Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

Unexpected News

Loudly, my wife's phone rang. I lifted my head as I looked around the crowded hotel room, as if her phone would jump out at me and say, 'here I am!'

I got out of bed, not wanting to wake Kayla, knowing she's going to have a nasty hangover from our little after party last night.

Kneeling down next to her purse, I opened it and saw her sidekick. Smiling in victory, I picked it up and answered, "Hello?" I questioned, not having bothered with the ID.

"Craig?" Tyler questioned, "Did I dial you by mistake?"

"No, Kayla's sleeping, what can I do for you, or tell her when she wakes up?"

"Um," He sounded nervous, "Just have her call me, ok?"

"I will, but hold on." I demanded, "What's going on?" I asked seriously, having known this kid since he was born, I'll always have him in my heart, whether I like to admit it or not.

"It's not really about me." He said simply, "I mean, It is, but" He trailed off, "It's more about my girlfriend."

I made my eyes side before grabbing a room keycard and leaving the room to talk in the hall, not wanting to wake anyone.

Once in the hall, I let the door shut quietly then sighed, "What about your girlfriend?"

He sighed then mumbled something before sighing again, "Ok, remember when you got really sick?"

"Yeah, I remember that quite vividly."

"And remember how when you got put in the hospital, you and Kayla found out she was pregnant?"

I frowned, not liking to talk about that, "Yeah." I answered.

"And then about three weeks into your hospital stay, Kayla had a miscarriage because the stress and her body rejected the baby?"

I closed my eyes, the feeling of being on the verge of death and having to watch my wife go through a miscarriage basically by herself, came flooding back. "What's your point?"

"Well, the situation is like that, except there's no miscarriage."

I hesitated, trying to make sense of his niave speaking, "You got your girlfriend pregnant?" I frowned simply.

"Basically, yes." He said calmly.

I dropped my jaw, shocked, "Who knows?"

"You," He was silent, "and me and Gwen."

"Are you for sure?"

"Well, We werent at first, then she finally talked me into getting her a test, so I did and she took it and it came out positive, she's taken ten, all of them ... positive."

"You have to tell someone, Tyler."

"Well, we were going to tell Kayla."

"What's she going to do, shes out on the road with me" I pointed out, not wanting my wife to leave me alone on this tour, I'm mentally not stable to be without her. I need her here, I need that balance I have when she's around. She keeps me grounded.

"Well, come home?"

"No," I said simply, "No, she cant come home."

"Why not?" He hissed, "Do you really need to fuck your wife every single night?"

"Whoa!" I shouted, "It's not even like that, you have no fucking clue what is going on, it's far from fun and games, like you think it is." I snapped, "This is my job, and I take it seriously and right now, I need my wife out here with me, you have parents to confide in, tell them about Gwen, tell Kayla, but she's not coming home."

The room door opened and Kayla stood there with a sleepy look on her face, and wearing nothing but one of my T-shirts and panties, "Who are you talking to?" She croaked, her eyes squinted.

"Tyler." I answered her.

She held out her hand, and revealed to me, six one dollar bills, "I want a mountain dew and a water."

I took the money from her, "Get me my wallet please." I said softly.

She held out her other hand with a cute smile. I rolled my eyes, "This is my money, huh?" I laughed.

"I have a hang over though, and your money is my money, my money is your money, we're married."

"Ok, get back to bed," I demanded, "You look like shit."

"I feel like it." She whispered as she disappeared back into the room, shutting the door quietly.

"She has to come home."

"No." I hissed.

"Yes," He sighed, "Gwen is getting kicked out of her house, her parents know, ok?" He blurted, "She needs a place to stay, and you guys have an extra room."

I walked down the hotel hall of the 5th floor, shaking my head no, wearing just socks and my jeans from last night.

"Craig, She wont get an abortion, I've already talked to her about it, she wants the baby."

"Listen," I paused, "Aaron is keeping an eye on the apartment, the only way you and Gwen are going to stay the apartment is if Aaron stays there with you and keeps an eye on you," I said simply, "and you have to tell your parents before you do anything, who knows, maybe they'll let Gwen move in with you guys," I paused, as I entered the little room that held two soda machines, a snack vending machine and the ice machine. I stuck the money in, and pushed the mountain dew sign with my thumb, "But, if you two do infact, end up living in my and kayla's apartment, it's our rules, or your asses are kicked out on the street."

"Why arent you mad at me for getting Gwen pregnant?"

"Tyler, I was born to a teenage Mother. My Dad walked out on her before I was even born, I know it's hard on Gwen, and I'm happy to know that you're not just going to leave her," I paused, "It's a personal thing with me, I thank god everyday that my Mom didnt get an abortion, and that she decided to tough it out and raise me."

"I didnt know."

"Yeah, not a lot of people do," I paused, "It's not something my Mother likes to flaunt around, getting pregnant at sixteen, wasnt the highlight of her teenage years, that's for damn sure." I pointed out as I bent over and grabbed the soda before putting more money in for my Wife's water.

"Ok, I'll tell my parents today and talk to Aaron about staying at your place," He paused, "When Kayla gets the chance, have her call me."

"I will." I insisted.

"Ok, thank you ... bye."

"Bye." I hung up as I bent down and grabbed the water before putting in three more dollars for a rasberry flavored tea for myself.

I grabbed it then went back to the room. Once I was in, I heard faint sounds of vomitting in the bathroom. I shook my head, thinking it was my wife, until I saw a body form under the covers on the bed we slept on last night. I looked around the room, to see that all the guys were accounted for.

Stepping over Derrick, I tugged the covers off of the person in my bed, to see my wife. She growled at me like some sort of cavewoman.

Sitting up she reached for her drinks, opening the water first and sipping it, "You're welcome." I said softly.

She looked up at me and forced a smile, "Thank you." She rubbed her forehead, "Why did you let me drink like that last night?"

"I tried to stop you at five shots, but you insisted."

She shook her head as she laid back down, "Who's in the bathroom?" I asked as I crawled on the bed next to her.

"I dont know, some blonde chick," She whispered as she put her drinks on the nightstand then cuddled into me, "and if you ask me, she cant handle her alcohol well."

"You have no room to talk." I pointed out.

"I'm getting better." She defended as she snuggled me more. I felt her soft lips press to my skin then she sighed loudly, "Make me better, babe."

"I would if I could." I played with her hair then the bathroom door opened. I glanced over, only to see a set of boobs, I didnt want to see. I turned my head away quickly, and she let out a soft, nervous giggle, "Sorry, I didnt think anyone was awake."

"It's ok." I insisted, "Who did you come here with last night?"

"He had a beard."

"That's most of us in here, Babe."

"Long hair?"

"Again, most of us in here."

"Him." She said.

I glanced at her, to see that she had her arm over her chest and the other was pointing to our tech, Dan.

"Oh, well I'm sure he had tons of fun, but you'll be heading out any minute."

"Ok." She looked around for her clothes, then before I knew it, she left a number and a note for him, then left.

"Did we have sex?" Kayla asked, looking at me with complete confusion.

"No." I shook my head.

"Then why do I remember having an orgasm?" She frowned, "and someone's dick in my mouth?"

"You cheated on me?" I gasped.

Her eyes got wide with fear. I laughed and shook my head, "No, It was me." I laughed as I wrapped her in my arms, "We came up to the room before everyone else, had a little fun, then you passed out."

"Ok, so it was your dick?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "Freaked you out though, huh?"


I kissed her forehead, "I had to get you to blow me." I whispered, "You always give the best head when you're drunk."

"Do I?"

"Yeah," I admitted, "But, after I came, you demanded that I do something good for you in return, so I did what any loving husband would do, and ate you out." I laughed softly, "and right after you came down off of your orgasm, you passed out, no thank you, or I love you baby, nothing."

"Well, thank you, and I love you, baby." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "I love you, too." I kissed her lips softly then played with her hair, "Listen, I have something I need to tell you."

"What?" She frowned softly.

"Tyler called your phone a few minutes ago, and I answered it, and well," I paused, "he, um, got Gwen pregnant."

She made her eyes wide, "He what?"

"Yeah, he wanted you to come home for him."

"I cant leave you alone," She spat with anger in her voice, "and has he told Dad and Nancy?"

"Not yet." I pointed out, "Sweetie, I'm not even sure if I was supposed to tell you, but I didnt want you to freak out when he told you himself," I paused, "They're keeping the baby."

"How and why did he tell you."

"Well, he told me because I pushed him for it, and the way he told me I'd rather not repeat."


"He compared it to our miscarriage."

She got her eyes wide, "that little ass." She reached for her phone, but I snatched it back, "Kaykay, you need to be nice ... he's stressed out enough, just be lucky he's stepping up and being a man about it."

"He's not a man, he's a boy Craig."

"Well, he's going to have to man up about this," I pointed out, "He fucked up, he has to step up, and he knows that Kayla."

She rubbed her face with stress and frowned, "Why babe?"

"Because he wanted sex."

She looked at me so sadly. I tugged her back into my arms and hugged her tightly. I pulled the covers up over our heads and just held her in the darkness of being under the covers.

She shook her head with a sigh, as she blindly found one of my hands and laced her fingers with mine before holding our hands to her chest. I kissed her forehead, "I love you." I whispered against her skin, "We'll all be ok, Tyler is smart, and your Dad wont leave me out on his own, and if he does, I know I wont, as long as he's trying to be there for Gwen, I think he's doing the right thing, whether or not what he did to begin with was wrong."

"I dont feel well."

"Just take a few breaths, relax."

She nodded, did as I said, but soon she pushed the blankets off and climbed over me before jumping off of the bed and running to the bathroom, slamming the door before I heard her throw up loudly.

I sat up, grabbed me tea then twisted the cap off, taking a few sips.

"What's going on?" I heard Brad ask.

"Um, Tyler, her little brother you know?" I paused, "Got his girlfriend pregnant."

He made his eyes wide, "Wow."

I nodded simply.

He shook his head as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, then pushed Jason's arm off of him before sitting on the edge of the bed, "That sucks."

"It does, and plus, she's a little hung over, it was just a matter of time before she threw up." I said simply as I took another drink.

He pointed to my collar bone, "Have fun last night?"

I tried to look down but couldnt so I got up and went to the closet doors that were mirrors to see my wife left me a hickey last night. "That's nice." I said as I rubbed on it a little bit.

"What are? Back in highschool."

"Shut up," I laughed, "It's good to know she still loves me." I joked as I went back to bed.

He shook his head, then Kayla walked out of the bathroom. She laid down next to and huffed softly.

"Lookie here." I whispered as I pointed to my hickey.

She looked at it, and she let a small smile slip, "Sorry about that."

"dont be." I laughed as I kissed her forehead, "Are you feeling better?"

"A little." She laid her head on my shouder and ran her index finger over one of my nipples before moving her hand down the front of my body until her finger tips were in my jeans. I kissed her forehead again and rubbed her back until she fell back asleep.

Letting my mind race, I watched as the guys slowly woke up one by one, being in no hurry because we dont have to be anywhere tonight, and the ride to the next town is only four hours.

I cant believe that Tyler went and did something like that. I really cant.