With a Delicate Soul, I Don't Claim to Know Much

The Good Life

Handing the taxi driver a twenty, I got out, grabbed my bags then looked around the somewhat empty parking lot of the arena that my fiance is playing tonight. With my bags in hand, I walked over towards the buses that were blocked off with a fence. The line to get in was already pretty long, maybe 100 people. And most of those people being girls in skinny jeans, with their digital cameras waiting for an amazing show.

Once I was at the gate I eyed the buses for movement. Making a face, I didnt see anyone and I know I cant get back there without someone letting me back there. "Ma'am, you're gonna have to go get in line just like everybody else" I heard a forced deep voice say.

I turned around to see Ryland with a smile on his face, "Nice try" I laughed as i hugged him then eyed him, "Where did you come from?" I asked.

He pointed, "The south parking lot"

I tilted my head, "Why not this parking lot?"

He shrugged, "because, we're just the opening band, we're not good enough" He laughed, "No, I honestly dont know"

"Where's Gabe?"

He pointed in the same direction, "That way, he's coming ... slowly" He smiled, "Now if you'll excuse me I have to pee really bad" He informed me as he walked by me. I grabbed my bags and started in the direction that he came from, soon enough, I passed Nate and Victoria, stopping briefly to exchange hugs and hellos before we set back on our journeys.

Then, there he was, in his skinny jeans, colorful Nike's, sunglasses, a hoodie, and a fitted hat. I smiled a giddy little school girl smile. when he saw me he screamed playfully, "Oh My god!" He gasped in a high pitched voice, "No way, it's Kacie!" He went on, "Kacie my fiance!? Is that you!?"

I rolled my eyes as we reached each other, "Dumbass" I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips loudly, before picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his middle and backed away from his kiss. He smiled and laughed, "How was your flight?"

"Long" I answered then kissed him again before he placed me back down on my feet. He looked at my bags then pointed to it, "Get your shit and follow me"

I raised my eyebrow but didnt move.

"Ok, I'll get your shit" He smirked then grabbed my bags as he started walking back in the direction that he came from. Following him, I linked my arm with his and sighed softly. The walk was quiet, simple small talk but that was about it. Once on the bus and Gabe put my things in the back lounge, he wrapped me up in a tight hug and swayed slowly. I hugged back, taking in his scent and his warm embrace, loving every second of it.

I looked up at him and he kissed my lips gently, "Your dad is home now, right?"

I shook my head, "No, he should be going home in a few days, hopefully"

He made a face then let me go. I walked away and sat down on a couch, "I want sleep" I whispered.

"I want sex, but you dont see me complaining" He laughed as he walked over, sitting next to me, and turning my head towards him. He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me deeply for the first time in months. I kissed back and got lost in the moment, everything seemed perfect.

As he pulled away he mumbled that he loved me then stole a soft kiss before getting up and holding out his hand, "Come with me"

"Why? cant I stay here and sleep?" I pouted.

He stuck out his bottom lip, "C'mon" He took my hand and tugged me to my feet, "walk with me"

I leaned against him and wrapped my arms around him, under his shirt, feeling his soft skin. I stood on my tippy toes and kiss his neck. He laughed as he leaned his head back, "walk with me, I have sound check"

I made a face as I pulled away from him and nodded. We left the bus, hand in hand as we walked towards the arena. Half way there, Gabe let my hand go, then wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I smiled as I leaned into him, feeling content and relaxed now that I'm here, but this trip isnt for pleasure, we have a wedding to plan.