Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

Do You Remember?

"Do you think he's going to be alright?" Aimee asked me softly as she picked through her salad.

I shrugged, "I hope so." I mumbled, "He's not leaving the band, I dont know what's getting him to stay, because from what he says, I wouldnt still be here" I looked at my bestfriend, "How's Matt holding up?"

"He's worried for Craig and the band, but mainly Craig." She took a drink of her tea, "He thinks that Craig meant to cut himself, I'm not sure if he thinks it was because he wanted to die, or if it was his way of screaming for help, but he's pretty sure Craig meant everything that night."

"I cant leave him," I shook my head, "I dont want to leave and go back home, only to get a call a week later, saying something has happened to craig and he's dead or in the hospital, I dont want that, I have to stay."

"Does he want you to?"

"I dont care what he wants." I frowned, "This is for his safety, and my mental well being," I pointed out, "I have Aaron keeping an eye on the apartment for me," I mumbled, "I can pay all of our bills over the phone or online, I'm staying right here, on this tour, with my husband."

"Well, I have to get back." She pointed out, "My pilates class is probably freaked out that I'm not there, and I have classes to get to."

I nodded, "I know."

She reached over, "You call me if anything else goes down, you're going to be the only girl out here with these boys." She pointed out, "Dont let them push you around."

I laughed, "I dont think Craig will let that happen." I said simply, knowing that even though my husband is a little high strung and stressed out, he's still very protective over me, especially when I'm out on tour with him around a bunch of smelly, alcoholic band dudes.

She sighed as she went back to her salad, "I cant eat." She whispered.

"Then dont."

She nodded more to herself as she yawned a little bit, "and I need to get home and back in my bed, I'm fucking tired."

"me too," I mumbled, "Luckily, Craig is a good pillow." I smirked.

"Matt is ... sometimes, if he can sit still long enough."

I looked around the small restaurant, "well, should we get the check and get back to the venue?"

She nodded, "Yes, yes we should."

"Alright." I looked around for our waiter, then waved him down. He came over with a smile, "Yes?"

"Can we get the check please?"

He smiled, "It's been taken care of." He nodded a little bit, "A man came in to pick up his togo order and paid for your dinner as well." He reached into his apron, "A Craig Owens," He said softly, "Light brown, shaggy hair, scruffy ... blue eyes I think."

I rolled my eyes, "Thank you."

He nodded then walked away. I looked at Aimee, "You know, Craig can be creepy sometimes."

"Yeah, you can say that again, but it's cute." She stood up and stretched to the ceiling before yawning once more.

I got up, grabbed my purse then we walked out of the building before slowly making our way across the vacant street, towards the club.

Once inside, Aimee went to the restroom as I sat next to Craig who was eating some nachos, "That was very stalkerish." I said simply as I stole a cheese covered chip.

He looked at me, "cant I buy my wife and her friend dinner?" He asked before taking a bite.

"I didnt say that," I laughed as I stole another chip, "These are good, how come I didnt order these?"

He shrugged, "Because, you had the appitiezer sampler." He smiled before pouting his lips. I gave him a soft kiss before continuing to eat with him, finding a new hunger in my stomach, "So, I'm staying I'm not leaving tonight."

He looked at me and nodded but said nothing.

"Are you ok with that?"

"Yes." He answered, "I am, I dont want to be alone right now" He looked at me, "I mean, I know I have the guys, but I want you with me."

I nodded as I picked up some sort of pepper, "Are these hot?"

He nodded, "They're good though."

I carefully put it in my mouth and chewed slowly as if it would explode in my mouth if I chewed quickly. I made a weird face, "It's hot." I nodded my head violently.

Craig handed me his red gatorade, "Told you."

I took a few big drinks then handed it back with a soft gasp before picking up another chip and putting it in my mouth. He eyed me, "So, I was thinking." He mumbled softly, "the label wants me to take a break after this tour, before warped tour." He eyed me a bit, "Maybe we can go house hunting, you're always saying how you want to get out of the apartment." he shrugged.

I nodded, "I would like that, alot." I paused, "after we get back from our trip though."

He smirked, "Of course."

I sighed to myself as I laid my head on his shoulder and stopped eating, finally being full, "I want chocolate." I whispered quietly.

"I have a candy bar" He said to me, "but it's snickers."

I made a face, not liking snickers. I sat up as I looked at him, "So, everything between you and the guys is good?"

He nodded, "Yeah, it's going to take a little bit of time to completely be better for all of us, but we made up."

"Did you say sorry?"

"I did," He paused, "indirectly, but they knew it was my way of an apology." He shook his head, "I still dont understand what I have to apologize for, but I figured, I'm staying, I dont want any bad blood." He turned to me and eyed, "who called you?"

"Brad." I answered.

He nodded then leaned over, pressing his lips to mine in a somewhat long kiss, without tongue. He then backed away and frowned, "I'm horny."

"Craig." I laughed a little bit.

"I know, weird time to be horny, but I am." He paused, "You know, the first day of tour, I had a 14 year old ask if I could sign her ches.t"

I frowned, "Ew, seriously?"

He nodded, "I dont like to sign anywhere on the skin to begin with, but a girls chest?" He frowned, "I wouldnt even sign your boobs."

I raised my eyes, "Really now?"

He nodded, "I may kiss them and touch them, but I wont sign them, even if they techincally belong to me."

I laughed, "They're mine thank you."

"So? I get free range of your body when you're not mad at me." He said simply, "but anyway, back on the story here, she was 14, I could've gotten locked up for that shit, and where the hell are her parents?" He frowned, "I swear to god, if we have a daughter, and if I hear about her doing that shit." He shook his head, trailing off.

I smiled a little bit but said nothing.

"My mom, would've beat me from here into next week if I whipped out my dick and asked someone to sign it."

I made a face, "Sweetcheeks, your mom still would."

He smirked as he looked at me, "Exactly," He shook his head, "Its sad that girls have to go that low to get attention, I hate it."

I nodded as I snatched his sidekick away, and looked through his texts, being bored and nosey.

"You're brother called me." He said with his mouth full.

"Oh?" I frowned, "When?"

"Right before you came in."

"Which one?"


I raised my eyebrow as I looked at me husband, "Why?"

"I dont know, I answered, we had a little bit of small talk, he went extremely quiet, then he said he had to go, before hanging up on me."

I tilted my head, "That's weird."

"Yeah, it was," He paused, "I tried to call him back, but he didnt answer, I was sent straight to voice mail, so I hung up."

"I dont know about him, sweetcheeks." I put his phone back where it was, "he's a fucking manwhore, he's all over girls ... I know he has sex."

Craig shrugged, "We lost our virginity the summer before freshman year."

"Yeah, I know, but we didnt have sex again until almost a year later," I pointed out, "and we had been together since the fourth grade."

He shrugged, "Point?"

"Point, I'm worried he's sleeping around, he's going to get some weird illness or get someone pregnant, I dont want him to ruin his life like that."

"You know, you're worrying about the twins, but Aaron is out at the bars every night, having one night stands," He paused, "may I remind you, he's at those bars with a fake ID."

"Aarons smart though," I insisted, "He knows how to use a condom properly ... at least I hope he does."

Craig laughed as he shifted in his seat, "I dont know, honey ... we were young, in freshman year we would go to my house on lunchbreak to make out, have oral sex, and dry hump."

I frowned, "again, we were together a long time, we knew and trust each other, we loved each other."

He motioned the styrofoam box at me, "Want more?"

"No thanks."

He closed them up then tossed them in the trash before grabbing his drink, "I'm just saying, Tyler has hit puberty, he wants to fuck anything that walks."

I made a face, giving this is my brother we're talking about.

"and the only reason Zack isnt like Tyler is ... well, because he's awkward and shy around girls ... Tyler is a witty sweet talker."

I shook my head, "I'm just worried is all, sweetcheeks."

"I know," He leaned over and kissed my neck gently, "You're under alot of stress."

"I am." I agreed as I looked at him, "My Dad spoils the twins," I mumbled, "He's not strict with them, like he was with Aaron and I."

He sighed as he got up and stretched, "Well, I'll tell you one thing, your father was very protective of you ... all the way up to our wedding night, and even then I dont think he wanted to give you away to me."

"Of course not, we were a couple of lovesick 18 year olds."

He walked infront of me, and ran his hand through my hair, "dont even think about the twins right now," He mumbled, "or aaron, just forget that stuff at home," He paused, "we're here, in a not so clean bar, let's make the most of it."

I stood up and cupped his face, "Ok, and plus ... I need to put all my focus on you, since you decided to go a little crazy with the booze."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm a big boy." He kissed my lips, "and I dont want to talk about it anymore, please?"

I nodded, "Ok."

"It's past, let it be."

I sighed but nodded once more.

"Thank you." He kissed me deeply before backing away, "Let's go take a walk, see if we cant find you any chocolate."

I smiled then wrapped my arm around his middle, before we left the bar. Walking down the street I watched the world pass by, people in cars, driving quickly, trying to get to wherever they need to be.

Craig laughed then shook his head, "Remember when I got license, and I picked you up for a date on saturday night," He paused, laughing a little more, "Then to prove that I was a good driver, and well, mainly that I was cool, I raced that asshole at the light," He looked at me, "Then I ended up rear ending a cop."

"That wasnt funny." I said simply, "You almost killed me, not to mention your Mother grounded you, and took away your keys for two months."

He shrugged, "Its funny now that I look back on it, and I didnt almost kill you, you were fine," He paused, "You were buckled up."

"Craig, I had a bruise on my chest from the seat belt."

"I know," He nodded as he sighed, "I kissed it better." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "Boys." I mumbled, shaking my head.

He kissed my temple then hugged me tighter to him with his arm around my shoulders, "or how about that time, I decided to jump out of the tree house?"

"You were an idiot, I told you not to jump."

He shrugged, "So, you still kissed me." He smirked like a kid who was up to no good.

"broke your wrist, too."

"Yeah, but you kissed me." He looked at me, "Hey, I was eight, and you had me wrapped around your finger already," He paused, "I figured that jumping out of the tree house was a good idea."

I shook my head with a soft smile.

"Ok, how about that time you decided not to wear any panties to school."

I felt my face blush red, "You asked me to."

"I didnt think you'd do it," He laughed, "But I felt really bad when that douche bag decided to pants you in PE."

"I cried for days."

"Well ... I beat him up for you."

"No, you tried to beat him up," I pointed out, "If I remember, you were the one who ended up at the nurses office, with a bloody nose and busted lip."

He lowered his head, "I was trying to be tough."

"You were a skinny little white boy, who loved chior and books," I paused, "The boy was a foot ball player."

"Well" He frowned, "I heard he's working at a burger king."

I shook my head as we entered a parking lot of a grocery store.

He stopped walking then wrapped both arms around me, "I love you."

I looked up at him, "I love you, too."

He kissed my lips lightly, "I promise, I wont cause this much trouble agian," He whispered, "seriously."

"Craig, it's not the trouble I'm worried about it was the fact you were drunk, bleeding and had locked yourself in the room" I frowned, "I was worried you were suicidal."

"No, never," He shook his head, "Never."


He gave me a soft kiss then let me go as we started to walk once more. I laced my fingers with my husbands as I glanced over at him, getting lost in my thoughts, then suddenly, I found myself on the ground and Craig laughing his ass off.

I held back a laugh when I saw that I had tripped over at cement parking space block, "Couldnt you catch me!?" I wailed in a playful hurt voice.

He shook his head, his face red as he reached down for me, "Oh god, Kaykay ... you're such a goon." He smiled as he helped me to my feet, "are you ok?"

I nodded, "Yeah." I laughed as I dusted myself off then stood up straight, looking at Craig.

He continued to laugh as he leaned over and kissed my cheek, "Oh goodness, I love you," He smirked, shaking his head, "I wish I had a fucking camera, that would've gotten a laugh or two."

I frowned, with a smile plastered to my face then sighed, thanking the heavens above that I have this boy, all to myself.