Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

Stressed Out

I walked through the Mall somewhere in California, my hands clutching onto shopping bags.

Since four days ago, when Craig talked to my brother, Tyler and Gwen have been a fucking hurricane, thrashing everything in it's way. To my knowledge, my Father was infact extremely angry and in return, told him that he loved him, but he could stay in the house anymore. So, I called Aaron, talked him into staying at mine and Craig's apartment until the end of the tour and we can come home to supervise them.

Now, to make matter's worse. Gwen's Father is a fucking cop. Yeah, law enforcment, my brother was fucking the cops daughter, isnt that nice? Not only is she the cops daughter, but her uncle is a pastor at our local community church, that I have only attended once, be he married Craig and I, so I have infact met him before.

So, he forced Gwen's Father, to force Gwen and Tyler to marry. Saying that a child out of wed lock is the spawn of satan. So, my little brother is now offically married as of yesterday.

I walked into Macy's and to the shoe department. Craig sighed loudly, but kept his mouth shut as he followed me.

I sat on a chair, after finding a pair of heels in my size, and I tried them on, "What do you think?" I asked as I stood up and pushed Craig back from me so he could get a good look.

He eyed my feet, "They're beautiful honey, but my credit card does have a limit you know."

"We still have my credit card." I said simply as I sat down and took the heels off.

"Kaykay, you said you just wanted to come here and get some panties and bras, not by the fucking mall," He paused, "and if I'm correct, you havent even looked at the bras and panties."

I looked at him as I put my shoes back on, and put the heels back where I got them, "You're right." I grabbed my bags and walked away.

"Sweetheart, I know you're ... stressed, but spending money we dont have is not the way to fix this."

I looked at him, "Relax," I patted his chest, "We can afford this, I wouldnt put us in debt." I pointed out, "Now, if we were living off of just what you make, yes, we wouldnt be able to afford this, but mind you, I have a very very very popular day spa."

He rolled his eyes, "I know," He sighed, "But I thought we were saving for a house." He made a face.

"We are." I walked out of the store and now back into the mall. I looked around, searching for the Victoria's Secret I had spotted earlier.

"Ok well if we're spending money, I want shoes." He said simply.

"Ok," I smiled as I looked at him, "After I get my intimate wear, we'll go to the shoe store."

"Ok," He pouted like a child, "I'm tired." He added.

"Craig, we've barely been here an hour."

"I know, and I already know the mall like the back of my hand, you ladies are fucking animals when you're stressed and shopping."

I rolled my eyes as we slowly entered the lingerie store. Craig sighed awkwardly as he avoided eye contact with the other women and kept his focus on me.

I stopped at a model then pointed to it, "Look at that night gown." I said softly.

He looked at it then at me, "You wouldnt wear that to sleep, I bet that half way through the night, you'd get up and change into one of my shirts."

He had a point, "But it's cute."

"Yeah, it is." He nodded, agreeing with me.

I slowly walked towards the bras and eyed them, trying to find some that I liked.

I grabbed a black bra and showed it to Craig, "What do you think?"

He eyed it, "I think it's not your size."

I frowned, "I know that, I mean the style."

"Oh," He shrugged, "it's nice."

"Ok," I paused, "it does nothing for you?"

"Not really, it's just a bra."

"Good." I found my size then looked for another in the same style, different color.

"So, while we're here are you going to get anything ..."

"Sexy?" I finished.


"Maybe," I shrugged, "Maybe not." I found a few more bras then walked around, looking at everything, picking up this and that while I was at it.

Craig let out a cute laugh then nudged me. I looked at him and he was looking at a short, lacy night gown, that was white, "get that."

I looked at him, "Seriously?"

"Seriously," He nodded, "I can see you in it already."

I shook my head and found my size, getting it more for my husbands pleasure, than mine.

After I was done, I paid for everything then we left the store.

"Ok Sweetheart, you have bought panties, bras, a very sexy night gown, jeans, shirts, skirts, and a hoodie, let's get the shoes, and go."

"Ok," I nodded, "Deal."

"Thank you."

Rather quickly, Craig found a pair of shoes that he liked as did I and he bought them before we went to the food court, to wait on the others.

"So," Craig said as he took a bite of the oversized cinnamon roll we're sharing, "When we get back, I was thinking that we could settle on a vacation a little less spendy, and take Tyler and Gwen with us," He whispered shyly, "I mean, they are infact married, dont they need a decent honeymoon."

I smiled a little, "Yeah, I guess they do," I took a drink of my chocolate milk, "But where would we go?"

"I dont know, I was thinking Disney world."


"Yeah," He shrugged, "Or Disney land in LA."

"I'd rather go to LA," I nodded, "I dont want to go back to Florida for a long time, giving what happened there."

He nodded, "Yeah, so, disney land in LA, it'll be fun, a nice get away, it's affordable, we can get separate rooms ... we can still have our husband and wife time."

I took a bite, "Well, as long as I can see the beach and watch a romantic sunset with you, I'm good."

He smiled, "Deal." He sipped his vitamin water before taking another bite, "this is good." He mumbled.

I nodded agreeing with him, "Do you think, if we had gotten pregnant that young, that we'd still be together, happily?"

He shrugged, "I know we'd still be together in some since, I wouldnt have left you."

I stared at the gooey roll, "would we have even kept a baby at that age?"

"Honestly, I would've said I wanted to keep it, but ultimately, I would've left the decision up to you"

I looked at him, "Craig, I'm scared for them" I whispered, "alot of mothers dont carry the baby full term when they're that young, they dont know how to take care of themselves"

"Gwen has a strong support system behind her, Sweetie. Not to mention Tyler, I dont think he would purposely let anything bad happen to he.r"

"I know."

"He's a good kid."

I looked at him, "I know he is, I'm just worried is all."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm here for you." He smiled.

I smiled, "Makes me feel a lot better."

"Good, that's what husbands are for."

I smirked at him then sighed as I took another bite. Before too long, we were back in the van, on our way to the venue, the guys were locked in a heated conversation over what CD to listen to, and I was watched the cars go by, getting the occassional weird glance, giving we're in a shitty white van with an equally trailer being pulled behind it. I glanced over at Craig, to see him smiling and listening to the rant that Matt was going on about. I eyed his hands only to see his slender fingers of his right hand, twisting around his wedding ring on his left.

"That's shit and you know it." Craig said with a cute laugh.

"No, no it isnt." Matt defended before going into another rant to back up his first rant.

Craig shook his head, rolling his eyes, "Whatever dude," He sat back in his seat, "think what you want, I still think it's a bunch of bullshit."

"Ok," Matt turned back around in the passenger seat, "Dont blame me the next time you're caught between universes and dont know how to get out."

Craig laughed as he scooted over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "You're a douche bag, Matt."

"Hey, it's simply my thoughts on the universe is all."

Craig shook his head as he pressed his lips to my temple and mumbled something before kissing me a few times.

I leaned into him and sighed to myself as I rubbed his thigh slowly. He shifted a little before looking at me, "Look at me." He whispered.

I looked at him and he smiled softly before pressing his lips to mine, giving me a loving kiss. He backed away then sighed softly before pressing his lips back to mine, giving me another passionate kiss.

I let my hand move up slowly, to his crotch and he quivered from head to toe. I backed away from him and he smiled cutely, "My pants feel little tight now." He mumbled as he looked down.

I, too, look down to see that his erection was being restrained back by his underwear and his jeans.

"That didnt take much."

"I'm lonely." He mumbled in my ear quietly before kissing my neck.

"Look we're here." Brad said softly. We all looked at the club then we all sighed at the same time. It was small, meaning it's going to be a small stage, and it's going to be extremely hot in there as well.

Everyone got out and stretched before going in to check things out. I placed my hand on Craig erection through his hands and rubbed slowly.

He frowned as his hips twitched, "Kaykay, be nice."

I laughed, "I am, I just want to feel."

"I dont want you to," He kissed me softly, "We have no where to have a quickie, I have to go do the deed in a stall." He huffed.

"Can I come?"

"No," He thought, "Yes." He changed his mind.

I laughed, "A little thank you gift for shopping with me."

"No no, my thank you gift is white and is in a pink bag," He said simply, "and I'm going to splurge and try to get us our own room, so you can give me my thank you gift."

"Strip tease?"

"No teasing," He laughed, "I want a full on lap dance, then sex."

I shook my head, "Cocky bastard arent you?"

"Yes," He answered, "But you know you love it."

"If I give you a lap dance, I want something slow and intimate."

He eyed me then nodded, "Ok, deal," He kissed me deeply, "Now, I have to go get rid of this erection," He kissed me again, "I love you."

"I love you, too ... Think of me."

"Oh, I will." He laughed as he went inside.

I leaned against the van tiredly only to have a guard come up to me, "Ma'am you can be here."

I looked athim, "I'm with the band" I said softly, "I'm married to the frontman of Chiodos."

"Do you have a pass?"

I looked at my belt loops, "Shit," I looked at him, "I think I left it in my suitcase, if you can just let me go in, and get one of the guys for the key for the trailer, I'll show you my pass."

He laughed, "Nice try lady, you need to leave the van alone, if you have a ticket you can get in line."

"No, I'm serious," I said with a frown, "I'm with the band," I hissed, "Craig is my husband."

He shook his head, "Go get in line." He said simply.

I growled, "Let me go in, I swear I have a pass."

"No, get in line or leave the parking lot ma'am."

I growled then stomped my way to the line. I folded my arms over my chest. When I need one of the guys, they're gone, when I dont need one, they're attatched to me at the fucking hip.

"Didnt get a ticket?" A girl asked me.

"No." I mumbled.

"The gaurds here are jackasses, but it's their job."

I nodded a little bit then rolled my eyes as I kept my eyes glued to the door. And the guard kept his eye on me, thinking I'm some crazed fan.

Suddenly, the door opened and Craig walked out, his shirt off. I pointed to him, "See that's him," I started towards the van and the guard stood infront of me, "Back in line."

"No no no" I shook my head, "Let me get my pass, I'll show you." I snapped.

He laughed, "Back in line."

I glared, "Craig!" I shouted simply.

"I'm signing after the show." H e said softly as he pulled on a clean shirt.

"Craig!" I snapped simply, "Get over here and tell this man I'm your wife."

He lifted his head and made a weird face as he walked over, "What's the problem?" He asked weirdly, "Kaykay, what are you doing in the line?"

"I forgot my pass, its on my other pair of jeans in my suitcase, and he wouldnt let me got in to get the keys to the trailer," I said simply, "Tell him I'm with you." I snapped.

He laughed at me and shook his head.

"Craig, is this your wife?" The gaurd asked.

Craig smiled at me as he stayed quiet, "Yes, she's my wife" He smirked, "She's ok, man. She's on the tour with me."

"Ok. I'm sorry Ma'am but it's my job."

"Yeah. Yeah." I pushed passed my husband and pointed to the trailer, "Open it."

He took out his keys as he unlocked it, "That was kinda funny, huh?"

"No," I said softly, "I found no humor in it."

"I could've so said no, and you would've been stuck out here." He smirked.

"You wouldnt have done that."

"No, but I couldve," He opened the trailed, "Get your pass."

I grabbed my suitcase, unzipped it, grabbed my pass, then zipped it back up before backing out. He closed and locked the trailer again before watching me hook my pass to my belt loop.

He kissed me, "Silly."

I shook my head, "See if you get that thank you gift tonight."

"Aw, dont take away sex," He said softly, "You said it yourself, taking away sex never is the answer to fighting." He insisted.

I looked at him, "you're right," I said softly, "I'll just proposely fall asleep, because I know you could never take advantage of me while I'm sleeping."

He frowned, "whore."







I slapped his arm, "That's not nice!"

He laughed, "I win." He kissed my lips softly.

"Only because you know I hate the 'c' word."

"Whatever, you use it all the time when you're pissed." He walked away and into the club. I followed him, "Owens, you're on thin ice." I joked with a soft laugh.

"Tell me something new, Babe."

I dropped my jaw, "I'm serious!"

He turned around, "I'm serious too, you're always fucking yelling at me for something." He pointed out, "I'm always thin ice with you, I cant do anything right." He walked away again.

I made my eyes wide with confusion, "How did this fight even start?"

"You, like the rest of our fights." He answered as he hopped up on the stage to help out.

"Dammit Owens, get your ass down here!"

He looked at me, "What Kayla?" He snapped, "What do you want from me?"

"Why are you so moody?"

He shook his head, "Just go away."

I stood there, not even knowing why or how this fight started. I ran my hand through my hair as I watched him, "Craig."

He glanced at me, "What?"

"Talk to me."


"Why are you being an asshole?"

"I'm not." He hopped off of the stage and looked at me, "I'm not being an asshole, you started this."

"No, I didnt." I'm confused now, "Craig we were messing around, then the next minute you're being a fucking asshole."

"Now you know how it feels, go away Kayla."

I watched him walk away and I looked around only to see Brad watching from afar. I pointed to him as I walked to him, "What's wrong with my husband?"

"I dont know," He said simply, "What happened with you two?"

"I dont know, one minute we're messin' around, joking, then the next he's saying I always start all the fights, and that he wants me to go away."

Brad made a face, "Hmm..." He thought, "I dont know, maybe you started it and didnt know it," He paused, "Or maybe you started solely on the fact that you want rough sex tonight, and the only way you'll get that is angry sex."

I frowned at him.

"I'm sex deprived." He said simply then walked away.

I rubbed my forehead with a sigh as I shook my head. I cant believe I started a fight with Craig and not noticed I did. Maybe Brad's right, maybe I unknowingly started the fight, just to stirr shit up.