When a Tornado Meets a Volcano


I was about to sit down when my phone started ringing. The number was restricted, so I immediately knew who it was.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"He wants you to do a job tonight." Whack said. Well hello to you too. At least he went straight to the point.

"What kind of job?" I asked opening the fridge and looking around for something to eat, Tony wasn't here.

"Stake out, break in."

I sighed and got out a cheese stick,"Same ol', same ol'."

"The papers are already in the car."

"Which one?"

He laughed,"Which one's black and fast?"

I made a tiny gasp of horror,"No! That's my baby! Uh, people will get suspicious. That car is eye candy you know! It's the kind of car the screams 'I'm up to no good!'."

He was talking about my Porshe. My freaking baby.

"You have no choice. And don't worry about drawing attention, the neighborhood you're going to will have way better cars then your crappy Porshe."

"It's not crappy! You're just jealous!"

He hung up. "Well bye to you too, asshole." I took a bite out of my cheese and put the phone away.

Might as well just get things over with.

I put my cheese stick on my dresser. I changed into something dark and comfy and made my way to the car, my freaking Porshe, and saw the file.

Wow. It is a nice neighborhood, Goldwood. Ha ha...wood. Wait, what the fuck business do we have there? I flipped the page to the the house, 273 W. Juby Ln. Damn. Nice home too. The owner was Edmond Joules. Not going to lie, classy name. I flipped to the last page to see the candy to the boss' eye.

My breathe caught in a weird way and I had to spit out the cheese or else I would have choked. In doing so, I jumped a little to catch my breath but the folder almost slipped out of my hand, I reached to catch it but my hand went the other direction and hit the horn.

I shrieked in surprise.Then it was quiet....Then I started laughing.

Holy fuck, thank God no one was here to see this.

"HAAAHHAA!" I laughed hysterically. I was actually cry because I was laughing so hard.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down, which helped. Although I was still shaky.

Well that was weird.

I reached down to grab the folder that fell to the floor of the passenger seat.

I looked at the picture again. It was a 750k diamond. He thinks I can get this? I snorted.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and drove.

When I got there i parked on the corner of the house, under the trees.

I hate stake outs, they're so boring. I can't even listen to music either, GAY!

I reclined the seat and stared at the house...

I heard a shriek and sat straight up. FUCK! I fell asleep!

It was already dark, but two lights of the house were on, the living room and a room on the second story.

A girl, half naked, emerged from the bushes below that window.

"Ha ha," I laughed silently,"Retard."

She scampered off into the street.

I focused on the house again. It looked completely empty... but if it was why would the girl exit out the window? Unless there were cameras... fuck.

I looked at the file. Yep, I don't know why I thought there wouldn't be cameras, a diamond that big must be held in some state-of-the-art shit.

Well...seeing as the girl, or the person inside, didn't worry about getting caught through there... that would be the safest way to enter. Except there was someone in there.

...What's one person? If I could take on three at once I could do this! I geared up and got out of the car.

The file had blue prints of the house and the codes to everything I needed, so I knew exactly what to do when I got inside.

I went through the trees to the window and looked up. This was almost too easy. There was a fence type thing that went up the length of the house all the way up to the third story. Perfect way to get to the second.

I kept a sharp eye out as I started climbing. I jumped over the balcony's edge and crept to the window.

Music was blaring from the inside so they wouldn't hear the window open...if it was open. Ugh! I quickly looked at the lock. YES! It wasn't down. I smiled to myself.

Before I went in, I got my hair in a bun and put on a black beanie.

I pushed the window up as quietly as I could. Once it was all the way up I peered through the curtains. There was a boy laying down with his arms over his head.

I took a deep breath and climbed over the window pane, praying to the dear lord that he was asleep. I made it inside without him stirring. I turned slightly and pulled the window down far enough. With my back to the wall I moved slowly to the door. He wouldn't hear the door open since his music was practically deafening.

I quickly got out of his room and sort of crouched and ran to the end of the hall, where the staircase was.

I went up the stairs silently. When I reached the third floor, I immediately saw the wide double doors to the master bed room. I checked the hall, empty.

I made my way up to the doors and pressed my ear up to it. I didn't hear anything. I pushed open the door without stepping in. It was deserted. I walked over to the bathroom and grabbed some hairspray. I went to the closet next and sprayed the floor, it was clear. I went all the way to the end of the closet where a big mirror was.

How was I going to do this?