Status: Finished!


Chapter Three: Fighting is the way of life. Well, my life.

*Gabe’s POV*
She shouldn’t have kissed me.
I shouldn’t have allowed her to kiss me.
I shouldn’t have kissed her back.
I shouldn’t have enjoyed it so fucking much.
I punched the wall beside me, a dent appearing in the hard cement.
I paid not attention to the fact that my knuckles were bleeding, only the fact that the pain kept my mind off of her.
Off of her smile.
Her lips.
Her eyes.
Damn! I’m doing it again.
I want her for myself but it wasn’t meant to be.
I am a servant.
She is a princess.
I am too low on the social ladder for the likes of her.
But whenever she accidentally brushed up against me, I have to clench my hands so as not touch her.
To make love to her.
To mark her as mine.
I was standing there, bleeding and staring at nothing for who knows how long, until Echo entered the hallway and cleared his throat.
My head shot up at the sound and my stance immediately became defensive, my feet slightly spread and hands bunched into fists in front of me.
“Chill, bro. It’s only me. Be happy that it is, with you bleeding like that. You could mauled like that.” Echo’s voice soothed my frayed nerves slightly.
“Good. I’ll just bleed. I’m itching for a good fight.” And I am.
I would just love to beat somebody into a bloody pulp. It would be the highlight of my day.
Well, other than seeing Phire naked…
“Me too. You want to go to the gym?”
Of course I can’t kill Echo but it would relieve some stress.
I don’t know what I would do without Echo.
He’s my best friend, besides Phire and is the only one who knows how much I love her.
And what is keeping me away from her.
He took my arm and teleported us to the huge gym.
“Before we start, let’s just punch the bags around for a bit and talk. Gives us less chance to kill each other.”
I nodded my agreement.
“What’s wrong with you?” I decided that I should ask first because once he heard of the attack on Phire he will go ballistic.
“I have to get married in a few months and I still haven’t found a decent girl. It’s just frustrating me.” As he was speaking, he’s punch the weighted bag harder and harder with each word.
“What about you?”
“Today, Phire went to take a shower and I was just sitting on the bed. All of a sudden I heard her scream for me so I turned into my wolf and knocked down the door. Cole had her trapped from behind, his hand on her mouth and was feeding from her. He let her go and I attacked him, I didn’t want to risk hurting her. I got him good, I’m pretty sure I broke all of his ribs and an arm or two. The bastard teleported before I could finish him off.”
I stopped and looked up to gage Echo’s reaction.
Which was pissed.
“That son of a bitch!” he shouted but we both knew that there was no way to track him.
Echo just punched the bag a little harder than before so I decided to continue.
“I turned around to find Phire on the ground and she was just so pale. The only thing covering her up, which I guess she put on herself, was a towel. I spoke to see if she was conscious and picked her up and put her in her bed. I covered her up and went to go tell your dad but she said, ‘Please don’t leave me.’ so I stayed.
She was shivering so I got in the bed…” Echo gave me a look like what-in-the-hell-did-you-just-say and I quickly amended myself.
“…on top of the covers and warmed her up. Suddenly she turned towards me and said thanks. I said anytime and she kissed me.
I stopped it but before I did I kissed her back.
It was tasting something I can never have and it killed me. I don’t know how much longer I can take this!” I ran my hand through my blond hair in exasperation.
Echo just stood there, passive.
“You know, I have thought about this a lot and I realized something. If I had to choice any guy to be with Phire it would be you.” I wasn’t expecting that.
“Because I am overprotective as shit with her and you are more so than I am. I know she will always be taken care of.”
I silently added: from everybody but me.
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