancée.

“I went with the baby,” the doctor excused himself. “I don’t know what happened after that.”

“But…” Luke was starting to get desperate. No one was telling him anything!

“I really don’t know,” the doctor insisted. “When I was in there they seemed to have her stabilized, but I really don’t know about her,” he said again. “I don’t know what her diagnosis is or how she’s doing.”

“Right,” Luke nodded slightly, his faith was slipping slightly. He couldn’t tell how long he’d been there, but it had been a long time and something told him that the longer he went without getting any information, the worse the news was going to be…

“I’ll send someone to come get you so you can come see your son,” Dr Lewis said as he stood up, patting Luke on the shoulder before he left the room.

The thoughts and emotions going haywire inside his head, Luke didn’t know what to feel.

He was a dad! A father! He was supposed to feel excited, scared, worried, happy…

The only thing he could feel was dread…what if she didn’t live?

They were supposed to do it together. That’s why they didn’t freak when they found out they were having a baby, they were going to get through it together.

But he couldn’t do this alone…