Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

Don't Worry Darlin' Now Baby Don't you Fret

Laying on the table in the dim lighted doctor's room, I stared at my doctor, "Can you tell what I'm having yet?" I asked softly.

He looked at me then back at the screen, "Yes I can. Do you want to know?"

I nodded, "Yeah," I smiled then suddenly there was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in, "There's a guy here, claiming to know Kayla," She said softly, then I saw Craig peek over her shoulder then he pointed, "That's my wife." He said simply.

My doctor, knowing Craig nodded, "Let him in." He insisted softly then Craig walked in and smiled softly before she shut the door. Walking over to me, the doctor smiled up at him, "You're just in time to see what you're having."

I looked at Craig, wanting to jump up and give him a tight hug, not having seen him for the entire summer. He bent down and gave me a gentle kiss then looked at the monitor as he held my hand tightly.

"It looks like you two are having a boy." The doctor smiled as he looked at us then pointed to the screen at our unborn born sons 'goods'

I looked up at Craig and he had a smile plastered to his face. He was tanned and slightly sunburned, he looked like a beach bum to tell you the truth and yet, he's still amazingly cute.

"The two of them are ok, right doc?" Craig asked.

"As healthy as can be. Kayla is a little stressed out and I'm ordering her to a week of no work and stress, but other than that, things are looking great." He smiled.

Craig looked down and me and pointed to me, "hear that?"

I nodded.

"No work or stress." He demanded with his eyebrows raised with a cute smirk.

Before I knew it, I was standing in the parking lot next to my drivers side door, locked in a passionate kiss with Craig.

Backing away from him slowly I smiled, "How was the last few shows?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Good." He shifted his gaze from my eyes to my belly and gently placed his hands on it, "beautiful." He whispered.

I placed my hands on his then stood on my tippy toes, pressing my lips to his, "let's go eat, I'm hungry." I demanded with a nod.

He stole another kiss then pulled away, "I have no cash on me," He pointed out, "I dont even have my wallet."

"I do," I frowned, "are you driving without your license?"

He gave me a cute smile, "Shh..." He put his index finger over my lips, "no one has to know."

I laughed then opened my car door, "C'mon, let's go eat, I'm starving and pregnant, dont fuck with me."

He made his eyes wide and then made a mocking face before shutting my door shut for me then went and got in his car.

Following me to TGI Friday's, Craig was nodding his head to his music and singing along. Finding this adorable, I kept looking back at him through my mirrors.

Once at the restuarant and seating, we ordered before talking much. Sipping on my strawberry lemonade I looked at Craig with an innocent smile. He returned a cute look then shook his head before taking a drink of his soda, "I've missed you." He said with a nod.

"I know it. I'm hard not to miss," I shrugged a little then made a face, "When do we leave?"


"For LA. I want to come, when do we leave?"

"Oh. Four days." he answered.

I smiled happily, "I am going to tan my baby bump," I nodded, "On the beach. Mhm. Show it off."

Craig smiled at me and nodded, "You're beautiful." He whispered.

I blushed, "Thank you." I said shyly like a school girl.

He shook his head a little then stirred his soda around, "I saw Gwen," He said with wide eyes, "She looks like she's ready to pop."

"She only has a month left," I frowned, "And the baby has 'dropped' already. She's ready to come out and see the world."

He laughed.

"We had a baby shower for her two weeks ago. Aaron and Tyler invited all of her friends and family, you're mom showed up and made the dinner. It was perfect, it was exactly what Gwen really needed. Plus, she got a lot of cool baby stuff." I nodded.

Craig smiled, "I know, my Mom told me about it when I called to let her know I was still alive," He shifted in his seat, "I think we should do the nursery and sail boat theme. Anchors, and water, big sails."

I smiled, loving the idea acutally, "It sounds amazing."

"And it's something he'll like at least until he's in school, eight maybe nine then we'll have to paint over it." He shrugged a little bit.

I got up and walked over to his side of the booth and sat next to him. He scooted over just a bit then wrapped an arm around me. I smiled as I laid my head on his shoulder, "I've missed you so much, Sweetcheeks," I whispered quietly, "So much bad shit has happened this summer, yet," I lifted my head, "It has all turned out good," I nodded then pointed to my purse on the other side of the table, "Get that for me." I said.

He reached over and grabbed it, handed it to me. I put it on the other side of him with a soft frown then looked at him, "There were a lot of nights I wish I had you with me."

"Yeah?" He asked, caressing my face so softly I could barely feel it.

I nodded, "Yeah. My body was changing, still is. I was emotional because of my Dad. So much shit."

He pressed his lips firmly to my temple and gave me a long kiss before backing away and placing and gentle one on my cheek, "Well, I'm here babe. We'll be together for a while"

I nodded with a smile then rubbed his thigh, "So, remember our conversation about baby names we had when you were a little tipsy?"

"I do," He nodded, "which is strange because I dont remember anything else from that night." He laughed then reached over with his free hand, rubbing my belly slowly, "Does he move a lot?"

"Sort of. He moves everyday, and he's been moving a lot more lately." I answered as I laid my head on his shoulder once again.

Soon, our food came and our waiter looked at us, "Newly weds?" He smiled softly.

"No," Craig smiled shaking his head, "We've been married four years." He informed the unknown man, "We're just expecting is all."

The guy smiled happily, "Ah, my girlfriend is pregnant too." He rubbed his palms together, "Anything else I can get you two?"

"No thank you." I smiled.

He nodded, "Ok, enjoy your meal." He smiled then walked away. I reached over to Craig's plate and stole a pickle.

He looked at me then with a playful frown, "Not nice." He insisted as he reached over and stole one of my fries even though he has fries of his own, then stuck his tongue out at me before putting the condiments on his burger.

Grabbing my knife, I cut my ribs apart and slowly started to eat them, being hungry. Laughing softly Craig grabbed a napkin and wiped my cheek off, "Silly." He siad simply as he put the napkin down.

I frowned, "I'm hungry, not silly and Ribs are messy but damn good."

He shook his head a little then we went back to eating. Soon enough, we were home and I was standing in the doorway of the laundry room, watching Craig sort and start a load of very dirty and smelly laundry.

"Did you find out what you're having?" I heard Gwen asked from behind me.

I looked over at her and smiled, "Yeah, we're having a boy." I said softly.

She smiled wildly and laughed, "That's amazing. Congratulations."

"Thank you." I smiled softly as she walked away, screaming for Tyler. I looked back at Craig and kicked his butt. He jumped a little and looked at me, "What was that for?" He asked like he was a scolded puppy.

"Nothing." I answered.

He made a face then went back to his laundry.

"Did you get me anything?" I asked softly.

"Huh?" He asked.

"Did you get me anything when you were out on the road." I frowned.

"Oh," He nodded, "Yeah," He eyed me, "When do I go out on tour and not come home with something for you?"

I shrugged a little, "What did you get me?"

"a swift kick in the ass." He said simply.

I frowned at him and kicked him once more, "Owens."

He rolled his eyes as he walked by me and grabbed my butt playfully, "C'mon." He demanded as he hurried up the stairs. I followed him slowly then once in our room he handed me a bag.

I sat down on the bed and opened it to see a box. I opened the box to reveal and beautiful diamond pendant necklace.

I looked at Craig and smiled.

He shrugged, "I got it for you, sort of a present for the pregnancy." He sighed, "Do you like it?"

I nodded, "I love it," I whispered as I took it out and handed it to him, "put it on me."

He took it and put it on for me, before kissing my lips lovingly, "I saw it and it screamed for me to buy. I know you dont wear much jewelry, but it had your name all over it."

As I stood to my feet to kiss him, our bedroom door opened and Tyler looked at us with wide eyes, "Gwen's water just broke." He said with a scared voice.

I looked at him then it clicked, "Ok," I nodded, "Get her out to the car and get her bag." I demanded.

He nodded then hurried away. I looked at Craig and he sighed, "I have good timing." He said, referring to the fact that he just got home.

"You do. And get your wallet, you're driving."

He nodded then grabbed his wallet from his bag, made sure he had everything in it, then we left the room.

Once in the car and on the way to the hospital, Gwen was talking a mile a minute and I was very excited for her, but I was stressing.

Reaching over, Craig held my hand tightly, but didnt look at me. I looked down at his hand and sighed softly at our linked hands, calming myself. Sometimes, life just comes at you so fast you can hardly breathe.