With a Delicate Soul, I Don't Claim to Know Much

Gabriel Eduardo Saporta Intro

Gabriel Eduardo Saporta.

When I think of that name, many things come to my mind quickly. Some of which are, the sex, his cocky yet truthful personality, his sarcasm, his tender touch, oh yeah, and I cant forget those killer dance moves.

I also think about the fights, the screaming and yelling, the disagreements. I remember all the bad, yet, for some reason I stuck around.

Nowadays, our apartment is quiet because he's gone more, out on tour making those little teenies scream out his name. Giving their virgin bodies their first taste of sexuality.

I'm Kacie Aron, and I'm the girl behind the man. We verbally abuse each other for forplay, then shoot dirty looks in the afterglow. It's a very love hate relationship. It's a very unstable relationship. But, somehow, the trust and safety is there.

Though, he is at the core a many girls' sex dreams, he still finds it in himself to stay loyal to me, even when he's piss drunk. And I find it in me not to hurt him.

Shit happens, is the way I look at it. Sure we have more than our share of bad times, but when we're happy together, it feels ten times better.

The man has never told me he loves me, but yet it's been five years and not once has he cheated on me. He's never hinted marriage or children, to be honest we havent even joked about it. Yet, every once in a while, I look over at him and he's simply gazing at me, and one time, I was on his laptop and he had the Tiffany Co. web page bookmarked on a beautiful picture of an engagement ring. I havent gotten anything from him yet.

Maybe I just havent made him fall yet, or maybe he has but he's in denial. He's not in love, he cant be, not the way he treats me.

Suddenly, the bedroom light turned on. I squinted my eyes as I looked at Gabe, who just walked in.

"Oh, shit" He whispered, "Sorry, I thought you were still in the office" He added as he turned the light off.

"It's ok" I mumbled before tugging the covers around me more.

Seconds later, the bed shifted and Gabe let out a tired sigh. Softly, I felt a kiss on my shoulder, "You've been quiet" He pointed out.

I shrugged, "I dont want to start anything" I mumbled.

He gently rolled me over onto my back, then he eyed me a bit, "What's up?"


"Kacie, you expect me to believe that?" He questioned, like I was an idiot.


He smiled, "What's wrong? I'm not going to go to sleep until you tell me"

I laughed, "Nothing is wrong, seriously" I insisted, "I told you, I just dont want to start a fight"

He made a thinking face, then gently placed his lips upon mine, giving me a loving kiss before backing away. I smiled up at him, but said nothing. I felt his hand find his way under the side of my shirt, where he slowly tracing my warm skin. I shook my head a little bit, then turned onto my side, facing him. He laid down all the way, facing me. I pressed my forehead to his and closed my eyes, "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep"

He nodded, "Ok" He rubbed his nose to mine, "Can I get some goodnight kisses?"

I pressed my lips to his, answering his question. The kiss was long and slow. The passion used was rare, and I never wanted it to end. But, as soon as I thought about never ending it, he pulled away from me.

In a needy way, my lips followed his. Laughing softly, he let me catch him in another kiss. After I got what I wanted, I backed away. He gave my forehead a gentle kiss, "Have good dreams, ok?"

I nodded, "You too"

He smirked then laid on stomach, it's how he likes to fall asleep. I snuggled into the best I could as he wrapped one arm around me, as he folded his other one underneath himself.


He turned his head towards me and grunted.

"I've missed having you home"

He opened his eyes then caressed my face, "I've missed you" He said simply.

"Mean it?"

"If I didnt, I wouldnt be going to be at 11 with you" He insisted, "I'd be out"

I nodded, "G'night"

"sleep tight" He grumbled then his eyes closed.

I covered up more, then closed my tired eyes. Sometimes, I think I'm wrong about Gabe. Sometimes I think he's madly in love with me, like tonight. If that wasnt love, you could've fooled me.