It's You That Keeps Me Safe

When Words Got Me down, You Keep Me Up

I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me.

You put a buffer between me and the rest of the world, one that I would likely crumble without. With you in front of me, I can face almost anything. You give me strength to keep going when it feels like everything is turning to shit. You make the world seem beautiful where it otherwise looks ugly.

Where would I be without you? I honestly don't know.

You are my past, my present, my future. I've known many of your siblings throughout the years, all of whom I've loved and cared for as if they were my children until it was time to pass them on. One day it'll be time for you to be passed on as well, but that day is not now.

For now, you are still mine, keeping me safe.
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you and i can get through any weather.