Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

A New Life, A New Beginning

Sitting in my hospital bed, Aimee was next to me reading a magazine, "So, they're going to induce you?"

I nodded, "Yep."

She raised her eyebrow, "I wonder what he's going to look like?"

"A baby? Perhaps?"

She frowned, "You know what I mean."

"I hope he looks like Craig, I really do."

"Well, he's going to look a little like you."

"Ok, I hope he looks like Craig, with my personality."

"Good combo, I want that too." She smirked then the door opened. Craig slowly walked in, "I had flowers but, I cant bring them in allergy problem." He insisted.

Aimee got up the kissed my temple, "I'm going to go down to the Cafe, see what is taking Matt so long."

I nodded. She smiled at Craig as she walked out, shutting the door. Craig looked at me awkwardly, "have they ... induced you?"

"Not yet, they're just double checking everything and the doctor had an emergency c-section to perform so they wont get to me until probably one."

He glanced at the clock on the wall then sighed, "Kayla, I'm sorry..."

"I dont want to do that here Craig." I insisted, "This isnt the time, I need to stay calm, relaxed, I'm going to have a baby, I dont need any added stress."

"Ok." He frowned as he rubbed the back of his neck, "So ... are you bringing him home?"

I pursed my lips, 'I'm staying at your Mothers, then after the six weeks of recovery that the doctor is putting me on, we're moving."

Craig blue eyes got wide, "what?"

"I'm taking Logan to Texas, my Mom is looking for small houses down there, and my stepdad he owns a company and he's willing to give Tyler a job, paying him 12 bucks an hour to start out, full time job, he needs it. Aaron he's moving his garage down there so the twins can be together and he's keep this one open here." I paused, "Craig, we need this space."

"He's my son."

"You'll be on tour anyway, so it's not like you'll see him to begin with."

"You're just taking him?"

"Yes. I am. Craig, I told you, You need to get better, it's bad this time you're at an all time low and it hurts me to leave you, but I need to leave you."

"You're divorcing me."

"No, I'm not." I bit my lip, "But I am legally separating from you until we can figure out what to do. I will send you pictures of logan, let you talk to him on the phone, let him know that you're his Daddy, I'm not taking him out of your life that would be wrong, but right now ... I cant be in your life as your wife. I keep making excuses for you and I dont like it anymore. See a shrink, cut back on the booze, be happy Craigery. Just stop with the self pity."

"My mom, she's ok with this?"

"She's the one who urged me to move, she said that she loves you but you need this. She's worried about you too."

He nodded, "alright, ok Kayla ... alright." He licked his lips then paced a bit. He walked over, "I'll be back before he's born." He said as he kissed my forehead, "I have my phone it anything goes wrong or they push everything up. But I have to go."

"Craig." I begged as I watched him walk away, "Craig, where are you going?"

"I'll be back." Was all he said then he was completely out of sight. I sighed to myself as I just sat back. Aimee walked in, "I take it that didnt go so well."

"I dont know. Am I doing the right thing, in laeving him?" I paused, "I dont want to lose my husband, I dont want a divorce I dont know any other man but Craig, I feel safe with him. Am I just ruining what we have?"

"No.' She shook her head, "Craig loves you, he's not going to lose you without a fight, and it's going to be a damn good fight he'll put up." She took my hand in hers holding it tightly, "It may take him awhile to come around, but he will. I give it eight months tops."

"I hope you're right." I whispered softly as I turned my head and looked out of the window up at the sky above, it's blue for the first time in a week. It's beautiful outside yet I feel like shit, everyone is telling me this is the right thing to do, but I'm not so sure.


Tiredly, I turned my head and saw Craig sitting in the chair next to me, Logan cradled in his arms. I forced a small smile, still being a little worn out, but I felt nothing but Joy.

Craig looked up at me smiling then looked back down at Logan, "He's everything I wanted." Craig whispered.

"He is.' I agreed.

Craig stood up and walked over, laying our baby in my arms, "Look at him, Momma." He kissed my forehead softly, "I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you, too." I whispered back as I looked at Logan, "He has your head." I laughed.

Craig pulled the chair close and nodded as he sat down, "I know, but look ..." He unwrapped Logan's feet and smiled, "He has your feet." He paused, "He could be a foot model."

I laughed softly, "Cover his feet back up, his toes are curling."

Craig gently kissed the bottom of his feet, "He's so tiny." He wrapped his feet back up then sighed so softly, "We made him."

I looked at Craig, "we did."

"He's the best of us, put into one small little human." He nodded as he caressed Logan's face, "I want more down the road, at least two more."

"You want me to give birth to two more children?" I gasped in fake horror.

He smiled, 'would you?"

"I'd love to." I looked at Logan, "But not until Logan is older and we have worked our problems out."

Craig nodded agreeing with me, then slowly Logan forced his eyes open and whined softly. I glanced at the clock to see it was time to feed him again, "Craig, can you help me?" I asked softy, "With this gown."

He nodded as he helped untie the back and push it down a bit. I brought my own PJ's but I havent been out of bed long enough to change into them. Slowly, I started to nurse Logan and his blue eyes closed once again. Craig smiled a little then stood up, "Scoot over a little."

I scooted over as much as I could then Craig laid with us. He wrapped an arm around me, letting me use his shoulder as a pillow as he caressed Logan's face with his other hand, 'When you're gone, send me a picture of him everyday." He mumbled.

"I will."

Craig kissed my temple softly then started to sing a soft random song off of the top of his head, making it up as he went along.

If this isnt love, then I have no idea what love is.