Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

Happy Birthday, Sweetcheeks.

"Dont pinch, kiss." My wife growled as she tugged my hands away from her breasts. I looked at her then nodded as I leaned forward and gently kissed her nipples rather than pinching/pulling at them.

I pulled away slowly and eyed her, seeing that face I love to see, meaning she's nearing her peak. Only seconds later, I moaned deeply, before sighing her name, in the midst of my orgasm, Kayla went into hers, as she started to calm down slightly, i felt her tighten around me once more, as she went into another orgasm. I leaned forward, kissing her neck.

Finally, she leaned forward as well, hugging onto me as she panted, trying to gain control of her breathing. With her hand tangled up in the back of my hair, she nuzzled my neck, kissing gently as I traced her spine with my finger tips, both of us still extremely sensitive to the touch.

Softly, she laughed as she pulled away, and looked down at her belly, "He hasnt stopped moving around in there yet."

I placed my hands on her belly, feeling the subtle movements my son was making from within. I smiled proudly before leaning in, kissing her lips softly, "I love you." I mumbled.

"I love you, too. And ..." She pressed her forehead to mine, "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you." I whispered, "That was one amazing wake up call."

She blushed, "Yeah?"

I nodded then wrapped my arms around her once more, "Yeah." I whispered ever so softly, "Wanna shower with me?"

"Yes." She answered then backed away, "Then I'm going to make you breakfast."

"I should be the one making breakfast after the sex we just had."

She shook her head, "It's your day." She smiled then kissed me, "I'll make breakfast, but keep in mind since you'll be gone on my birthday, I want a bunch of cute texts and e-mails, along with phone sex."

I laughed then nodded, "deal."

She slowly got up, off of my lap, letting my flaccid self pull out of her. She tugged me off of the bed adn into our bathroom, starting the shower, she got in first, before pulling me in by both hands, with a seductive smile. I smiled back as I stepped under the water with her, locking me in a passionate kiss, I knew that, yeah, this is my birthday and she's making it all about me, but also, I've noticed since she's gotten pregnant and over the morning sickness, she has been extremely horny, like we were back in highschool, and at any given time, I could merely brush up against her, and she'd be soaked, if you know what I'm talking about.

It feels just like that, now, it's great to have her like this, so willing and ready no matter what time of day, but I'm finding it a little hard to keep up with her.

After the shower, as she went downstairs to fix me some breakfast, I changed our sheets, and put the dirty bedding in the washer. After that was done, I went into the kitchen, coming up behind my wife, kissing her neck lovingly, before smacking her butt playfully as I walked towards the fridge, "What do you want to do today, sweetcheeks?"

I shruggd as I grabbed the orange juice carton, "I dont know, get smashed?"

She groaned, but she's used to it, "anything else besides party?"

"I dont know, are we heading out to a club and/or a bar?" I asked, not knowing what she has planned in that devilish little mind of hers.

"A few places, yes." She answered, "I was thinking about going to a quiet dinner." She glanced over her shoulder at me, before looking back at the cooking eggs before her, "Unless you dont want to have a quiet dinner alone with me."

I smiled, "I'd love to have a quiet dinner alone." I mumbled as I walked by her once more, smacking her butt.

"Stop that!" She giggled cutely.

"I cant help it, those panties look good on you."

"Do they?" She smiled as she wiggled her butt.

"mhm, they do."

"Well they should, you bought them for me."

"I know it." I sat at the table.

She smirked over at me but said nothing as she finished our meal. After it was done, we ate together, off of one plate with her sitting in my lap, and her feeding me. "This is good." I mumbled as I rubbed her thigh softly, her skin was warm and soft,



"I was too lazy to make pancake, but I would've if I wasnt being lame."

"No, no. This is good, thank you."

She smiled then kissed my lips gently, "I bought you presents."

"Oh?" I asked, "And all this time I thought you wanted to skip my birthday."

She laughed, shaking her head, "I lied."

I rested my head on her shoulder as I rubbed her belly, not being able to keep my hands off of it, "Logan." I whispered.

"Hmm?" She grumbled, "Logan?" She asked, her mouth full of bacon.

I nodded, "Logan Owens." I smiled, "I like that name, dont you?"

She turned to me, "Did this just pop up?"

I nodded once agian, "yes."

She smirked, "I love it!" She gushed as she put the fork down, wiped her hands off with the napkin then looked at her belly, "Logan Owens ... he needs a middle name."

I shrugged.

"How about Michael?"

"that's my middle name."

"I know it, but doesnt that sound good? Logan Michael Owens, it fits."

"Yeah, it does." I agreed, "Are we sticking with thename?"

"Yes." She snapped then turned back around to the food, usually she'd be done by now, but she's eating for two, and we just had sex, she needs body fuel.

"you know what, I bet he's gonna have his Mom's eyes."

"he better not have my brown eyes, he better have yours." She growled, "I love your eyes, have I told you that lately?"

"Not lately, no."

"Well, I love your eyes, always have."

I smiled as I laid my head back on her shoulder, hands on her baby bump as she continued to eat, "I'm sleepy." I mumbled, being relaxed and content, having sex completely released my stress that I have been building up, then eating, making myself full, I'm ready to just cuddle on the couch with a boring TV movie and our 'snuggle' blanket that we've snuggled together with since highschool, it's old and a little worn out, but it holds memories and brings us comfort. I take it on tour every once in a while too, helps me sleep better at night, "Let's go take a nap." I demanded.

"we just woke up."

"I know it, but I'm sleepy again, let's go snuggle."

"Do you want in my panties again?" She said cutely.

I shook my head, "no, but I could use some kisses and a little boob action." I insisted, "and snuggles."

She got off of me lap and cleaned everything off of the table, taking random bites of the left over food. I stood to my feet, finishing off my juice then walked into the living room, grabbed the blanket off of the back of the recliner chair, I laid on the couch as I stared at the TV for a moment, then decided agaisnt the TV movie.

Kayla slowly walked into the living room with a present in her hand, then laid with me, "Here."

I took it from her as she got comfy, "what is it?"

"Open it."

I laughed as I tore the paper off, tossing it to the floor, once it was off, I saw that it was a box set DVD's of the cheap horror films I used to make her watch back in highschool, a lot of them I havent been able to find in stores, "Kaykay, where did you get this?"

"It's a secret."She smiled, "Do you like it?"

"I love it, does this mean movie night on saturdays again?" I asked, "And dry humping on the couch?" I smirked.

She rolled her eyes, "I dont know, maybe."

I kissed her, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She handed me a envelope and smiled.

I sat up, leaning over her, and put the DVD's on the coffee table before laying back down, opening the envelope, and out fell small, blank busniess cards. I grabbed them and saw that there was writing on them.

Letting my blue eyes scan over the first one I read out loud, "Redeemable for one breakfast in bed." I laughed as I looked at her, "Seriously!?"

She nodded with a smile, "yeah, remember I used to do this when I didnt have a job and no money?"

I nodded, "I do." I kept reading through them, "Good for one night of oral sex?" I looked at her, "You never fail to amaze me, you know it?"

She srugged, "It's corny I know .. but--"

"it's amazing, not corny, I love it." I smiled as I kissed her, "Do these expire?"

"Yes, you have to use them before your next birthday." She said softly, "Flip the card over and you'd see that."

I put them on the coffee table as well, then wrapped our blanket around us more, snuggling into her closely, "Thank you."

"You're welcome but you have more presents to come."

"I do?"

"Yes." She cupped my face then kissed my nose, "I love you."

"I love you, too." I replied.

She moved her head around slightly, until her lips touched mine, then she sighed as she started a soft, loving kiss. After a few minutes I pulled away from her, keeping my eyes shut, being on the verge of sleep. Forcing my eyes open a little, I saw that Kayla had already fallen asleep next to me, I relaxed once more pulling the blanket up more. Just as I started to drift off, the door bell rang. I pulled the blanket up over my head, ignoring it the best I could.

"Fuck." Kayla mumbled tiredly as she tried to get up, but I kept my grip on her, "Whoever it is will come back." I said softly.

"Craig, that's rude." She pushed me off of her then fixed her hair a bit before standing up in just her tank top, showing off her baby bump and her panties. She walked to the door slowly, shouting hold on. I peeked over the back of the couch as she opened the door. I heard a few laughs, then she stepped to the side, letting my step father and Mother in. I made a face as I flopped back onto the couch and buried my head.

"Craig, get up." Kayla demanded, "I know you're awake."

I sat up, "I dont want to be, though." I grumbled as I looked at my Mom, "I thought we gave you a key?"

"You did, but I've lost it." She blushed as she wrapped her arms around me, "happy Birthday."

"Thank you." I said quietly, hugging back. She pulled away from me and handed me a present. I took it from her and opened it slowly, not because od anticipation, but I'm sleepy. Once the paper was off, I stared at the box, laying in my lap.

Behind me, kayla and my Mom laughed as Adam tried holding his back. I looked up at me mom and frowned, "What is it?"

She walked around the couch and sat next to me, "It's a diaper waste bin."

I looked at her, "Arent you supposed to give this to Kaykay at the baby shower?"

My Mom laughed then nudged me, "Nope, because you'll be changing diapers when you're home."

I huffed, "Thanks."

"Aw, dont look so depressed." She laughed as she handed me an envelope, "here."

I took it from her, opened it, read the card as I let the gift card fall out of it. I then picked up the gift card and smiled as I leaned over, kissing her cheek softly, "thank you ... for all of it."

She laughed, "You're welcome." She pointed to the diaper bin, "I wish I had one of these when I had you."

I looked at it then back at her, "isnt that what the garbage is for?"

She rolled her eyes but said nothing as she got up and hugged Kayla tightly before talking to her about something. I rubbed my chest slowly then laid back down, closing my eyes. I need this nap.


"Craig? Are you sure you're ok to drive?" I asked my husband as we walked out into the parking lot of the club.

He swayed a little and nodded, "I'm fine."

"give me the keys, I'll drive." I said as I reached for his hand.

"No no, I got it."

"No." I snatched the keys away from him, "I'm driving, You're drunk sweetcheeks. What if we get in a wreck and I die!?"

He fixed his blue eyes on me with a slight frown before rolling his eyes and getting in the passenger seat. I got in the drivers seat, and started our way home. Today has been amazing, very fun filled, after craig took his much needed nap, we went to lunch with everyone, Tyler ad Gwen came home from the hospital with the baby, Craig and I went to a nice dinner, then we went to his birthday party at the club, where there was cake, music, friends and family, presents, it was amazing, I managed to get half of the club closed off just for his birthday.

Once home, Craig went upstairs while I cleaned up a little bit, since we're leaving tomorrow. Wiping off the counter, I heard Craig walk back in with natalie in his arms, whining sadly. I looked at him and he was trying to calm her the best he could, "Tyler and gwen, they're fighting."

I made a face, "Want me to take her?" I asked.

He shook his head as he sat down at the table, cradling her in his arms as he rocked, singing to her softly. I wiped my hands off then went upstairs to hear Gwen yelling at Tyler, "She is your daughter too! I'm tired, I need rest, why couldnt you just change her!?"

"I have school in the morning, and work in the afternoon! that's why! Gwen stop being such a fucking baby about everyting. I understand you're tired, I am too! But there are girls out there who do this alone everyday! At least you have family to help you out, at least I'm still here!"

"Dont you talk to my that way Tyler, none of this would've happened if could've just kept your dick in your pants! This is a mistake! Natalie is a mistake, you're a mistake! Our marriage is a mistake!"

I made my eyes wide.

Tyler was silent, "Is that how you truly feel?"


"Fine, natalie and I are gone, we're out of your life, pack your shit and leave, now!"

"Fine!" Gwen screamed then seconds later she left their room with a bag and stormed downstairs before slamming the door shut meanly.

"Fuck!" Tyler shouted then something broke. I peeked in, and he was sitting on the end of the bed. I walked ina nd sat down, nudging him, "You ok?"

"You heard, didnt you?"

"Yeah, Craig told me you were fighting, he has natalie."

"I dont know what to do."

"give her time, ok? Give her time."

he nodded.

I got up, "I have to go check on Craig, he's drunk."

He nodded.

"get rest, I'll keep an eye on natalie tonight, ok?"

"You dont have to..."

"Tyler, get some rest, I'll watch her."

"thank you."

I nodded then got up, walking downstairs, Craig was no where in sight, I frowned as I walked back upstairs, and into our room to see him laying flat on his back with Natalie laying on his chest, both of them sound asleep. I smiled as I walked over and picked natalie up. Craig mumbled in his sleep then rolled over onto his belly, going back to sleep.

Walking downstairs I sat in the recliner and held my niece closely. Gwen has to come back, doesnt she?