Have You Ever Heard Me Scream 'I Love You'?

Home Sweet Home

"My bed" I said happily as I fell onto my bed with a loud sigh.

Craig laughed as he walked into our room with our bags, "Dont worry, Kaykay, I think the bed missed you too."

I looked at him as I sat up, "I'm not going to lie, sweetcheeks, it feels damn good to be home." I nodded.

He smiled shyly at me as he unzipped his bag, "Now, I know you were on tour with me, but since we're home, do I still get my welcome home sex?" He cocked his head to the side as he glanced at me, "I mean, we are home."

I laughed as I stood to my feet, "We'll see," I kissed his cheek then left the room. I walked into the spare room to see Gwen sleeping and Tyler at the desk, with his laptop, typing away.

I leaned in the door way, "I'm home." I said softly as I folded my arms over my chest.

My little brother looked up at me, "Hey," He paused, "I didnt even hear you two come in."

I nodded as I looked at Gwen, "why arent you two in school?"

"We're both in homeschool. I'm just typing up a report right now." He informed me then he too looked at Gwen, "She's not feeling well, she was up really late last night, not being able to sleep, and her morning sickness has calmed down a lot, but she still gets her bad spells."

I nodded a little bit then I looked at my brother once again, "I havent really had the chance to talk to you, how are you?"

"Good," He shrugged, "My ring feels weird, but other than that, I have been trying to accept what's going on."

"What's going on in here?" I heard Craig questioned as he peeked over my shoulder, "Hey Tyler."

"Hi," Craig mumbled back as he placed his hand on the small of my back, "I'm going to go to the store, want anything?"

I looked at him, "What are you going for?"

"My Champagne," He laughed a little, "and I thought I'd be nice and make dinner for everyone tonight." He said softly, "want me to pick up anything while I'm there?"

I shook my head, "No, but if I think of anything I'll call you."

"Alright," He kissed my lips, "I'll be back in few minutes. Love you."

"Love you, too." I replied quietly as I watched my husband walk away and into the front room, "Sweetcheeks?"

"What, babe?"

"I want a smoothie." I said simply.

He walked into my view with a tilted head, "From where?"

I shrugged, then sighed, "Jamba Juice," I paused, "Just a little kid one, not a big one"

He frowned then sighed, "Ok." He nodded then I watched as he left our apartment. I looked back at Tyler and he was looking at me intently, "What?"

He shrugged a little, "I'm sorry."

I raised my eyebrow, "Did you break something while we were gone, and I havent noticed it yet?"

He frowned, "No. Kayla" He paused, "I'm sorry about this," He pointed to Gwen and himself, "I never meant for this to happen, neither of us did. I know you and Craig really want to start a family, and you two are working hard at keeping your marriage together right now," He paused, "It just means a lot to me that you let us move in."

Gwen shifted and she looked at me, "Me too," She whispered, "Thank you."

I nodded, "It's what family does," I said softly, "as long as you two are trying, and not just laying around making things harder, you will always have a place to stay with Craig and I," I shrugged, "And yeah, Craig and I want a family of our own, and we're going to have one, you two being here doesnt change anything," I paused, "well, there wont be anymore walking around in the nude, or stuff like that, but for the most part, things between us are the same," I ran my hand through my hair, "What happened to Craig out on the road, had nothing to do with our marriage, or anything like that," I bit my lip, "It was more or less in his head. He feels that he's losing control over the band, and he doesnt want that, he's extremely ... controlling when it comes to the band."

Tyler nodded, "Did he really try to kill himself?"

I shook my head, "No," I swallowed the lump in my throat, "He said he wasnt trying to kill himself, and that it was an accident. I believe him," I paused, "He doesnt remember much of that night, and he doesnt like to talk about it. He's trying to move on, so dont talk to him about it, alright?"

He nodded. Gwen sighed softly, "So, Craig's not crazy?"

I laughed, "Define crazy," I smirked softly then sighed, "No. Craig is fine, he's complicated."

They both nodded simply.

"So, us being here isnt going to stall your plans for a baby?"

"No," I shook my head, "Heavens no. I already quit my birth control" I informed him, "We're well on our way to starting a family."

He smiled, "That's good to know."

I nodded, "Ok, well. I just wanted to tell you that we're home," I started to walk away, "Craig's making dinner." I informed them.

"Do I need to call for pizza?" Tyler asked.

"No. My husband is a very good cook," I insisted, "I make him cook for me all the time." I laughed softly then it died as I went into mine and Craig's room. I saw that he had our clothes in laundry piles, then I heard the washing machine running down the hall in the laundry room. I smiled to myself then walked into the bathroom. I stripped myself of all my clothes, started a warm bubble bath, and as the tub filled with water, I lit candles, wanting to relax, not be romantic, but to just calm myself, have some much needed 'me' time.

After a good twenty minutes of soaking, I heard a soft sigh from the door way. I opened my eyes and saw Craig walking in, leaving the light off, letting the candles to continue to give off the light.

"I thought you would wait for me." He mumbled.

I laughed, "I can always take another bath," I insisted, "But I needed to relax, have some 'me' time."

He nodded, "I got you, your smoothie, want me to bring it into you, or are you getting out?"

"I'll get out." I whispered, but didnt make a move to get out.

Craig kneeled down next to the tub and pouted his lips. I pouted my own, and he sighed as he leaned forward and kissing me slowly.

I smiled into the kiss as the light taste of beer, filled my senses. I pulled away from him with my eyebrow raised.

"I just opened it," He insisted, knowing my funny look was about the beer, "I'm home. I need to chill. get my head right."

I nodded agreeing with him, "How about I make dinner."

"No," He shook his head, "I have something planned."

"Oh, do you?"

"Yes." He answered simply as he kissed me again. He then stood to his feet and yawned tiredly as he left the bathroom without another word. I frowned at that, then got out of the tub.

Drying off, I put on a pair of panties, and my dark purple silk robe. I walked into the living room and Craig raised his eyebrow at my clothing, "What's under that?"

"Not much." I answered.

He growled as he kissed my cheek and handed me the smoothie. I smiled happily as I took it from him then looked around.

On the table laid four deli sandwiches on plates, a bag of chips, four cups and a 2-liter bottle of pepsi, "Are you shitting me?" I questioned.

He shook his head, "I decided not to cook. I'm tired." He laughed as he walked to me, and raised his eyebrow, "can I get a sneak preview, of tonight?"

I looked down the hall then back at my husband as I slowly untied my robe. He smiled with a giddy grin then bent down, sucking gently on my collar bone, before nipping on me. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, "Sweetcheeks, stop it."

He shook his head as he moved to my ear, shyly nibbling on my ear lobe. I leaned into him more, knowing damn well he was kissing my weak spots, just to tease me.

I shivered in his arms as goosbumps formed on my skin. He backed away and smirked. I smiled back softly, as I closed my robe, "That's all you get."

He just eyed me with a cute look on his face then went to the kitchen, grabbing his beer that he had just opened.

"Tyler!?" I wailed as I sat down next to Craig.

Tyler came out and frowned, "This is dinner?"

"Shut up and eat, you ungrateful littl shit." Craig joked with a smile on his face.

Tyler made a face at Craig, "Dick." He sat down and started to eat.

Craig looked down the hall then at my brother, "Where's your lovely wifey?"

"She's going to eat later, she's not feeling well."

"Oh.." Was all Craig said as he took a sip of beer, before going back to eating.

After dinner, Craig and I retreated to our room, with the bottle of champagne and two glasses.

Laying in bed, with just a bedside light on dimly, Craig opened the, and poured us each a glass before sitting next to me.

I leaned into him, laying my head on his shoulder as he sipped the champagne, "I can say, that right now I am not getting up before noon tomorrow." I whispered, "I want to make love, and just sleep."

He laughed as he kissed my forehead, "I couldnt agree with you more." He gave me another kiss then took another sip of his champagne.

"Craig," I lifted my head and looked at him, "Do you think my Mom wants to see me?" I questioned.

He looked at me and shrugged, "Honestly Sweetie, I dont know." He insisted, "I wish I did, I wish I knew if she wanted to see you or not, because then, if she didnt, I could save you the pain of rejection."

I looked into the glass, "I've already been rejected. You know, I dont even remember her at all. Nothing about her, not her voice, her perfume, what she looks like, nothing."

He nodded, "I know."

"You've met your Dad." I pointed out.

"I did. I dont like him though," He shrugged, "I couldnt bring myself to love him, or even like him. He tried too little too late. I was 12 when I first met him and I never wanted to see him again."

I nodded to myself more than him before finishing off the rest of my champagne in one gulp. I put the glass on the nightstand, then laid back down. Craig eyed me, "Whats on your mind, Kaykay?"

I shook my head.

"C'mon, talk to me," He put his glass down and laid with me, "I'm your husband, you can tell me anything under the sun." He nodded, "please?"

I looked at him, "I want her in my life," I said softly, "I want a relationship with my Mom. I know she wasnt there for me or my brother, and she left my Father, but I want her in my life when we start our family."

He licked his lips a little bit, "I know you do, but baby, what if she doesnt want you in her life?" He asked, "or what if she comes back into our lives, we have a child, then suddenly, she just leaves like she left you. Then what would we tell our kid? Grandma crazy, and she'll never be back?" He frowned, "I know you hurt, I know you do. But if she wanted to find you, she would. We're trying to start our family, we're trying to get you pregnant, maybe your Dad is right, maybe you should just let this go."

I eyed my husband then nodded.

"You're not going to let this go are you?" He asked.

I shook my head no.

He sighed as he sat back up and grabbed his drink, "Ok. I'm here for you, even if I dont agree with your choice." He said softly.

I reached over and rubbed his back, "I love you, sweetcheeks."

"I love you, too," He poured himself another glass, "and I'll never stop loving you."

I smiled to myself as I continued to rub his back. He let out a long sigh before looking at me, he smiled softly then put his drink down before laying back down with me. He pressed his lips to mine tenderly, "So ... Tyler and Gwen are having a baby. We want to have a baby." He paused, "We need a new house."

I laughed, "Yeah, this apartment isnt big enough."

He reached down to untie my robe, "But, before we go off, house hunting and getting caught up in the real world, I want to take that vacation," He paused, "But before we do that, I want to lay here and make love." He pushed my robe opened, then gently kissed on my neck as he wrapped one arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

I just closed my eyes, focusing on his kissing. Soon enough, our clothes were on the floor, and I was on top of craig, making love. It wasnt slow, but it wasnt rough and fast. Every now and then a moan and a loud sigh would escape our throats as Craig couldnt make up his mind on whether he wanted to lay back, or sit up.

After having peaked, I got off of him and laid down next to him. Panting softly, he reached over and laced his fingers with mine, holding my hand tightly. I rolled onto my side and laid my head on his chest.

He kissed my forehead, and rubbed my back. I felt my eyes get heavy, before I closed them and let sleep take my body over, not saying good night or I love you to my husband, but after that, I dont think there's a need to say anything, it would just ruin the moment.