Status: Finished!


Chapter Eleven: I hate suprises

*Gabe’s POV*
“Gabe? Where are we going?!” Phire’s voice was so begging that I contemplated taking off the blindfold.
To bad I knew her too well to fall for it.
She growled at me (it sounded like a puppy!) and I laughed.
“Where are we going?!”
“You’ll see love. You’ll see.”
She’s going to love it!

*Phire’s POV*

To bite him or not to bite him.
That is the question.
Before I went through with my decision (which was bite him), a wind suddenly shifted around us.
A portal?
Where in the world is he taking me?
The wind stopped and I heard shuffling about me.
“I’m here Phire.”
“Can I take off the blindfold?”
“Not yet, sweetheart.”
1 Mississippi.
2 Mississippi.
3 Mississippi.
4 Miss…
“Ok. You can take it off now.”
“It’s about time! I was to 4 Mississippi!”
I heard Gabe’s deep chuckle from somewhere near me.
I reached around my head to find the tie to the bandanna that Gabe had tied around my head.
I blinked as my eyes tried get used to the light after being so deprived of it moments before.
My eyes adjusted a minute or two later, and what I saw astonished me.
“Yes Phire?”
“Did you do ALL of this?”
“You know I love you, right?”
“It’s always good to hear.”
I smiled up at him and he smiled back.
Before me was a salon, hair and makeup products about every surface.
But that’s not what was made me so happy.
Hanging in the middle of the room, on display, was my mother’s wedding dress, a necklace with a ring dangling about the mannequin’s neck.
A sign hung about the dress’s midriff, proclaiming,
“Sapphire Rose Diavolo, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
I turned around to face Gabe.
“Did you even have to ask?” and threw myself into his arms.
“Well, go on up there. We’re getting married today.”
My voice shook.
“Today? How?”
“Don’t disappoint me now. I’ve already sent the invitations.”
A cocky smirk tugged at his mouth.
He’s so sure of himself, isn’t he?
He took my arm and lead me forward until I sat in a beautician’s chair.
He kissed me goodbye and left.
One thought ran over and over in my head as I was being prepped.
I’m getting married.
To Gabe.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of short but it's sweet so I hope you like!
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