Sequel: Run the Show

Somebody Needs You

Chapter 37

“Luke,” Katie sighed as she sank down on the edge of the bed, listening to him argue his – in his mind – very valid point of them getting a house now, instead of later.

It was only a few days after he first brought it up and they had clearly not come to any sort of agreement about it. As things were at the moment, they weren’t even able to agree to disagree about it.

“No, I'm serious,” he stated as he walked out from the bathroom, crossed the hall and into the bedroom they shared. “I want our baby to grow up in a house, where they can play and run around outside,” he stated as she crawled further up the bed and crossed her legs as he sat down on the other side, his side, turning slightly so that he was now facing her.

“I'm not arguing that,” she pointed out. “I want that too, but I just think that we need to be a bit more rational about this whole thing, think it through a bit more,” she explained, sighing softly. “I just don’t want us to do something stupid, something we’ll regret in the end.”

“We’re getting married, we’re having a baby, I think that we’re already in this for the long haul, buying a house isn’t going to change that,” he smiled slightly. “It’s only going to make our living situation more permanent.”

“Babe,” she was stubborn, but she was quickly learning that he was just as stubborn, neither of them wanted to back down from their point. “It’s not a bad thing if we wait till after the baby is actually born to go look at houses and see if we find something. That way we won’t feel pressured into buying something that isn’t really what we are looking for.”

“Starting to look now isn’t going to hurt either,” he pointed out. “If we find something that’s great, and we’ll buy it. If we don’t, I'm not going to push us into doing something that clearly isn’t right for us, or for the baby,” he told her, reaching out and brushing his fingers over her bare knee.

“I'm just not sure if I'm ready to take the step to buy a house, it’s…” she trailed off as she searched for the right word. “It’s a huge step.”

“I'm not all that sure that I'm ready to have a baby either, but we still are,” he reminded her. “I love you, I want to spend my life with you and I want our family to grow in a house, not in a condo in the middle of Toronto.”

“I want our children to grow up in a house too, I did that and I loved it,” she agreed. “I just don’t think we have to rush the decision just cause I'm pregnant right now. And when the baby gets here it’s not like they are going to start crawling within two month, we have time.”

“They need a nursery, somewhere close to our bedroom, not on the other side of the bathroom,” he insisted.

“They’ll be sleeping in our room the first time anyway,” she threw back at him. “The nursery isn’t such a pressing matter yet.”

“Apparently nothing is in any sort of a hurry,” he sighed, running his fingers through his damp hair. “We can’t just wait, we have to do something and we’ve been living together here, it worked great, but we’re having a baby, we need more room.”

“Not the second they are born,” she told him frankly.

“I don’t really think our neighbors are going to be that happy about having a newborn next door, who will undoubtedly scream quite awhile through the nights,” he pointed out.

“Don’t even use that argument,” she rolled her eyes at him. “The couple down the hall, in 24G, their baby has been screaming all through the day and the night for the past three weeks,” she reminded him, not that it was something that he had forgot, he’d had trouble sleeping ever since the screaming started.

“Katelyn…” he fell back on the bed, reaching out and grabbing her hand, lacing their fingers together.

“I just don’t think that we need to get a house right this second,” she smiled down at him.

“And I think that we do,” he sighed heavily.

“So what are we going to do?” she asked him, wondering if he had any sort of idea how to solve this problem.

“Rock, paper, scissors?” he raised his eyebrows at her, causing her to laugh.

“I am not rock, paper, scissoring whether or not we’re going to buy a house, that’s childish,” she said as she leaned forwards and brushed her lips against his.

“Sleep on it?” he suggested.

“Sleep on it,” she agreed, kissing him once more before both of them crawled into the large bed, turning off the lights and letting sleep wash over them.