Status: Finished!


Chapter Five This is why starting your heat in a room full of werewolves is very bad.

My friend, Alyssa, who was also a maid, helped me with my hair and makeup.
No blush was needed because if this dinner was anything like the others my face would be too red throughout the night.
I was blushing just thinking about the crude .remarks the males will make.
Towards me.
The maids.
My mom.
Women in general.
Alyssa applied a bit of eyeliner and purple mascara that for some reason made my green eyes, that I inherited from mom, pop.
She arranged my array of black curls in a semi-decent matter, leaving them down to flow around my face.
“Finished!” she declared.
She held up a hand mirror before me so I could inspect myself.
In my place was a pretty girl, someone confident.
Someone who stood a slight chance at receiving Gabe’s heart.
I sighed knowing that that would never happen.
I didn’t stand a chance in being able to love Gabe.
Because my love would never be returned.
I stood up, twirling slowly to receive Alyssa’s full inspection.
“Perfect.” she complimented, giving me a small hug that wouldn’t mess up my dress or makeup.
“Thank you, Alyssa. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Nothing. Your beautiful anyway, I just boosted it to it’s full potential.” She smiled.
“Sure you did. Thanks for the boost.” I replied dryly.
We both laughed.
She shooed me out of the door because it was five ‘til six.
Dinner started at six.
I walked out the door to see a very handsome Gabe standing in a black tux, his blond hair tugged away from his handsome face in a small queue at the nape of his neck.
I almost drooled.
“Are you ready, milady?” he said, extending his arm towards me.
“Yes. And who’s the dork now?”
He chuckled and I took his arm.
“You look pretty.” he complimented.
Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, wishing that he could be telling me that and meaning it.
“You’re pretty too.” I replied cheekily.
He gazed down at me with a un-amused look upon his face.
I smiled innocently at him.
We were now at the top of the winding stairway that led to the ballroom.
“Don’t let me fall.” I murmured.
“I’m your bodyguard. I can’t let anything hurt you. Even yourself.”
“Thanks.” My dry wit returned.
As was our routine we counted down from ten.
Deep breath for courage.
We descended the steps one by one, him making sure I wouldn’t fall, me trying not to fall.
I inherited clumsiness from my mother ,too.
We had fully descended the steps without mishap. I felt quite accomplished.
Clapping sounded throughout the marble ballroom, echoing about the rafters.
My brother, Echo, came toward us.
He turned to me.
“May I have this dance?”
“I know not, kind sir. It’s dependent upon the decency of the situation as deemed by my governess.” I turned expectantly to Gabe.
A very un-amused Gabe.
“Get out of here, you rat!” he shooed me away.
Before I was out of earshot, I could have sworn I heard him mutter, “Cheeky little she-devil.”
I grinned.
Echo spun me easily around the dance floor, his swift and graceful movements compensating for my mistakes.
“I see those dance lessons had no effect.”
“You know me. I am the least graceful out of all of us…that’s saying a lot since I am including mom in ‘us’ .”
Echo chuckled.
“I should so tell mom you said that but I think I’ll keep it to myself for a bit. It’s too funny!”
I smiled up at him, shaking my head.
The song ended and everyone clapped.
My mom approached the microphone, adjusting it to her height.
“Hello, everyone! I hope you had fun dancing but dinner is about to be served. After wards you can get back to partying but let’s go eat!”
Everyone clambered into the long dining hall, the chandeliers spreading a pleasant glow throughout the room.
People’s voices hummed throughout the entire room.
I took my seat by the head of the table, which is my mother while my father is gone, and across from my brother.
Gabe took his place beside me.
By the main course, all of the men were trashed, slurring and leering at anything female.
They touched the maid’s butts as they walked by to serve the food.
One keep leering at me, but stopped when Gabe sent him a glare meant to kill.
I was just taking a sip of my tea when a fire began in my stomach.
It burned and forged quickly in me.
I gasped in shock and pain, not caring where I was.
Who I was.
Gabe was leaning over me.
I fell out of the chair?
I vaguely heard him calling, “Phire? Sapphire?”
I began to realize after a moment that the fire burning me wanted something.
I just didn’t know what.
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.
And Gabe.
And every male of the werewolf persuasion throughout the dining hall.
The fire wanted sex.
I had finally gone into heat.
Gabe’s nostrils flared and then he stared at me.
Something primitive and predatory look crossed over his features.
I have seen that look only once before, on the face of my friend’s (a fellow werewolf) mate’s face whenever he looked at her.
Oh, crap.
Gabe is my mate.
I am in heat.
This can’t be good.
It seems like it just got worse.
Gabe growled loud enough for all to hear, “Mine.” then picked me up and carried me away.
Where too?
Nobody knows.
I, no rather my wolf, didn’t really care.
She had excepted Gabe as her mate.
But would he except us?
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