Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?


Walking up my drive way I looked at my bestfriend, "Prepare to be amazed." I smiled.

She frowned, "Dont get your hopes up, Kayla. What if the nursery is really shitty?" She asked, "Like what if the guy was a complete fraud and did a half ass job?" She paused, "You have been staying at my house for the past four days, Gwen and Tyler have been at Aarons, no one has been here except Aaron who wasnt allowed to see the nursery, he just made sure your shit didnt get stolen."

I stopped walking and looked at her blankly, "You really know how to kill a moment, dont you?"

"It's a gift and a curse. I'm just saying put on your game face, you may have just thrown that money away." She nodded, "I dont want you getting all worked up only to be let down."

I rolled my eyes then started walking once more. I unlocked my front door then pushed the door open before eyeing the place then took the stairs without a word. Aimee followed me quietly except for at the top of the stairs when she decided to comment on how much bigger my ass has gotten, but she added that it looked hot nonetheless.

Standing outside of the nursery, I looked at her, "I cant."

"I will." She moved me out of the way then pushed the door open and flipped the light on. As we both stood in the doorway, we dropped our jaws and gasped.

"Holy shit." Aimee whispered, "are you sure you only paid this guy 4,000?"

I nodded, being speechless as I walked in with her, "Yeah, I'm sure." I paused, 'I just wanted him to paint it." I frowned as I looked at all the custom made shelves.

"Look at this rug, it has a sail boat on it." She frowned as she looked at me, "I didnt know you had hardwood floors in here."

I shook my head, "I didnt."

"Look at the detail that went into the stencils on the wall. The waves, the boats, the birds ..." she trailed off as she walked to the window, "Look at the window, it wasnt this big before, was it?"

"No." I slowly walked into the connecting bathroom to see that the sail boat/ocean continued. The walls were an extremely light blue, the counter tops and cabinets were replaced with brand new cherry oak and tile.

I put my hand over my mouth and started to cry, because this isnt what I paid for, I just wanted him to paint boats on the wall, but this looks like a celeberity's baby's room and bathroom.

I turned around back into the room and it registered that there was furniture, I havent bought any furniture for the baby yet, not even a rocker. This room is done.

The crib was a cherry oak sleigh crib, there was a matching changing table, and a dresser. Inside the crib there was a stuffed bear, on the shelves there was stuffed sea animals that looked non-threatening.

"Kayla, look." Aimee whispered.

I turned around towards the door only to see three of my maternity pictures hanging there gracefully. Two of them with Craig, the middle one was just of me.

"Do you like it?" I heard Craig's Grandmother ask.

I looked at the door to see his grandparents standing there, his Mom behind them and Aaron next to her.

"I love it." I whispered.

She smiled then walked in, hugging me tightly, "We figured you would." She kissed my cheek then pulled away.

"You guys ... you didnt have to..."

"Yeah Yeah, but we wanted to." Aaron insisted.

"We all pitched in ..." Craig Mom whispered.

"We figured since you two have been through hell and back, that this was a nice way for repaying you guys for always putting others first, instead of yourself." Aaron said softly.

Tyler slowly pushed by with Natalie in his arms and smiled. I just looked at my younger brother, "Zack and I designed the place." He said proudly, "We were in here, supervising the guys as they worked."

"You know, it was Tyler's idea." Craig's Grandmother said, wrapping her arm around his shoulder.

"Tyler." I whisperd softly.

"You've done a lot for me and Gwen ... and Natalie. The only thing you ask for in return was to stay out of yours and Craig's room." He laughed, "Thank you."

I hugged him, then hugged the rest of my family, before looking around once more, "This probably cost alot."

"It's paid for, dont worry about anything." Craig's grandpa insisted sternly.

I smiled over at him then looked at Aimee, "Did you know?"

She nodded, "I knew, I pitched in." She paused, "Not a lot though, because I'm throwing the baby shower." She laughed.

I laughed then hugged her too, "Oh god, wait til Craig see's this place, he's going to be completely shocked." I paused, "He's going to love it."

"Ok, now that you've seen the nursery, let's go eat." Aaron smirked, "Chinese food is downstairs, waiting for us and it's getting cold."

I laughed a little then watched everyone leave the room. I stayed put, I shut the door then sat down in the rocker, looking around slowly as I rubbed my belly. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed craig's number.

After a few rings, he answered, "Hey honey." Craig said simply.

"Sweetcheeks, you should see the nursery." I said softly.

"Is it crappy?" He asked, "Because if it is, give me the dudes number and I'll chew his ass out."

"No. Craigery, it's completely decorated with the sail boat theme and everything the bathroom is completely remodeled."

"How much money did you give him!?" He wailed.

"No, our family did this as a surprise, they pitched in, and we have a crib, a changing table, a dresser, everyhting, the whole nine."

He was silent for a good minute before speaking, "Are you fucking serious?"

"Yeah, it looks like we're having the most important baby in all of the world. This place is breath taking, perfect. Logan is going to love it, you're going to love it." I paused, "It looks so much different, Craig I really wish you were here."

"Take some pictures and e-mail them to me."

"I will." I whispered then looked down at my belly, "Miss and Mister will not be allowed in this room." I said simply.

"No, they'll get cat fur everywhere." He agreed.

"They like you're side of bed. Mister sleeps on your pillow and Miss like's to curl up under the covers."

He laughed softly, "Are you feeling well? I havent talked to you in two days."

"Yeah, I'm doing good. I have been working, I'm even looking to expand the spa, open up another shop." I paused, "Oh, and when are you coming home?"

"December 2nd." He informed me.

"For sure?"

"Yeah, for sure."

"Because I talked to my doctor about all the horror stories I've heard about vaginal tears, and I decided to have a c-section ... I get to pick Logan's birthday, I was thinking December 4th." I paused, "That way, you're home."

"that's a week earlier than he was supposed to be due."

"I know, but the doctor gave me a time frame and it's a two week frame. The fourth is right in the middle of it."

"I like it ... but are you sure this is what you want? Like, having a c-section?"

"Yeah, I just want to be prepared."

"Ok. I'm not going to be giving birth, you are ... whatever you want is fine."

"Do you like that birthday?"

"I do."

"OK." I smiled to myself, "Only a few more months." I whispered.

"I know, I wish I was there with you, to see that baby bump, it's gotten bigger since last week, huh?"

I shrugged to myself, "I dont know, I cant tell."

"I bet it is ... you're getting bigger by the day." He paused, "It's beautiful."

"It is." I agreed, "Listen Sweetcheeks, I'll e-mail you the pictures later tonight, but I'm going to go eat, I'll call you later."

"Alright ... I love you."

"I love you, too." I hung up then stood up, and left the room. Once I was downstairs I heard a bunch of laughing and talking. I smiled as I walked into the kitchen to see everyone gathered around the table, eating and bonding.

I grabbed myself a plate then sat down in the empty seat as I dished up food and got in on the conversation.

I dont think life could get any better than this. I really dont.
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Filler ... this is almost over, maybe ten more chapters ... 15 at most.