Status: Finished!


Chapter Four: The gynecologist’s + dress shopping =fun!

*Back to Phire’s POV*

“I watch you spin around in your highest heels
You are the best one, of the best ones
We all look like we feel…” (Stolen by Dashboard Confessional)
“Hello?” I mumbled sleepily into my phone, rubbing sleep from my eyes.
“Hey sweetheart. How are you?” My dad’s voice
soothes me but not today.
“Gabe called you didn’t he?”
“Yeah but don’t get mad at him honey. He was right to call me.”
“I’m not mad. Sheesh. I just figured.”
“Oh, well. I have to go! It’s a five minute break between meetings and I have to go! I love you, baby girl!”
“I love you ,too dad. See you soon!”
“You too, bye!” An audible click sounded in my ear when he hung up.
I put my phone on my nightstand and rolled over, throwing my arm over my eyes.
“Up Phire. Up! Your mom wants you up so you can go get a dress for dinner!”
If you have not noticed by now, Gabe is my alarm clock.
Without an off switch.
“Why…I hate dinner parties. And why do I have to get another dress. All the other ones have been worn maybe once! Grrr!”
While I was complaining I was getting up, knowing that if I didn’t then Gabe would get me up.
“She also said something about a werewolf gynecologist.” He smirked at the blush that came over my face.
“I’m glad that I haven’t been in heat. I won’t lose my virginity just because I am frustrated and guys can’t keep it in their pants.” I grumbled, grabbing a matching shirt and pants from my closet.
Gabe chuckled.
I sent him a glare and he covered his mouth to hide his laughter.
I picked up me iPod and went to take a shower and then I realized a very important fact.
There was no door.
I sighed and turned to Gabe.
“When I am gone with mom, fix the door.” I ordered but he just grinned at me.
“Nope. I’m going with you.”
“Your mom told me that I was coming with you in case something happens.”
I groaned and turned back toward the bathroom, calling over my shoulder, “Keep your eyes to yourself!”
I turned on my iPod to The Used.
Liar Liar (Burn in Hell) thrummed through the iHome’s speakers.
This was the perfect song to listen to when you are angry, trust me, I would know.
I took a shower, in peace this time, and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist.
Born to Quit was playing now and I twirled with the towel around me.

“Exercise the demon
That is living up inside you
After all you think you’ve been through
Just what have you been through?”

I heard someone laughing and glanced up, startled.
Gabe stood there, holding his sides he was laughing so hard.
“You’re just jealous of my dorky-ness.”
I almost stuck my tongue out at him but remembered what he had learned from my dad.
I did not want to hear that right now.
I motioned for him to turn around even though I went behind a wall and changed.
I came out and grabbed my phone and then his hand.
I dragged him downstairs.
My mom, Lizzy, was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs.
“Hey mom.”
“Hey honey. Before we go dress shopping we are going to the gynecologist’s.” she told me in the talking-about-weather tone.
“Mom, I am fine. I don’t even want to go into heat.”
“Well, too bad. We are going. I am worried about you and that is final!”
Uh oh. She said that it’s final. It’s official. I am not getting out of this.
Gabe snickered beside me and I socked him.
He grumbled playfully and rubbed his bicep.
I was actually kind of jealous of the hand that was rubbing his arm…
I shook my head to clear my head of those thoughts.
Gabe didn’t like me, he just didn’t.
I looked up from Gabe’s arm to find my mom looking at me knowingly.
She had a mischievous glint in her eyes and I immediately shook my head ‘no’.
Her mouth opened to speak and quickly ran over to her and took her arm.
“We better get going. Don’t want to be late.”
I actually never wanted to show up but it was either going to the gyno once or having Gabe know that I liked him and seeing him everyday.
Yes, I kissed him and I enjoyed it but Gabe pulled back so fast that I was sure that he thought of me like a sister.
Nothing more.
I glanced back to see if Gabe was following and he was but he was looking at me weird.
Oh, well.
We got into the stretch SUV and mom told our driver, Charles, our destination.
Charles’ eyebrows raised when he heard.
I lowered my head and blushed, my mom laughing beside me.
“You know, I could just tell dad that I was going to the gyno and not tell him what for…” I threatened and her eyes widened.
“You won’t.” she said.
I smiled evilly at her.
“You have more of your father in you than I thought.” she muttered and that was the end of that.
I smiled in triumph all the way until we got to the gyno’s and then my smile magically disappeared.
I was nervous.
Really really nervous.
What is something is wrong with me?
What if I can’t have children?
Gabe must have noticed the look on my face because he threw an arm over my shoulder.
“You’ll be fine.” he soothed.
It’s times like theses in which I am glad that he knows me better than I know myself.
“Thanks Gabe.” I replied as he held the door to the office open for me.
I signed in and went and sat with my mom and Gabe.
A few minutes and a million butterflies later, a nurse called me back.
I rose to leave when my mom grabbed my hand.
Gabe smiled reassured at me.
I took at deep breath for courage and headed toward the nurse’s office.
A man greeted me while the door was still open.
“Hello, Sapphire. I am Dr. James. I will be checking up on you today.”
I didn’t notice the deathly look upon Gabe’s face.
Even if I did I’m not sure I’d want to.

*Thirty minutes later*

Mom was satisfied now that the doctor had confirmed that I was just a late bloomer but to be careful because it could happen at anytime.
I walked out of the office to find Gabe grimacing as a blonde chick rubbed herself all over him.
I was used to this by now but I couldn’t help the little squirt of jealousy that appeared in my stomach.
A plan formed in my mind.
This was going to be fun.
I walked over to Gabe who looked relieved.
Until he saw the look on my face.
“Hey, honey!” I smiled at Gabe.
The tramp gave me a death glare.
Do I look like I care?
Sure fooled her, didn’t I?
“Guess what? You’re going to be a father!”
I acted giddy and Gabe finally caught on.
“How long?” he asked, smiling.
“It’s been a month. I can’t wait!”
Gabe came and put his arm over my shoulders, resting his chin on the top of my head.
“Me either honey.” he replied as the blonde chick huffed and glared.
She finally got that Gabe was not interested and stomped off, pouting.
We stood there for a minute or two, laughing.
When we had stopped, Gabe spoke up.
“So, what did the doctor say?”
“I’m just a late bloomer.” I replied and gave me a look like nah-I-couldn’t-tell.
I rolled my eyes at him then realized something.
“Where’s mom?”
“While you were being my mother-to-be she went to the car.”
“Oh, no! We’re keeping her waiting!” I hated keeping my mom waiting right before dress shopping.
Every minute I delay her=one more store to go in.
I quickly bolted to the car, not caring if Gabe was following or not.
I threw open the door to find my mom on the SUV floor laughing.
She managed to stop laughing after ten minutes, by then we were halfway to the nearest town, and finally spoke.
“The look on your face! It was like the Hounds of Hell were after you!” While saying that she resorted to another fit of giggles.
I rolled my eyes at her.
We had stopped in front of my mom’s favorite dress shop, Dana’s Designer Dresses (A/N: Fake!).
I groaned and we got out of the car.
My mom looked for anything that would look good on her, hence would look good on me.
I found one that I absolutely loved. It was light blue and looked good with my pale skin. It went to mid-thigh and was spaghetti strap.
It was perfect.
Thank goodness my mom agreed or we would be here for hours.
Time to go home and get ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, this was long. Phew!
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