Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

Nothing is Perfect ...

"Kayla?" I heard my Father call out.

"In the kitchen." I answered simply as I went back to doing the dishes.

He walked in and looked around a bit, "Where's Craig?" He questioned, "I need to have him help me with some moving."

I looked at my Father, "He left for tour this morning." I answered, "He wont be home for a few months ... but I can help you out with the movin'." I insisted, "Why can't Nancy help you?"

"Oh, she broke her finger the other night, slammed the garage door on it," He said of my step mother, "and your brother is at his shop."

I raised my eyebrow a bit then nodded as I turned the water off, dried my hands before grabbing the dishwasher soap, and putting it in the machine, before closing the door and setting it to 'normal wash'

I looked back at my Father and frowned, "Daddy, Where do you think Mom is?" I asked simply.

He sighed, "Honey, we always go through this, I dont know where she is, and she doesnt want us to know where she is ... she left us and didnt want to be apart of our lives."

I made a face, "It's just ... Craig and I are starting to talk about a family of our own and I would like to have my birth mom in my kids' life."

"Listen, Kayla, you're Mom was an amazing woman when she wanted to be, but for the most part, she was a flake, she smoked while she was pregnant with you and drank while she was pregnant with Aaron," He paused, "I just dont think having her in your life at this point in time would be a good thing, it would just cause stress, on you and Craig."

I made a face then nodded, "How are the twins?" I question.

"Besides the fact that Tyler has a naked girl on his wall and Zack is being called a nerd because he's a bookworm ... highschool's done wonders for them."

I laughed as I shook my head, "I need get them over here, have them spend a few nights with me, I hate to be alone while Craig is gone."

"Well, come over for dinner tonight, Nancy is making a roast." He smiled.

I nodded a little bit then sighed ever so lightly, "Ok, I'll head over there after I get Craig's phone call tonight."

He smiled then rubbed my shoulders a little bit, "Well, I have to get back and get busy."

I nodded, "Ok." I smiled then watched him leave without another word. I sighed to myself before walking to Craig's office. I sat on his chair and looked around, seeing his laptop, gone, a stack of unread books he keeps on his desk, gone, and his note book he keeps everything in, gone as well. The house just feels so empty without him, that's for sure.

Loudly and very suddenly, the phone rang. I reached over onto the desk and grabbed it, "Hello?" I questioned politely, since his office phone doesnt have an ID screen on it.

"Hey baby." Craig said into the phone.

I smiled, "Well, this is a pleasant surprise, what are you doing?"

"Calling you because I felt the urge to say I love you," He paused, "So, Baby, I love you."

I smiled, "I love you, too." I said back, "Where are you?"

"We are on our way to New York" He answered, "and I dont know exactly where we are, I just woke up from a nap" He pointed out before sighing into the phone, "What have you been doing?"

"Cleaning." I answered.

"Anything else?"

"Nope." I shook my head, even though I know he cant see me.

He laughed cutely then sighed once more, "Well ... I have to get going, we're pulling off the highway at a reststop and I have to pee ... so I'll call when we get to the hotel tonight."

"Alright, be safe." I demanded, "I dont want my husband and our friends coming home in a body bag."

"We're always safe, for the most part at least, but I have to pee now ... I love you."

"I love you, too ... bye."

"Bye." He hung up and I did as well.

I rubbed my eyes a little before getting up and walking to our room. I laid down above the blankets and closed my tired eyes, having stayed up late and woken up early to see him off this morning.

I'm Kayla Christine Owens, formally known as Kayla Christine Jacobs. I'm 21 and have been married for three years now, to an amazing boy and my childhood sweetheart, Craigery Michael Owens, or better known as Craig Owens.

My bestfriend, Aimee, and I own a day spa. If offers everything from facials, to Aimees intructed pilates class. Aimee, also is married to one of my husbands bestfriends, Matt Goddard, and he happens to be the bassist in my husbands band, Chiodos.

Life is easy yet a little stressful when the guys are gone. My Father and three brothers play a huge role in my life. Aaron, who is only a year younger than I am, is my only 'true' brother. The twins, Tyler and Zack are half brother, their Mother is my Father's wife Nancy, they've been together for almost 15 years now.

My Mother left my Father to raise me and my Brother, three days after my Brother was born. Supposedly, she hasnt been heard from since, but I think my Father knows exactly where she is, and whom she's married to and if she does have more kids. I just think he's still bitter about everything, so he doesnt want Aaron and I to go out finding her.

Aaron could care less as to whether or not we find her and meet her. I, on the other hand, want to meet her, just to see what she's like. So I can introduce her to my husband. I know what she did was wrong, but people change and deserve a second chance. What if she's tried to get ahold of me through my Father, but he wont give her my new last name and wont give her my number, or give me the message from her. I love my Father to death, I really do, but sometimes the man can stubborn as hell.

Who knows, maybe one day, I will find my Mother. I'm not saying we have to br friends or anything, I just want to meet her, that's all. I just want to see what my Mother looks like, hear her voice with no strings attatched, that's all I ask for.