Sequel: Run the Show

Somebody Needs You

Chapter 36

Standing outside the closed door in the middle of the busy ICU, Luke couldn’t help but feel like all he wanted to do was to run. Run fast and far, far away.

He was being repetitive, he knew that, but it just wasn't supposed to be like this. This wasn't how they’d planned it.

Before leaving the house he’d pulled himself together as best as he could and he’d stopped by his son’s room when he got back – satisfied that Brayden was still there – before locating the ICU ward.

And now he was standing outside the door leading to her room… He didn’t know if he could actually go inside.

A nurse had explained to him what he would see, but still…his imagination had run away with him, but at the same time he knew that she wasn't going to be lying in a bed like normal.

Forcing himself to move forwards, he slowly opened the door and entered the room. The sight that greeted him shocked him more than the sight of her covered in blood.

She was lying in the large bed, her eyes closed and her hair spread out around her head, her skin was unbelievably pale. Her arms were placed on top of the covers, alongside her body. Both her hands were covered in tape holding IV-access needles in place and one of them were connected to an clear IV as well as what appeared to be medicine, whilst the needed placed on the middle of her forearm on the other arm was attached to a bag of blood, slowly dripping into the tube and transferring into her body.

And a breathing tube was down her throat, breathing for her, covering most of her lower face…

Biting down on his lower lip, he slowly crossed the room and approached her bed, lightly resting his hand on the guardrails alongside the bed. He didn’t dare touch her in fear of hurting her or…

She looked so fragile…

But the biggest change was that her belly was gone – obviously. She still had a bump, but it wasn't as large as it had been when he last saw her.

Pulling up the chair standing next to the bed, he sat down and leaned slightly on the railings, watching her.

Reaching out, he barely brushed his fingers over her forehead and almost choked up when he realized she still felt like normal, she was still warm and she just felt like her. Continuing to brush his fingers over the side of her face, not close enough to get within touching distance of the breathing tube and everything holding it in place, a soft smile played on his lips.

He knew he loved her.

He had never understood how much it would hurt to lose someone you love so much, and having come so close to it, he knew that he never wanted to know what it was really like.

“You can’t leave me,” he mumbled, hoping that she was somewhere she could still hear him.

“We have a son,” he smiled softly, not able to keep from it when he thought of the small boy that had made his place at the front of his mind permanent in just a few moments and with a few looks. “He kind of looks like you.”

“We need you,” he stated. “I don’t know how to do this,” he admitted, a silent tear rolling down his cheek as he dared to pick her hand up and gently wrap his fingers around it. “You need to help me.”

“You can’t leave us…”