With a Delicate Soul, I Don't Claim to Know Much


Gasping for air, I shot up in bed, only to hit my head on the top of my bunk, knocking my back down to my pillow. Groaning, I held my hands to my forehead as the rest of my body trembled in a cold sweat.

My breathing ragged and my heart pounding. I swallowed the dry lump in my throat then reached to my right where Kacie normally would be, but I only felt a little more bunk space, then the wall.

Opening my eyes I looked around a bit before pushing my curtain open. I looked out to see the entire bus dark except the front lounge light was on, but no one was up there. I grabbed my phone then hopped down out of my bunk before going to the front lounge.

I sat down, wearing just a pair of basketball shorts. I dialed Kacie's phone but was sent straight to voicemail. Making a face, I dialed our home number then listened to it ring over and over, suddenly the ringing stopped and I heard Kacie swear like a pirate, "Fuck.' She snapped into the phone, "I swear to god this better be Gabe or I will have some killing to do."

"It's me." I whispered.

She whined, "On second though, I dont want it to be you ... what are you doing calling me at...' She paused then growled meanly, "At 4:30 in the am ... Papi do you not understand this whole morning sickness shit?" She questioned, "It happens very spontaneously, and I feel like shit all the time!"

'I'm sorry, I just a shitty dream, I needed to hear your voice." I said truthfully.

She was silently then sighed, "What kinda shitty dream?"

"About you having the baby and neither one of you surviving the birth." I answered.

"Gabe ... Papi, we're fine and we're going to be fine."

"I know, I guess it's just husband worrying." I whispered, "But last night I had an amazing dream about having our baby."

She laughed cutely, "Papi, I'm really tired, completely wore out and I have to get my lazy ass to work at nine, can I call you on my lunch break?"

"Yeah. Go back to sleep, sorry I woke you."

"Dont be sorry." She paused, "I would've called you too."

I smiled, "Sleep tight, babe."

"You too, go back to your bunk and get some sleep ... I love you."

"I love you, too. Good night."

"good night."

We hung up and I put the phone down next to me before sighing gently once again.

"Wife troubles?" Tommy, our bus driver asked.

I got up and walked over to him, "No." I answered, "She's pregnant and I'm just having nightmares." I whispered, "do you have any kids?"

"Yeah, six." He answered, "I married my highschool sweetheart."

I smiled, "Did you have nightmares about losing her and the baby when she was pregnant?"

He laughed a little, "Her first pregnancy, yeah I did." He paused, "We had little money, I was gone because at the time I was a cross country truck driver, and there were cell phones, well for the normal person, so I couldnt just call her up and make sure she's ok. I was worried and had quite a few nightmares."

I frowned, "It's not just me?"

"No." He glanced up at me then back at the road, "So, is this Kacie pretty?"

I smiled, "beautiful." I answered, "Gorgeous ... and she's a boss lady so it makes it that more appealing." I laughed, "She can a spoiled bitch, but I love her to death."

"Does she tour with you?"

"Sometimes she'll come out ... but not on this tour ... she wants to stay home, get over the morning sickness, settle into our apartment more. Things have been hectic since ... before we were married. We planned the wedding out on the road, got married right after i recorded the album, went on a five day honeymoon, came home, bought an apartment then I was gone again."I frowned, "and somewhere in there, we managed to get pregnant but she had a miscarriage."

"I'm sorry."

"Its ok. We're ok ... she's pregnant again." I smiled then sighed softly, "Hey, thanks for listening."

He smiled, "Dont worry about it, it's what i'm here for."

I patted his shoulder, "I'm gonna try to sleep again. See you when I wake up." I mumbled then walked away back towards the bunks. As I walked back, I saw Alex climb out of his bunk and look at me squinting slightly before putting his glasses on. I forced a small smile then climbed up into my bunk and shut the curtain. I laid on my side and face the wall, holding my blanket to my chest.

I miss my wife.


Walking into the apartment, I shut the door slowly then looked around, "Allison?" I called out as I put my car keys on the dish by the door, then kicked my heels off before walking towards the hall way, "Allison, you home?" I asked.

Suddenly, my cousin flew out of her room that used to be the office. She smiled widely, "Hi."

I smiled back, "Hi." I frowned slightly, "Did anyone call?"

She shook her head, "Just my Mom."

"Oh." I looked over her sholder into her room to see a guy sitting on the bed. I raised my eyebrow slightly.

"My friend." She insisted.

"Ok." I pointed to my room, "I'm going to go take a bath then get to bed, I was up late last night. Dont forget to lock up, ok?"

She nodded violently then went back into her room and shut the door. I made a face then walked to my room. I shut my door then undressed myself as I made my way to the bathroom. Once I was there, I ran a bath, then climbed in slowly, relaxing my tired body, and it seemed like instantly, my headache just melted away and i was in paradise.

Closing my eyes, I laid my head back, wishing Gabe was in the tub with me especially after such a long day at work. As the time passed, and I was relaxed, I got out, drained the tub then walked out of the bathroom in a towel to see Sammie in my bed. I frowned, "Sammie?"

She looked at me, "can I stay with you, I dont want to be alone." She whispered.

I nodded, "Yeah." I went into the close, changed into my panties and one of Gabe's shirts before pulling my own sweat pants on. I crawled in bed on Gabe's side and sighed, "Miss alex?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I do." She mumbled, "And look." she lifted her shirt, "My abs are not as defined."

I laughed but said nothing as I curled up with the covers and hugged gabe's pillow, that still had his scent on it lightly. I inhaled deeply before slowly letting it out and closing my tired eyes. Sammie shifted before getting under the covers as well. Before I knew it, I was completely out and dreaming of my husband.
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It's not a long or very interesting update, but the next one will be. But be happy there's even an update out ... I just got back from one bitchin' Chiodos concert :-) Craig basically owns my soul, he should own yours too :-P
