Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

I swear I didnt mean for it to feel like this

Putting the bowl of Chicken alfredo on the table, I sat down and looked over at Aaron who was eating over tonight, helping with boxes and unpacking.

He's been quiet all day, like he's had something to say, but doesnt know how to tell me about it.

"Hey, Tyler can you do me a favor and go eat in the living room?" Aaron questioned softly.

Tyler looked at him, then over at me, before dishing up a plate of food for him and Gwen. He mumbled softly to Gwen and she got up, following him into the other room.

"Dont get any on the carpet, Craig will have your head if you do." I said simply.

"We wont." Gwen insisted.

I looked at Aaron as I got some food on my plate, "What?" I asked simply.

He sighed softly as I handed him the spoon for the pasta. He put some food in his plate, then rubbed his face, "It's Dad."


He nodded, "Yeah. I was over there last night and he was drinking, a lot," He rubbed the back of his neck, "Kayla, I saw Dad hit Zack".

I gasped, "What!?"

"Keep it down," He snapped, looking towards the living room then back at me, "I Dont want Tyler knowing yet, not with everything that's happening to Gwen," He pushed his food around, "Stacey is with him right now."

"With him?"

"In anger, I called the police. Child Services has him," He shifted in his seat then sighed softly, "I didnt mean for shit to happen like this, but Dad isnt talking to me, Zack is emotionally hurt, and Nancy, I dont know what her deal is. My lawyer," He started, "My lawyer told me that I should try gaining custody of Zack. Since he's been the only one home, I dont know how long Dad has been hitting him, but he's pretty fucked up."

"What?" Tyler questioned, "Dad is hitting Zack?"

We both looked over at him with wide eyes.

Tyler frowned then shook his head, "No."

"Tyler, we've got it under control, go eat." I insisted.

He looked at me, then left the room reluctantly. I looked back at Aaron and frowned, "Are you going to go to court?"

"Yeah. I think I am," He shook his head, "Zack, he's sensitive already, hitting him isnt doing nothing."

"Stacey, she works with child services?"

"Yeah, but she's not handling the case. She's just staying with him, so he has someone there that he knows," He eyed me, "I think he's taking his anger for Tyler out on Zack."

"That's not right."

"Tell me about."

Tyler came back in and sat down, "What's going on?"

We both looked at him again and Aaron sighed, "Dad, he got drunk last night. I saw him hit Zack."

Tyler frowned but said nothing.

"Tyler, has he done this before?" I asked.

He looked at me then shrugged, "Few times back when I was there, but it was with me, never with Zack. He ... um ... hit me with a belt. I missed a day of school because I couldnt sit, I laid in bed all day."

I frowned then looked at Aaron, before looking back, "How come you never told anyone?"

"Well, I did things to get hit I suppose. You know, staying out late with Gwen, I went to the freshman dance and didnt get back till three and he hit me ... Is Zack ok?"

"Yeah." Aaron answered.

Gwen slowly walked in and sat down. She looked at Tyler then back at me, "I told Tyler to get help."

Tyler looked at his wife and gave her an apologetic look, like he was ashamed he didnt, "I didnt think much of it. It's been like this forever, even when you guys lived there, when you werent there, Dad would get mad a hit me."

I shook my head, finding it hard to believe, because my Father never once laid a hand on me or Aaron when we were growing up. What makes the twins so different?

"If I have to, I'll go to court," Tyler said, nodding, "Zack, he doesnt deserve this."

I looked at Aaron, "Can we see him?"

"Not tonight, visiting hours are over, maybe tomorrow, I can get Stacey to pull some strings, let us go see him."

"Can he live with us?" Tyler questioned.

"No," I shook my head, "Tyler, there's two babies on the way, and you two are still minors. I dont think anymore people here would be good. He's going with Aaron."

"And, I'm looking at houses down the street with Stacey, if we get him, we're moving out of the city."

"Seriously?" I asked him.

"Yeah, that way we'll be closer together, and there's this school that's for gifted kids, like the smart ones, I'm going to enroll Zack in it."

Tyler nodded, "Yeah, he'll like that," He smiled, "You know, Zack got the brains."

"What'd you get?" I asked him.

"an over active dick." Gwen grumbled meanly.

I held back a laugh as Tyler looked at her, "You've never complained before."

"Not at the dinner table," I begged, "Please."

Aaron smiled a little bit, "But, for the next few months, things are going to be hectic. My lawyer has told me that Tyler and Gwen should get a restraining order against Dad, and you should too, Kayla."

I made a face.

"I wouldnt worry so much if Craig were here, but since he's not, I'll feel safer if you did."

I nodded.

"He's been drinking. He out on bail right, and he's called me several times, piss drunk. And he's an angry drunk, not a depressed drunk like Craig," He looked at me, "Dont think you can go over there and talk to him."

"I know," I nodded, "I wont."

He nodded then sighed, "For the time being, I want to stay here."

"Ok." I nodded, then loudly the phone rang. I got up and went to the counter, grabbing it, "Hello?" I asked, not bothering with the ID.

"How was your appointment?" Craig slurred a little, not bothering with a greeting.

"Good. We're healthy." I smiled.

He let out a happy sigh, "Ok, that's amazing. So, how are you today?"

"Not so good."


I walked away and into his office, shutting the door, "My Dad was arrested for hitting Zack and Zack is with Child services."

There was a long pause, "No shit?" He asked, his happy sounding voice, gone.

"Yeah. I guess he's been drinking and hitting Zack. And he used to hit Tyler, it's pretty fucked up."

"Is Zack ok?"

"Yeah, I guess he's a little shaken up and has some scars, but he's good," I paused, "I just found out." I added.

"I'm sorry, babe."

"It's ok." I whispered.

"How are you? You holding up?"

"Yeah, I think so. Aaron is telling me I need a restraining order, Sweetcheeks."

"Then get one," He said softly, "I dont want him getting angry and coming after you."

"I know, but this is so crazy." I mumbled softly.

"I know. I'm sorry, I'll be home before you know it."

I made a face then sighed, "I wasnt sure if you wanted me to unpack your office stuff, so I just put the boxes in it."

"That's fine. I'll get it organized when I get home. Listen, I'm going to head to bed, I'm a little out of it right now, but I'll call when I wake up and we can talk more, ok?"

"Alright. I love you."

"I love you, too. And call me if you need to talk to me, I'll have my phone on."


"Goodnight, babe."

"G'Night, Sweetcheeks." I replied before ending the call. I walked back into the dinning room and sat down. Aaron looked at me and smiled, "How is he?"

"Drunk," I answered, "And on his way to bed" I said simply then went back to eating, "Where's Tyler?"

"Gwen is taking a bath, wanted him to sit in there with her to keep her company."

I nodded then looked at him, "He's really grown up. I mean, I dont know how long this marriage will last but he really is trying to make things work."

He nodded agreeing with me.

"I mean, for the most part, they seem really happy. He makes her laugh, and she shows him affection, they both wear their rings."

He nodded then stood up. He grabbed our plates and started to clean up, "I called mom." He whispered softly.

I lifted my head up and looked at him, "What?"

"Yeah. You told me she lived in Austin, I found her, and called her. I wanted to call her before you did, I didnt want you to get rejected. I was just trying to protect you."

I frowned, understanding, because I caught Craig trying to call her one time too, "So?"

He shrugged as he got into the freezer, grabbed my pint size carton of frozen yogurt and walked over to me with two spoons and sat down. Taking the lid off he smiled softly, "She said that it's great to hear my voice and to know I'm doing good."

"And?" I asked as I took a bite.

"She said that theres a complete different side to the story, and that she didnt smoke or drink while pregnant with any of us."

I frowned.

"She's remarried with three kids. She wants to talk to you. I told her about how you married Craig, and you two were highschool sweethearts, and how he's in a band. She was really excited, and wants us to fly down there to see her."

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, really. I talked to her for hours. I honestly never wanted to find her, because all the shit Dad. But she's amazing."

I smiled, "Did you tell her I was pregnant?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I did."

I nudged him a bit, "Maybe Daddy is crazy."

He laughed, "Crazy no, drunk yes," he said sofly, "You know, Daddy always had his angry side."

I nodded, agreeing with him.

"I mean he never hit us, but he would yell."

"You dont think Daddy, pushed Mom away, do you?"

"I dont know anymore, She says he did, but we dont know her that well. And now, Dad is hitting the twins, I just know that if we dont step in and raise the twins, bad shit will happen."

"If you did get gaurdianship over Zack, what are you gonna do about your shop?"

"Keep it. He'll be at school all day, then after school he could come over here, or go home with Stacey is there. The shop is making amazing money right now, I can't move it, or get rid of it."

"Why not open up another one?"

He shrugged, "I dont know."

"Shit has gotten pretty outta hand lately, huh?"

"sure has. First Craig, then Tyler, now Dad. I'm ready for some happiness."

I smirked then the front door opened and closed, "Kayla?" Craig's Mother called out.

"In here Mom!" I answered.

She walked in with a tupperwear bowl in her hand, "I brought over some Dinner, I know how you dont like to cook," She set it down, "Just some stew."

"We ate already, but thank you. I'm sure Tyler will get his grubby little paws on it."

She smiled then nodded as she looked around, "It's lookin' good in here."

I nodded agreeing with here, "It's a little bare, I need to go shopping. So, how's things over your way?"

She sat down, "Pretty Mellow," She answered as she looked at me, "Craig told me you had an appointment, how'd it go?"

"Good. We're healthy and on track," I smiled, "but I'm hating this morning sickness."

"Oh. I had the hardest time when I was pregnant with Craig, it was hell."

I smiled softly.

"Craig, he's really worried about the baby."

"I know. After what happened the first time around, we're both worried."

She looked at me then nodded, "Well, When you start shopping for the baby, I want to come. This is my first grandbaby, I'm very excited."

I smiled and nodded.

"How are you, Aaron?" She asked.

"He's got a girlie friend." I taunted.

"You do!?" She gushed happily.

"Yeah, I do," He blushed deeply, "Her name is Stacey."

"Is it finally serious?"

He nodded like a shy little kid, "Yeah."

She laughed softly then reached over and patted his arm, "I'm happy for you. I hope it really works out this time."

"Me too." He said with a sigh.

"Hey there, Lady." Tyler said simply, walking in.

She looked over at him and smiled, "Hey you. What are you up to?"

"The usual, listening to Gwen complain about being fat. School work, and working part time at the pizza parlor," He made a face, "How are you?"

"Good. So, when's the baby shower for Gwen?"

"Baby shower?" He mumbled, "I dont know. I didnt even know she wanted one."

I looked at my brother blankly then shook my head, "Every pregnant girl wants a baby shower."

"Yes. I had one when I was carrying Craig, wasnt very big and I didnt get much, but it was still nice to have one," She paused, "Maybe you should get a list of her friends and their numbers and Kayla and I will host it." She looked over at me, "Yeah?"

I smiled, "Yes. It'll be so fun," I nodded violently, "And It'll get my mind off of Craig being gone. And we can get Aimee to help. It'll be tons of fun."

"I dont know. I'll ask. She's on the phone with her Mom right now. Its funny" He started, "ever since she's been having medical problems her parents want to be involved with everything. Only after something bad happens."

"That's how people are, Man." Aaron said simply.

He shrugged a little bit then walked to the fridge. He grabbed a mountain dew then went back upstairs without another word. I made a face then shook my head, staying quiet.

"Well, I better get going, Adam was talking about catching a late movie."

"Date night?" I smiled.

She nodded, "Yep. Sure is," She got her purse and looked at me, "and when Craig calls, tell him his Dad called, wanting to see how he's doing. And that Craig should just give him a call, it's been almost two years. He listens to you more than he does me with this."

I nodded, "Ok. I'll try to get him to call him" I stood up and hugged her, "Thanks for bringing that by"

"You're welcome sweetie," She kissed my cheek, "I love you, and call me if you need anything."

"Love you, too. And I will," I smiled as she showed herself out, "Drive safe." I demanded.

"I will." She called before leaving. I looked at Aaron and he smiled, "Good luck with trying to get Craig to call his Dad."

I made a face at him, "Shut up," I spat before putting the bowl in the fridge then yawning, "I'm going to go find a movie on TV, dont eat all my frozen yogurt." I demanded.

"I wont" He said softly as I walked away. "hey, kayla?"

"Hmm?" I looked over my shoulder at him.

"I love you."

I smiled and nodded, "I love you, too. But you cant eat all of my yogurt." I smirked.

He shook his head before taking another bite. Once in the living room I sat down and turned on the TV, flipping through the channles mindlessly.

My life is anything but normal.