Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

Leaving for LA

At the airport, I gave my Mother a hug goodbye before saying goodbye to my stepfather, and my three younger siblings whom I never met until just recently, "Ok, I'll call you, and I'll keep giving you updates on the baby." I smiled, "and when I have my baby shower, you are more than welcome to come."

"Ok, honey." She hugged me again, "Oh, it was so great seeing you." She whispered, "We need to get together at every major holiday, and birthdays." She smiled as she backed away, "Keep in touch, and be a close family, make up for lost time."

I nodded agreeing with her. We exchanged goodbye's once more before they hurried off in the direction of their gate. Then I walked towards the gate that Craig and I are using, to board a plane to LA. Once I was there, I saw Craig talking to his Mother about something, giving me time to talk to Tyler about last night.

As I reached him, I lifted my hand and rubbed his back. Jumping slightly, he glanced over his shoulder at me then back down at Natalie, in her stroller. "Tyler, I'm here for you, ok?" I asked, "call me whenever, if you just want to talk. I'll be home in a week."

He nodded, "I know, Kayla, you told this already, I know."


"Aaron, Heather and Zack are staying over with me, and while everyone is at school or work, Craig's Mom is coming over to watch Natalie."

"Have you talked to Gwen?"

"She keeps calling, but I'm not picking up."

I made a face then leaned forward, kissing his temple, "I love you, I dont say it enough, but I do."

"I know. I love you, too."He replied, nodding his head, "Hey, Kayla, do you think we'll work passed this?" He glanced at me, "And do you think she meant it?"

I shook my head, "No, I think she's suffereing from post baby stress." I said simply, "If she really thought this was all a mistake, she would've never married you, and the baby would be with adopted parents. You two need to work things out for the sake of the baby, maybe even try counciling."

He made a face but said nothing as he nodded, letting me know he heard me. I gave him another kiss on the temple, then I walked over to Craig, wrapping my arms around him as he continued to talk to his Mother. He held me close, as I blocked everything out, and looked out of the large windows, out onto the runways, seeing the huge planes move around ... gracefully?

Before I knew it, I was on the plane, buckled in next to Craig. I looked at him, and he had his glasses on, and his laptop open. Of course he isnt hooked up to any internet from up here, but he is randomly writing. On his laptop he has saved countless poems, some unfinished short stories, songs, journals, and random thoughts, whether it be two words or a full three pages, they're just random things that pop up into his head.

Leaning over, I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes and tried to think ahead to LA, and think ahead about how amazing the weather will be, and how the ocean will look perfect, like always, but at the end of the day, I'll miss Michigan and I'll want to be back home.

Softly, Craig's lips brushed against the skin of my forehead, "Are you ok?" He asked.

I nodded a bit, but didnt move my head from his shoulder, nor spoke to him.

"wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head no.

He sighed as he gave me another loving kiss, "Kaykay, dont stress yourself out about everything, it'll work out in the end, alright?"

I shrugged as I pressed my lips to his soft neck, "Love you."

"I love you, too." He replied as he gave me one more kiss then went back to what he was doing. His fingers dancing across the keyboard so, gracefully.

I hope Craig is right. I hope things do work out in the end.


Laying on the bed in the hotel room, I watched at my wife scrambled around like a chicken with it's head cut off, as she got ready for tonight's show. There's people there, that she hasnt seen in months, whom she hasnt met before, and well, she hasnt truly gotten dressed up for anything lately. Even if it is semi-casual, she still wants to look good, plus this is her first time, actually flaunting the baby bump. Yeah, family and close friends have seen it, but when I was out on warped, I did some bragging, about how I got my wifey pregnant and everyone wants to see her.

"Sweetcheeks, heels or flats?"

I rolled my eyes then looked at her, "Flats, because you're going to be complaining about how much your feet hurt by the end of the night." I said simply, "and you'll still be complaining in flats, just not as bad."

She sighed, "You're right." She mumbled then walked into the bathroom.

"Kaykay, are you almost done, I kinda wanted to stop and get some dinner before the show." I informed her, "I'm fucking hungry."

"watch your mouth." she spat as she walked out, adjusting her bra a little bit, "You have to start watching your mouth ... because we dont want our little bundle of joy to be running around when he's two, saying, I'm fucking hungry, now do we?"

I shrugged, "Depends." I smirked.

She growled then slapped my leg, "Craigery!?" She whined.

"Sweetie, he's not going to come out of the womb, cursing up a storm ok? I think I have a few years to tone down my speaking." I sat up and grabbed her hips, "Are you done yet?" I asked as I lifted her shirt and kissed her belly.

"Almost, I have my make up to do." She said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

I placed random kisses here and there on her belly, and I heard her inhale loudly before exhaling slowly. I looked up at her and smiled, loving how I can calm her down within seconds. She smiled as I lowered her shirt, fixing it a bit before laying back onto the bed, "Hurry Kaykay, your husband is hungry."

She laughed as she mumbled something walking into the bathroom.


"Hmm?" I grunted with my eyes shut.

"wanna know what I think we should do tomorrow morning?" She asked.

"Sleep in, because I'll have a hangover?"

"No." She answered, "I think we should go do Maternity pictures."

"Maternity pictures?" I asked as I looked towards the bathroom, "What are those?"

"taking pictures with me being pregnant, pictures showing off the baby bump, and our love for each other and our unborn son."

"Idont love him that much yet." I joked with a smile.


"what!? I'm just fuckin' around." I sat up and got up. I walked into the bathroom and rubbed her back as I passed her, "Do you really want to do this?" I asked as I walked towards the toilet.

"Yes." She answered as she glanced at me, "Lift the seat." She demanded.

"I always do!" I defended, "Unless it's late and I'm drunk, even then I do most of the time. I've lived with you for how long now?" I asked as I lifted the toilet seat. I did my business, flushed then put the toilet seat back down, "See."

She rolled her eyes as I walked over to the sink and washed my hands.

"I already made the appointment, it's going to take at least three hours." She said softly, "I really want to do this, Craig."

I looked at her blankly then nodded, "Ok." I grabbed a towel drying my hands, "What do we need to wear?"

"They said bring at least three changes of clothes."

I nodded.

"It's going to be intimate, and loving, and I dont want you hungover."


"meaning dont drink a bunch tonight."

"alright." I walked out of the bathroom, "Kayla, come on." I growled she's been getting ready for an hour, went through five different outfits and three different bras, "You look beautiful, can we go?"

"You're just saying that!" She growled, "Because I dont look beautiful, I look like a fucking beached whale in clothes!"

I couldnt help but laugh at that, which made her more upset, as she slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it, "Oh, Kaykay." I sighed as I walked to the door, "Honey you look beautiful, not like a beached whale. It's just the way you said it that made it sound funny. What do you want me to say?"

"That you're heartless jackass, who thinks this is just a joke."

"Ok, I'm a heartless jackass, but I dont think this is just a joke. I can only imagine how it feels to be pregnant." I paused, "I'm sorry."

the door opened and her make up was running from her tears. I sighed as I reached up and wiped away her black tears, "It's uncomfortable, my boobs hurt, I waddle, my back hurts, my feet hurt if I stand for too long, I'm grumpy, and worst part is I want to rip yourfucking head off, yet at the same time I want to make love."

I smiled, "I'm glad you chose the making love over the ripping my head off." I ran my hand through her hair, "C'mon, take this make up off, and dont wear anything but lipgloss, you're gorgeous. And it's not the fucking queen of england you're trying to impress, they're a bunch of shitty dudes like me, and most of them already think you're hot."


I nodded, "yeah." I smiled truthfully, "and most of them are probably already drinking." I kissed her lips, "but if we dont get there, I'm going to miss sound check."

"Ok." She walked back into the bathroom more and took her make up off before justputting lipgloss on. She came out, put her shoes on, grabbed her purse then headed towards the door, "I'm ready."

I nodded then grabbed my phone, wallet, and made sure I had the key card before leaving the hotel room, hand in hand with Kayla. As the door slammed such and we made our way down the halll, I sighed to myself, knowing that this is going to be a fun, yet very trying week here in Sunny California.
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Better chapter next time :-[