When a Tornado Meets a Volcano


So here I am. In the principals office. Again.

This shit is getting so old.

They always say the same crap, "Mick, we know you're a good kid," then they pause, swallowing back the vile,"But this just isn't working. You have 17 strikes on insubordination, 13 strikes on obstruction of school property, 9 strikes on public display of affection. This high school can no longer deal with your insolent behavior."

I ususally stop listening to them when they say the first line.

I wonder what school they'll send me to next? Or what fucked up family they have on the waiting list.

Ugh. Just two more years of this crap and I'll be a legal adult. No more Foster Care. No more fake families. No more forced smiles. No more bullshit school.

i looked at the clock. Half an hour had already passed. hopefully the fat ass in front of me will get bored and just say, "Get the hell out of my school!" Thats what the last guy said, and I gladly followed that order.

But following that ended me here in this hell hole.

"Did you hear me Mr. Delani?" he said pounding his fist on the desk.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked politely knowing this would piss him off.

He stared me down and eventually his face started to turn pink, then red, then purple, and just when I thought he was going to explode, he closed his eyes and thourgh clenched teeth said, "Get out."

I shrugged, got up, and left.