The Part Where Mythology Class Comes in Handy

Raelynn's Diner

Madysen Grey was standing in the bathroom at the diner she worked at. She was hastily scrubbing at her work shirt, trying to clean out the Dr. Pepper that was spilled on it. Her friend and co-worker Cameron had decided it would be funny to run into her while taking a tray of soda to a table. Okay, so maybe he didn't decide it would be funny, it was an accident. But he still did it and he still laughed! So, it counts.

The door to the bathroom opened. Raelynn, the diners owner, rushed in. "Madysen! You're keeping customers waiting! Move it along, girl!" She leaned against the counter, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrows. She sighed, chuckling and shaking her head. She grabbed a handful of papertowels and began helping Madysen dry her shirt. "You and that Cameron. Tsk, tsk. This is becoming a regular thing. I might have to change your schedules," she teased. "There, that should be dry enough. Hardly noticeable."

Madysen checked it in the mirror. "I'm so going to kick him in the balls when I see him again," she said as she tossed the damp papertowels into the trash.

Raelynn raised a brow. "Not in my diner, you won't."

"I'll wait until we get out to the car, then."

She laughed heartily. "Oh, sweet, child. Go wait tables, now."

Madysen rushed into the kitchen and grabbed two of the trays waiting for her. She walked into the seating area and found the tables they belonged to.

The bell above the door rang. She turned and saw two guys from her school walk in.

She sighed and walked over to them. "How many?"

"Just the two of us," the taller one with the dark hair said.

"Follow me." Madysen lead them to a table for two, pulling out the chairs for them. "Do you know what you want to drink?" she asked after they were seated.

"Uh, yeah. Just a Mountain Dew for me," the dark haired one said.

"I'll have a Dr. Pepper," the blonde said.

"M'kay. What are your guys' names again?"

"Michael," the dark haired one replied.

"And I'm Isaiah," the blonde said. He winked at her.

She blushed slightly. "Okay. I thought so but I wasn't sure. I'll be right back with your drinks."

She walked back into the kitchen. She grabbed two glasses.

"Why do you look so happy?"

She jumped, almost dropping the glasses. It was Cameron.

She immediately broke into a bigger smile. "Michael and Isaiah are here."

Cameron knew about her crush on Isaiah. "Did you talk to them?"

"Well, yeah. I'm their waitress, I had to."

Cameron rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Well, I asked what soda they wanted. Then i pretended that I didn't know their names."

He furrowed his brows in question. "Why?"

"I didn't want to seem like a creeper, knowing their names!" She defended.

He rolled his eyes again. "Just hurry up and give them their soda."

She smiled again and got their soda. When she brought it to them, they immediately stopped talking.

She slowly handed their soda to them, eyeing both of them.

"Were you guys talking about me?" she joked.

Michael and Isaiah eyed each other for a minute, shrugged, then looked back at her. "Yeah."

Madysen laughed. "Well that's new. Usually they deny it."

Michael shrugged again. "It was mainly him," he said, nodding towards Isaiah.

"Dude, not cool," Isaiah mumbled. He slouched in his chair awkwardly.

"So..." Madysen started.

"So?" Michael continued.

"Do you know what you want to eat yet?" she asked.

"Cheeseburger and fries," Isaiah requested.

"Yeah, with a chocolate shake," Michael added.

"Alright. I'll be right out with that."

She walked away, moving awkwardly with the feeling that they were watching her.

Cameron was sitting back there again. "How about now?"

"They were apparently talking about me."

"Good or bad?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "Here, you're not doing anything. Bring this back to Jake."

Jake was the cook.

Cameron glared. "Sure, make me walk all the way back there."

"You were being a lazy whore."

"Was not!" he defended.

"Just give that to Jake!"

"Jerk." He stuck his tongue out playfully.

She giggled and leaned back against the counter. She pulled out her phone. She had two new messages. The first was from Raven, asking when she got off from work. Madysen texted back, telling her it would be really late.

The second was from Cameron:

I see you ;)

She laughed quietly, shaking her head. She texted back:


Cameron came back to where she was a moment later. "Jake looked angry."

"Probably a bad day," Madysen suggested.

Cameron jumped suddenly. He laughed, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Forgot I had it on vibrate." He opened it up. He gasped, staring at her with offended eyes. "I am not!"

He pushed a few buttons and dramatically slid his phone shut.

Madysen's phone buzzed. She pulled it out. It was, as expected, from Cameron:

I am not!

She laughed. "You just said that, dipshit!"

She texted back anyways.

Don't be a skank.

Cameron's phone buzzed again. He read the message, then narrowed his eyes at her. "I'm gonna kick you."

"Sweet, let's have a kickfest! But not right now. Raelynn said we can't."

She walked back out to the seating area, checking in with her tables, making sure they were doing okay and everything.

Finally, Isaiah and Michael's order was ready. Madysen grabbed their tray and brought it out to them.

"Here you go. Enjoy it," she said with a false menacing tone.

"Okay," Michael said, raising his hands up in defense, "I will."

"Good." She smiled and walked away again.

She checked in with all of her tables again. When she got back to them, they informed her that the ketchup bottle needed to be filled up. She picked up the bottle and went back to the kitchen.

"Thank god it's pretty empty right now. I'm so tired. It's ridiculous."

Cameron nodded his head in agreement.

Madysen frowned. "It needs to hurry up and be the end of my shift."

Cameron checked the clock. "Two more hours. You can do it," he said with fake encouragement.

"Yeah, thanks," Madysen said sarcastically.

She brought the ketchup back out to Michael and Isaiah. "Here ya are. Anything else?"


She went back to the kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later, she went back to check up on them.

"Can we get our bill?" Michael asked.

"No dessert?" Madysen asked jokingly.

"Pfft, we got a chocolate shake!"

"Can I get a refill?" Isaiah asked.

She laughed and got their bill for them, along with a refill for Isaiah.

"Anything else?"

"Uh, yeah. Can I get your number?" Isaiah asked, grinning at Madysen.

She blushed. "Yeah." He handed her his phone and she put in her name and number. "There ya go."

He grinned again. "Thanks."

Then he put twenty bucks on the table. "See you around?" And then he walked off with Michael.

She looked after them, sighing to herself. She picked the money up off of the table.

Their meal was only eleven bucks... DAYUM. She took the actual cost of the bill out and put the remaining in her pocket. Nine bucks for a tip. I totally did not do that good.

Cameron walked up. "What was that I saw with the phone action?" he grinned.

"He totally asked for my number." She did a small jump and squeal.

"Calm down, Madi. You're still at work." He high-fived her and then walked away.

The rest of the night was uneventful.

★ ★ ★

"Oh my god!" Catherine screamed. "He's totally into you!"

"Finally, some action after all these months of spying on him!" Delilah added.

Madysen threw a handful of popcorn at the two sisters. "Shut up, you're making me blush."

Raven laughed at her. "They're right, though."

"You don't know that!" Madysen said. "Don't get my hopes up just so they can be crushed."

"Stop being so pessimistic!" Deliliah demanded.

"Well, I don't want to be optimistic just to find out he doesn't like me!" she retorted.

"Well, be optimistic like, if he likes you, great! If he doesn't, there's plenty of fish in the sea," Catherine suggested.

Madysen shrugged. "I guess."

Raven stuck her tongue out at her. "You're pretty, stop being so emo."

She stuck her tongue back out at her. "Shut up."

Currently, Raven and Madysen were at Catherine and Delilah's house. Catherine and Delilah were twin sisters and had been friends with Raven and Madysen since forever ago. They would have had everyone else over, but their parents said no guys tonight since it was so late. Madysen ended up not getting off until nearly one in the morning. One of the other employees had to leave early so Madysen had to fill in for them. It sucked.

"So, what do we want to do?" Catherine asked.

"I'm kinda tired," Delilah said.

"Yeah, I'm super tired," Madysen added, yawning for emphasis.

"I think we're going to bed then," she giggled.

Delilah and Raven ran upstairs to get pillows and blankets. Madysen and Catherine pulled the two couches out into beds.

"Good night," Raven said after everyone was situated.


Madysen set her phone on the table beside the couch, hoping that when she woke up in the morning, she would have a text from Isaiah.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I realize that there are a lot of pictures to go through on the summary page. i'm sorry, i'm lazy. :P
Sorry if this sucks. It was kind of thrown together at five in the morning. I fell asleep in the middle of it too XP