Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

I've seen Lovers dancing ...

Watching Craig get ready for tour, I stared at him. Half of me not wanting him to go.

Going through boxes, he sighed softly, looking for whatever he's looking for. Glancing up at me with his blue eyes he eyed me for a minute before returning to looking around, "Kaykay, are you sure you'll be able to unpack everything?"

I nodded simply, "Yeah," I whispered, half asleep, giving it's just barely seven in the morning, "If not, I have Tyler and I'll Zack over. I've got plenty of help."

He stood up straight, looking around our box filled, undecorated room with a sigh, "Alright." He zipped up his bag and looked at me. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed a picture of us and handed it to him. He smiled and took it before opening his bag and placing it in, gently and zipping it back up. I smiled at him and held out my arms.

He wrapped his arms around me and sighed softly as we hugged, "Remember, call me if anything happens," He whispered, "Good or bad," He rubbed my back, "I want to know everything that is happening with you and the baby. Meaning, e-mailing me photos," He smiled as he backed away, "I'll call everyday, I'll make it short and sweet," He made a cute face, "And, for your sanity, and stress level, I'll try to stay outta trouble."

I nodded, "Thank you."

He shrugged and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me lovingly. I pulled away from him and sighed, "Are you sure you dont want me to drive you?"

"yeah. My Mom is going to" He caressed my face and kissed me again. Before pulling away once more, and getting on his knees. He lifted my shirt and kissed my belly softly a few times then looked up at me, "Ok. The next time I see you, you'll be showing." He smiled happily.

I ran my hand through his hair and nodded, "Yeah. And we'll know what we're having too."

He kissed my stomach once more, then picked himself up. He kissed me deeply once again, but it was cut short by the horn honking outfront.

"I have to go," He said softly, "You should crawl back in bed and get more sleep, you look like shit, to be honest."

"I feel like it, too." I mumbled, not liking this morning sickness, business.

"Well, I'll call tonight," He gave me a feather light kiss on the lips, picked up his bags and left the room, "I love you."

"I love you too, Sweetcheeks."

I sat still for a moment, then I heard the front door, downstairs shut, minutes later a trunk, then a car door, before a car driving off. I crawled back in bed and covered up, sinking down into the bed and closing my eyes.

Not really being sad, I'm used to it, but like everytime he leaves, I let my mind race through all the bad things that could happen and I end up sleeping for a day or two days straight, and/or moping around without a purpose. But, after that, I'm pretty good.


Sitting in the front lounge of the first tour bus we've ever had. I felt nervous I guess. I dont really know why though.

I'm on my third beer, and I dont think I'll be stopping anytime soon. I've already managed to get pissed off at Brad. It was petty, but it still happened. We fight like brother, we'll get over it.

I've called home five times, all five calls, Tyler picked up, informing me that Kayla was still sleeping, but she was fine. It didnt surprise me, she sleeps for a few days after I leave, I guess it's her way of coping with separation anxiety, also, I think her being only a month and a half pregnant has something to do with it too. She's been a littls sluggish lately. The doctor said it's normal to feel like she's coming down with a cold.

For the last couple of weeks, we've bought our first house as a married couple and moved into it. But with two pregnant girls in the house, it didnt go as planned. I had Gwen biting my head off every other second, then my wife was complaining about how everything she eats, comes right back up again. Then, kayla started to bleed, so we had to make a special trip to the doctor, where he told her it was normal and that she didnt have a miscarriage. To put her nerves at ease, he did an ultra sound and showed her where the egg, or fetus, was. Then Gwen had a medical scare, she fell down the stairs and got bad pains in her abdomen. Luckily, it wasnt anything serious, she was kept in the hospital over night for observation, but was released the next day, on bedrest for a week.

Needless to say, shit has been busy. I almost just want to go home, but I always feel this way at the beginning of a tour, give it a week, I'll be loving the tour life, once more.

I hope.