The Part Where Mythology Class Comes in Handy

Madysen Grey and Raven Hastings had a lot in common. Neither felt like they belonged to their families. Their parents swore they weren't adopted but they felt like aliens with them. They were best friends and they made the weirdest things happen. They were determined to find the truth, and in ninth grade, they did.

They were sent into an adventure of sorts that told them the truth about themselves, and brought more questions with it. They were constantly thrown into the paths of danger. But they decided it was worth it, to help put order back into the chaos of the Greek Gods of Olympus.

Disclaimer: I do not own the original plot, but I do own this story idea. I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. I own the madeup characters, but not the people portraying them.

Madysen = Artemis
Raven = Aphrodite

Other [[made up]] characters:
Delilah Cummings = Athena
Catherine Cummings = Athena
Cara Adkisson = Aphrodite
Angel Whitman = Hermes
Ethan = Apollo
Cameron Buckingham = Apollo
Jordan Slaughter = Ares
Logan Slaughter = Ares
Leland Mohler = Athena
Spencer Fugate = Hades
Danny = Dionysus
Isaac = Zeus
Drake = Poseidon


P.S: The reason we put pictures of Artemis and Aphrodite is because they're our parents and they're not really shown in the movie. :)
Oh! And this story is written by me AND my bestest friend Alley, (who was just making fun of me for a typo or two), but she doesn't have a Mibba. Soooooo chapters are only posted by me. :)