Status: Finished!


Chapter Ten: "Mine." "Forever."

*Sapphire’s POV*

“I’m going to kiss you.” Gabe’s deep voice shook me to my core.
A kiss.
He had only kissed me once before ,but then I was too shocked with the news that he was my mate and by the fact that he was my first kiss.
And he knew it.
When he set his lips on mine, I was tentative.
What do I do?
Am I doing it right?
Am I…good enough?
Apparently Gabe was a willing teacher.
The rhythm was slightly awkward at first, but when I finally got used to it, it felt…nice.
I had finally begun to like it, he pulled away.
My wolf growled lowly inside.
He trailed little kisses down my throat-my wolf stopped growling and purred in contentment-and nibbled at one spot.
I was wondering why that spot was so special then…
Well, ummm, I think I figured out why.
It felt good.
This time when he stopped, my wolf forced a small growl of frustration from my throat.
Dang me and my politeness.
I want less talking and more action!
Well, I’m not normally this needy.
I blame hormones.
“I’m going to mark you.”
Claim me as his, partially.
For now.
How could I say no?
A small little, “Yes.” came from my mouth.
But for some odd reason, it didn’t sound like me.
I couldn’t help the words that then burst from my lips.
“I love you, Gabe.”
I shouldn’t have said that judging by the look on Gabe’s face.
I ruined the moment.
“I love you, too, Phire.”
I think I did just fine.
He leaned down and nuzzled my neck once more, licking the spot that he was going to mark to get the circulation flowing.
I shivered at the contact.
He chuckled against my skin.
One final lick…
It was pleasure.
It was pain.
It was ecstasy.
It was horror.
It was so GOOD.
Any other moment I would have died of embarrassment, but the small little moan that escaped throat didn’t embarrass me in the least.
It certainly didn’t embarrass Gabe, it only turned him on more.
He pulled away only to look into my eyes.
He licked the excess blood from the wound, never breaking eye contact.
He gave me an Eskimo kiss, blue eyes boring into green.
“Mine.” he murmured.
I fell asleep in my love’s embrace
♠ ♠ ♠
Shortish. Sorry. Kinda sappy but if you weren't suckers for sap you wouldn't be reading my stuff, now would you? P.S. Sap lovers unite!:-)
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