Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

Making up is hard to do

I walked up behind my husband and wrapped my arms around him, "Sweetcheeks?"

He ignored me as he continued to look up at the fast food menu.

I laid my head against his shoulder, "Are you really gonna stay mad at me forever?" I mumbled.

"What do you want to eat, Kayla?" He asked softly.

I looked up at the menu, "I'm not hungry."

He turned his head and looked at me, "You havent eaten anything since the day at the mall, two days ago."


He frowned at me, "Get something to eat."

I looked back at the menu, "Fries is fine."

He sighed but said nothing as he turned back around, his lips pursed, telling me he was annoyed.

I walked away slowly and flopped down at a table for two, next to a large window. I looked outside, watching some cars pass then I looked at the napkin holder. I grabbed a few napkins and started to fold them, still not knowing why my husband isnt talking to me.

Suddenly, a cup was being placed down next to me. I looked up to see Craig walking away with his own cup and the reciept with our food order number on it.

I grabbed my cup and walked to the soda machine. I filled it with a few cubes of ice, then the rest with pepsi, after it was full, I put the lid on it, then walked back to the table I was sitting at, again looking back outside, only to see a black hummer, with a skinny little white dude in the drivers seat and I could hear his music from inside there building. I shook my head a little bit then a tray was placed in the middle of the table as Craig sat across from me.

I eyed the contents, seeing two hamburgers, and two orders of fries, "I said I just wanted fries." I mumbled.

"You need to eat, Kayla." He growled softly.

"Which one is mine?"

"They're both the same." He answered as he grabbed one.

I grabbed the other and reluctantly started to eat, but my stomach thanked me for feeding it.

I looked over at Craig and his blue eyes were fixated on something outside. I looked in the direction he was looking to see an elderly couple, slowly walking in, the old man with a cane in one hand and his other laced with that of his wife's hand. I looked back at Craig, wondering what he was thinking.

"Will that be us, Kayla?" He whispered, "Old, and wrinkled, yet still madly in love?"

I shrugged, "I dont know," I mumbled, "Not if I dont stop starting fights." I spat.

He looked over at me, "I'm sorry," He said as he looked down at his food, "maybe I let my nerves get a little out of hand."

"A little?" I questioned, "Craig, you havent talked to me in two days" I pointed out, "and at one point in time, you left me at a gas station."

"I told you, I didnt mean to." He mumbled.

"Craig, how can you forget your wife at a gas station?" I frowned, "how?"

He put his burger down and grabbed a napkin, wiping his hands off, "Kayla, I'm sorry" He pointed out, "I dont know what else you want me to say. So I got mad and held a grudge a little longer than I should've. I'm sorry."

"Well, I just want to know why you were mad."

"I dont know, you were just," He shook his head, "I dont know, maybe I unknowingly started it, maybe deep down I just wanted to yell, you know?" He frowned, "I think I'm just so sick of tour, honestly, I think that's it. I want to be home in our own bed, with a bottle of wine or champagne and I just want to chill. Read a book without fifty other dudes yelling around me. Make love to you, and it actually be slow and loving, instead of a quick fuck in a stall just to get off and calm our sexual tension we have for each other," He shrugged, "I need a break, that's the fucking bottom line, and I'm sorry I'm taking it out on you."

I frowned, "well, I'm sorry too," I paused, "I do start the majority of the fights." I mumbled, "But you usually screw up."

He laughed softly and nodded, "true."

"I love you." I said softly.

He nodded, "I love you, too." He leaned over the table and kissed my lips softly before sitting back down and starting to eat once more.

"When we get home, I say we just lock ourselves in our room before we decide to venture out to DisneyLand."

He laughed and nodded, "Sounds like a deal."

"Get some Cheap Champagne."

"Who says it has to be cheap?" He asked, "I think we deserve a good bottle of champagne. Hell, you went shopping, I get my champagne."

I laughed and nodded, "Ok."

He sighed loudly as he looked outside, "I really did mean to leave you at the gas station, honestly."

I raised my eyebrow in his direction, "Right." I joked.

He shook his head, "Seriously though, babe. I didnt mean to leave you there," He sighed softly, "Forgive me?"

I nodded a little bit. He smirked at me then went back to eating. After we had eaten lunch, we left the fast food place and walked hand in hand, back to the club he was playing that's about three blocks away.



"I want to go home."

He looked at me, "Now?"

"No, I'm not going to leave you, I'm just saying, I want to go home," I mumbled, "I dont feel secure out here."

He eyed me a little bit then nodded, "I know the feeling."

The rest of the walk was quiet. At the club, Craig and I sat in the van together. His arms wrapped tightly around me, giving this is as close to make up sex as we're going to get.

He ran his hand through my hair and kissed my forehead, "Just one more week." He mumbled, "Ok?"

I nodded, "I love you."

"I love you, too." He whispered back.

I looked at him and he caressed my face. I closed my eyes leaning into his touch, then softly, his lips were pressed to mine.

Slowly, we shared a tender loving kiss. After a good five minutes or so of kissing I pulled away and laid my head on his shoulder once more, my eyes shut, "When do you go on?"


"What time is it now?"

"almost five."

"you already did soundcheck?"


"can I take a nap?" I mumbled, "and have you not let me go. I havent gotten much sleep since we've been fighting."

"Yeah," He rubbed my back a bit, "Take a nap."

I kissed his neck softly then sighed as I sleep took over my tired, stressed out body.