With a Delicate Soul, I Don't Claim to Know Much

Twins? Yeah, Right

Sitting in the doctor's office, I made a bit of a face, wishing Gabe could be here, but he cant be, he's on tour. Doctor Erro, walked in and smiled softly as he shut the door, "How are you?"

I shrugged, "I could be better, but I'm getting by."

He nodded as he put my file down and washed his hands, "I know, Gabe called me when your mother passed, asking if the added stress was going to hurt you and if you should've been vomitting as much as you were," He grabbed a paper towel, "You have a very worried husband on your hands."

I smiled, not knowing that he did that, "Yeah, I do," I said softly, "But, it's been about a month and a half and things are looking up."

He sat down on his stool then looked at me, "So, how are you feeling? Any cramps, bleeding? Is the morning sickness getting worse or staying consistant?"

"I'm feeling exhausted, the morning sickness usually has me up late at night or really early in the morning, sometimes it'll happen in the afternoon, my stomach has a mind of it's own, but for the most part it's staying about the same. No cramps, no bleeding, I am starting to feel bloated, like more than I was."

He smiled then eyed my chart, "Wanna do an ultrasound, see if we can spot the little one?"

I smiled, "can we?' I asked, "I know there wont be much to see but still."

He laughed and nodded, "Yeah, we can." He motioned for me to lay back, "Lay back please." He said as he started getting everything ready, "and do you see a dentist regularly?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Once a year, maybe?"

He nodded, "Alright, you'll need to make an appointment by the end of the week. Just to check everything out, tell your dentist you're pregnant, and he'll know what to check for."


"And as you start to enter your second trimester, you will get your energy back, you wont feel as tired, and you wont look like you have a cold but you'll get that glow everyone is talking about."

I smiled and nodded, "That'll be nice."

He laughed softly as he started to fall quiet. The room went quiet as he gave me my first ultrasound. He was staring at the monitor, every once in a while, a soft sigh would come from him. He pointed to the screen, "can you see that right there?" He asked.

I stared at the screen and shook my head, "No, is that bad?"

"No, let me enhance it and print it out for you so I can explain this." He said.

"Is it bad?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"No, nothing bad." He insisted. He printed what looked like two copies, cleaned me up a bit, then turned the lights back on. I sat up and he walked over to my side, "Ok ... right here," He circled a small area on the picture, "That's your baby." He pointed to a small looking thing with the tip of his pinky.

"Oh," I nodded, "It's tiny." I said simply.

"It's even smaller than this, I enhanced it." He smiled then he moved his pinky up a little bit, "You see that right there?" He questioned, "That's your baby's sibling," He smiled, "Kacie, you're carrying twins."

I just looked at him like he was out of his mind. Everyone around has been talking about how me and Gabe should have twins, Gabe wants twins, and here I am, carrying twins how creepy is that?

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Seriously, you are carrying twins." He smiled as he handed me the ultra sounds, "Now, that's great but that can hold some issues, such as dilvery, and you may not be able to carry them full term," He paused, "As of right now, everything looks great, but it's too soon to determine anything serious."

I frowned, "So I cant have the babies vaginally like I wanted to?" I asked.

"You can, but you run a higher risk of tears, exhaustion, complications with the babies."

"Like the cords being around their necks?"

"If that's going to happen, it's going to happen whether or not you have them vaginally or via c-section, that happens within the womb. I would urge you to have a c-section, but really, it's all up to you, and which way you feel comfortable."

"I dont have to be put completely out when I have a c-section do I?"


"Can I think about it?"

"Of course, there's no rush." He smiled, "But you are having twins."

"Gabe will be happy." I laughed.

Before I knew it, I was on my way up to my father's house to pick him up, he's getting his hip surgery today. I had to call the doctor and push the time back because it conflicted with my appointment, but my Dad didnt seem to mind.

Grabbing my phone from the passenger seat, I dialed Gabe's number, knowing he's been waiting to hear the news from the appointment, it's all he was talking about last night on the phone when he called, was today's appointment.

"So?" Gabe answered, no hello, no nothing.

"So?" I asked back.

He huffed, "Kacie, are you and the baby ok? Is everything looking normal, do I need to be worried?"

"No, no need to be worried but things arent looking normal."

"What?" He gasped, fear in his voice, "What do you mean things arent looking normal?"

"Papi, we're having twins." I said simply.

He was really silent for a good twenty seconds or so before he erupted out into a fit of cute laughter, "No shit!?" He asked happily.

"Twins." I repeated.

He screamed like a mad man then announced that he was having twins, I'm assuming he's on the bus or in a venue, because as 'open' as Gabe is with his fans, he keeps his private life, extremely private, over half his fans dont even know he's taken, let alone married. But there are those 'core' fans that seem to know, like that connected the dots or something, i dont know.

"If I were there I would be smothering you in kisses and saying I told you so." He spat at me in an immature way, but it was cute nonetheless.

"Yes, you didnt tell me so. You were just stating a simple fact about how cool it would be if we had twins." I insisted as I took the off ramp towards my father's house, "Anyway, next week is thanksgiving, what are you doing?"

"Catering is actually going to perpare a big meal for us." he said happily, "We're renting out this huge lodge of some sort and having thanksgiving dinner there." He insisted.


"what are you doing?"

"I am going to attempt to cook a nice family meal at my Dad's with my Aunt tracy, it wont be as good as mom's but we're going to try."

"Oh, Bonita, you're a great cook." He insisted, "Seriously, I eat what you cook me."

"Because you dont want to hurt my feelings."

"No!" He defended, "Really, the only thing I dont like that you make is that pasta salad crap, it's gross. And dont bake ... you suck at baking."


"It's true." He said cutely, "Ok bonita, I have to go to soundcheck ... but I will call you later and tell me how Pop's does, ok?" He asked, "I want to know how everything went when he gets out,"

"Alright, I talk to you later ... Love you."

"I love you, more." He paused, "Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and put the phone back in my purse. Pulling up to my Father's house, my Uncle Steve's car was there, but he moved in with my Dad, to help run things I guess, make sure that he's ok. Steve has grown up, he doesnt like Gabe and I dont know why, he hasnt told me why he doesnt like Gabe. Doesnt matter I guess, my husband doesnt like him. He said that there's just something about him that makes his skin crawl but he sucks it up and is polite anyway, after all Uncle Steve is family.

I walked up to the door and was about to open it when it opened. My Dad stood there with a frown on his face his cane in one hand his bag in the other, "I'm ready."

"Why are you so grumpy?" I asked.

"I'm getting a hip surgery that I dont need, nor want."

"daddy, you need it." I insisted, "and I dont care if you want it or not you're getting it."

He growled lowly as he limped to my car. I opened the door for him and moved my purse before taking his bag and putting it in the backseat.

I got into the driver's seat and looked over at my Dad who was eyeing my ultrasounds. He tilted his head to one side, then turned it to the other, "You know, when you were born they didnt have these." He looked at me, "I knew you were a girl when Mom pushed you out and you didnt have a penis."

I laughed, "Times have changed, Daddy." I put the car into gear and slowly pulled away.

"well, what are you having, because I cant see the baby."

"I dont know what I'm having yet, but I do know that I'm carrying twins." I smiled.

He shot his head my way, "what!?" He smiled.

I noded, "Yeah, Daddy ... Gabe and I are having twins."

"And you can see all that from this?" he asked, holding the ultrasound up, "Wow ... because I cant see a damn thing."

I stopped at the stop sign at the end of thei neighborhood, then looked over at him. I pointed to one baby, "That's one ... and there's two." I mumbled as I pointed to the both of them.

"Oh." He smiled proudly as he nodded, "I see them now."

I continued the drive to the small hospital he's having the surgery at, as he went on about the babies, clearly turning his bad mood into a happy one. And truthfully, I havent seen him this happy since, well, since the car accident, and I certainly havent seen him smile like that since Mom has passed.

Walking into the building, he was holding one of the ultra sounds for 'good luck' As he got checked it and was in his pre-op room, a nurse came in to start an IV on him. He looked at her and smiled, "Look, my daughter is having twins." He said, showing her the photo.

She looked at it, and smiled, "That's great." She said to him, "Makes you a proud papa, doesnt it?"

He nodded, "and an even prouder Father." He said softly.

She smiled then looked at me, "You're lucky to have a Father like him."

I nodded agreeing with her, "I know."

Before I knew it, they were slowly wheeling his bed out of the room. He looked at me, still holding onto the picture, "You're gonna be here when I wake up?"

"Yeah daddy, I'm not even leaving the building." I whispered.

He nodded, "Ok."

I bent down and gave him a soft kiss, "I love you."

"I love you, too." He smiled then pointed to my belly, "I love them, too."

I laughed and nodded, "They already love you as well."

He smiled happily, but I could see the fear in his eyes. I watched as they took him away and another nurse came up to me, "It'll be a few hours, but everything should go fine, he isnt a high risk patient."


She smiled then walked away. I grabbed my purse then walked out of the room and started to find my way to the cafe that they have here somewhere, when I saw Sammie, looking completely lost, "Sammie?" I called out.

She shot her head my way then hurried over, "I have bee here for like ten minutes but I'm lost." she laughed, "Did they take him already?"


She made a face, "Well shit." She huffed then looked at me, "How was the appointment?"

"Good, I have to make a dentist appointment tomorrow though. And I'm having twins."

She just looked at me, "Seriously?"


"How funny is that ... everyone has been telling you and gabe that it would be neat to have twins, then Gabe talking about twins and now you're having twins." She hugged me, "well, no my baby will have two best friends instead of one." She smiled.

"Depends on the genders." I pointed out.

"Good point, what if you have like two girls and I have a boy?' She made a face, "Then he'll have to keep our eyes on them."

I rolled my eyes, "Or mine are boys and yours is a girl, then we'll have brotherly rivalry going on, and that's never good."

She sighed softly, "I want them to all be girls." She nodded, "That'll make things a hell of a lot easier."

"Gabe Doesnt want a girl, well, not yet at least ... he said he can barely figure me out, having a daughter would screw with his mind."

"Whatever, she'd be fine until she hits ... 11, then that's when shit starts to go sour."

I laughed and nodded as we came up to the cafe. We ordered a little bite to eat then sat down at a table. As sammie went on and on about the fight her and Alex are currently having, I couldnt help but worry about my Father and hope that he's alright.


"You'll have to be quiet, he's still pretty out of it." The nurse said softly as she led me and sammie into the dim lighted hospital room that my dad is going to call home for a week or two.

I walked over to the side of his bed and sat down on the chair. I took his hand in mine and smiled, "Thank you." I said to the nurse.

She nodded then pointed to his right hand, "he had that picture with him, the entire time."

I laughed and nodded. She smiled then walked out of the room. I gently squeezed his hand, "daddy?" I whispered.

He frowned as his eyes slowly opened, "Baby." He whispered,. "It was hell."

"You were asleep."

"Before I was asleep.' He smiled then sighed, "can I eat, i'm hungry."

"You're stuck with jello and water tonight." I informed him, "But tomorrow you'll be able to eat."

He made a face then shook his head, "damn hospitals."

"Daddy you need your rest, I'm going to go back to the house, make sure Uncle Steve isnt wrecking anything, then I'm going to go to my place, but I'll have my phone on the entire time, ok?"

"Alright." He whispered.

"Dont fight with the nurses, you cant get up to walk around, you need to stay in bed. I'll be back in the morning with some breakfast."

"Alright." He mumbled again.

I kised his cheek, "Ok, I love you."

"I love you, too." He whispered then smiled softly.

I walked out of the room as Sammie said her hello and her good bye. After she was done, we walked out to the parking lot and she hugged me tightly as we came up to our cars, that were parked side by side, "Ok ... I'm going to go to your apartment." She said, givnig she's practically moved in with me, "and clean up a bit ... so I'll see you there."

"Alrighty then, I have to go check on my uncle when I'll be there." I informed her then got in my car. I pulled out and made my way back to my Dad's house. As I walked into the house, I glanced around and frowned softly, moving to the kitchen, I stopped when I saw Steve taking a drink of a beer as he made a sandwich.


He looked up at me then smiled, "Hey you ... hows your dad?"

"He's ok." I sat down, "How are you?"

"Better." He pointed to the bread, "want a sandwich?"

I shook my head, "No thank you."

"You know for being pregnant, you dont eat a lot."

"I do, it's just I ate at the hospital." I paused, "Uncle Steve can I ask you something?"


"Why dont you like Gabe?"

He eyed me then sighed loudly, "It's not that I dont like him ... it's that I what he does for a living, I dont like that he makes you sleep alone everynight. He marries you, gets you pregnant, then leaves, and expects you to take care of yourself ... Kacie why do you want a guy like that for a husband?"

"It's not even like that." I insisted, "If I needed Gabe home, he'd come home, or he'd fly me out to tour with him. I knew when I got together with him that it wasnt going to be easy, and truthfully, I dont want him home every single night." I laughed.

He frowned, "He isnt white."

I tilted my head to the side, "No, he isnt."

"he's not american is he?"

I made a face, "He wasnt born here, no, but he's a citizen, he votes, he gets jury duty, he was raised here." I stood up, "Oh my god, you dont like him because he's hispanic, huh?"

He frowned, "kacie ..." He sighed.

"No." I shook my head as I held up my hands, "Dont try to deny it, or sugar coat it. You dont like him because he's not white."

He nodded a little then shrugged he seemed to be looking for words to say.

"I gotta go." I grabbed my purse and just walked out of the house without another word said.

"Kacie, wait!" Steve shouted, "Please, just wait!"

I shook my head as I got in my car and started it, driving off quickly. As I continued to drive, I have never encountered something like that before, to be honest it never even crossed my mind. I have never gotten shit from anyone for dating or marrying gabe, well, at least not for ethnic background or religious views. Yes, Gabe and I have to come to understandings with the whole religious views, but it's nothing we cant work through, if it was we would've never even thought about getting married.

At my apartment, I looked at sammie as I shut the door. She looked at me, "You look pissed, traffic bad?"

I shook my head no as I walked in, "Steve doesnt like Gabe because Gabe isnt white." I whispered.

Sammie made her eyes wide, "Seriously?"


Allison walked in from the kitchen with a stunned look on her face as well, "He said that?"

I nodded, "I have never had to deal with this before." I sat down, "I'm mad, and hurt."

Sammie nodded, "Its pretty fucked up."

"what do I do?" I asked, "Like it's going to be awkward at family functions."

"Just dont invite steve." Allison insisted, "Everyone is in love with Gabe, how could anyone hate him?' She questioned, "He's great."

"I agree, just dont invite Steve." sammie said softly.

"Do I tell gabe?" I asked, 'I have to right?"

"Yeah." Sammie said, "I suppose you should."

Grabbing the cordless phone off of the charger on the inn table. I got up and walked away to the bedroom, shutting the door behind me slowly as I dialed Gabe's number. Sitting on the end of the bed, I put the phone to my ear and listened to it ring.

"Hey, I cant get to my phone leave a message and a number, and I'll get back to you." Gabe's voice said then there was the computerized lady saying something about pressing five and paging him or something like that. I hung up, not wanting to leave a voicemail.

I made a face then shook my head, being confused. How could someone hate Gabe and not even know him? Especially family.